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Subject: Fighting the Wrong Battles
A friend brought a recent blog post to my attention titled, Ideology is Making America Stupid. Written by John R. Schindler, a professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, it argues that those on both the political left and right engage in pressing their personal ideologies — a process that he characterizes as: "the substitution of preset cliches over actual thought." Well, that statement gave me pause, as this is certainly not what ideology means to me. So off to the dictionaries I went. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary states:
For a rational individual, aspects of all three definitions describe what a personal ideology consists of and how it properly functions, being a systematic (i.e., integrated) body of knowledge used to guide one's thinking in relation to society, culture and sociopolitical ends. In other words, a rational ideology is merely a subset of a broader rational philosophy of life. However, this does not correspond to Schindler's usage. Further investigation at the online Dictionary.com yields this:
This less flattering definition seems closer to the author's meaning, where systematized knowledge is replaced by adherence to doctrine, myth and belief — what I would call a pseudo-ideology. And yes, it is easy to look around and find people who come to the majority of their positions through a process of osmosis devoid of any meaningful critical analysis. The ideology of a rational person is fact-based and always open to revision in light of new evidence. But for the person holding a pseudo-ideology, adherence to their world view is a precarious necessity since their unexamined identity has become equivalent to the ideology they have adopted. To change the latter would be to lose oneself — and people will fight tooth and nail to maintain their self-image. So when the author comments:
Given the second set of definitions, there is no reason to disagree. Schindler goes on to discuss U.S. foreign policy, but concludes:
But what about the more rational meaning of ideology? Even if the average American implicitly operates more on whim than reason, this is not an excuse to abandon the pursuit of a reality-based philosophy as a guide for one's actions. Dealing with issues in isolation (i.e., in an unintegrated manner) is extremely dangerous and is probably the single greatest cause for the world's troubles. To properly address most national or global issues, a well integrated and rational perspective is a necessity. Let's be careful not to abandon the very real need for a properly based ideological framework as we go about exposing pseudo-ideologies for what they are. As I was reading this article, another thought struck me regarding the author's identification of the differences in ideologies. I realized that a great majority of the debate occurring in this country takes place over polarizing issues between left and right. Whether we are discussing abortion, the death penalty, gay rights, property rights, guns, social equality, taxes, the environment, health care, entitlements, wealth redistribution, foreign aid, privacy, etc., the focus is usually centered around pragmatic, concrete concerns. Yet, something important is usually missing, just as it is missing from the discussion in Schindler's piece. Regardless of one's position on any of these specific issues, there is another underlying struggle running orthogonal to them all — the fight for individual freedom versus collective totalitarianism. In other words, the battle for liberty. I was immediately reminded of the chart that David Nolan constructed back in 1969 (left below), which integrates a perspective on both economic and personal freedom. This chart clearly demonstrates how the classical left-right tug-of-war has little to do with advancing towards greater freedom and, in fact, shows how focusing too much on standard political left-right issues can blind us to movement in the opposing direction. In 1969, it was commonly understood that the conservative Republicans were, in general, strong supporters of economic freedom while the liberal Democrats advocated for personal self-expression and choice. However, over the past four decades, the left-wing and right-wing designations have each shifted significantly towards the lower-left, moving ever closer towards the totalitarian position, as depicted in the revised chart to the right. Recent history shows that while people argue over their pet political left-right issues until each of them is ultimately decided, regardless of whether the specific outcomes are judged favorably or not, the bitter reality is that personal liberty is almost always further curtailed in the process. What becomes clear is that, in many cases, we are wasting precious resources and valuable time fighting the wrong battles. Of course, this is not to say that there are not important aspects affecting our liberty contained in every one of the left-right issues. The point is that while we focus on whether or not birth control should be mandated, or whether tax dollars should be used to bail out car companies, or whether common core is a good educational approach, or whether certain people should be allowed to marry, we are not directly focusing on our personal freedom. Why? Because personal freedom means autonomy and the ability to exercise control over one's own life. It means that the above questions, and many like them, are ones asked and answered in the privacy of one's own mind and are not subject to external debate, let alone government control. By engaging in these debates, we implicitly grant that the answers are up to others to decide for us. What we must do is stop looking to our left or right and instead look forward towards our goal located in the upper-right corner of the chart. We need to stop playing the politicians' game where they are the ones allowed to define the issues. Instead, we must adopt the other axis and reframe the debate in clear liberty-versus-slavery terms, making the choice clear through our own examples. It is time to set rather than follow the agenda. In other words, it is time to directly assert our liberty ideology in uncompromising terms. |
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Subject: A Life of One's Own? — Fugget About It!
"Citizenship demands a sense of common cause;
participation in the hard work of self-government; an
obligation to serve our communities."
—Barack Obama – 2014 State of the Union Address Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... Behind the scenes, the gears continue to turn slowly but continuously, always working to advance the progressive agenda. While Obama acts as the carney—the front man for our dark national circus—constantly repeating lies until they become accepted by many as though they were simple facts, there is an army operating in the shadows, often financed with our tax dollars, busily planning how to further exert control over our lives. While explicitly contravening the Declaration of Independence, our president stands on the national stage and asserts that you are not sovereign over your life, liberty and property. He states that your citizenship is not a right, but an obligation—a debt that must be repaid to your master, the state. And how does he intend to collect? Well, confiscation of property through increased taxes and ever expanding regulations is certainly one method, but insufficient in that it only asserts control over the material side of existence, leaving the spiritual realm unconstrained. The essence of Ellsworth Toohey residing within Obama and most other politicians, seeks to control the very souls of men, enslaving them to their purpose. And the best way to accomplish this is by initiating a program of national service—voluntary at first, but what, in the end, will be a mandate for all. And in accordance with his now famous proclamation, "I've got a pen and I've got a phone," for the most part, this will be accomplished outside of the legislative purview of Congress. In the past I have often discussed the federal tactic of bribing states into mandating compulsory community service for public school children of all ages, through a program known as Service Learning. Some of the better articles may be found here. This educational indoctrination is one of the major beachheads in the progressive's playbook. In an article titled, Answering the State of the Union's Call to Citizenship, Tara Maller, the associate director for strategic communications at the Aspen Institute's Franklin Project, reveals another significant approach for transmuting Obama's dream into reality. Here are some excerpts from Maller's missive:
I have written previously regarding the Franklin Project, and looking at their home page we find the following statement:
Voluntary? Unbelievable. Another case of the Big Lie writ large! Government is a repository of force. Voluntary programs are not "institutionalized" and they certainly do not involve a "national service certification (i.e., registration) system"! To call these programs "voluntary" is precisely equivalent to when Harry Reid tells us that paying our income tax is "voluntary". And notice the bait-and-switch involved with equating a program of national service with being a good "global citizen". This effort has nothing to do with our nation and everything to do with the establishment of a unified and collectivized world government under the auspices of the United Nations. Finally, let us not ignore the Orwellian threat that no one would dare "choose" to forgo their "voluntary" period of enslavement to national service. If ever there was "an offer that can't be refused," this would certainly qualify! Make no mistake, here we are looking directly into the face of pure evil — fully self-aware of its intent and consequences. It is through the Corporation for National & Community Service that the majority of these service programs are organized and funded. During the past five years this program has received somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.4 billion in taxpayer dollars to fund this push for national service. You might like to contact your state Senators and Representative and let them know what you think about how your money is being spent. In addition, the Franklin Project is being sponsored by the following private corporations. Where available, contact information is provided should you like to give any of them some personal feedback.
The advance towards enslavement continues. Organizations such as the Aspen Institute, funded by private corporations, are working day in, day out to ensure that the ability to control our own destiny is eliminated and that the will of every individual is bent to the dictates of the collective state. The only thing capable of stopping this relentless march is for enough people to stand up and say NO! Say NO! to the corporations and foundations that fund these operations. Say NO! to the local school boards and organizations that implement them. Say NO! to the neighbors who promote these ideas. And say NO! to the politicians who believe that they have the right to substitute their thoughts and desires in place of our own. Do not remain silent and recede into the background. Instead, become a visible presence and a powerful voice for the principles of individualism and personal freedom. |
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Subject: Happy New Year
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Here's wishing everyone a joyful, prosperous and freer life in 2014.
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Subject: The Ends Justify the Means
Most contemporary politicians have learned to engage in the technique of the Big Lie as a routine part of their day-to-day speech. But President Obama is a master practitioner, surpassed by no one. Whether he is promising the voters that his administration would:
or he is:
he does it with a straight face, often accompanied by a wagging finger and condescending glare. Amidst all of these falsehoods there is a new one that has been bothering me of late. Everyone is talking about Obama's oft repeated lie that if you wanted to keep your current heath insurance, you could. It is then reported that many people with individual policies are now receiving termination notices from their carriers, but that these cancellations amounts to only a small percentage of the insured — typically somewhere between 5-15% of the total. This itself is another Big Lie, intended to deceive the public into believing that this was only a small problem with the law. However, the truth is that the vast majority of all insured people are having their policies canceled! It is just that the rest of the people get their group insurance through some third-party such as their employer. Nevertheless, every one of those group-based policies is also being canceled and the group administrators have been forced to negotiate new policies in their place. Just because the end users don't observe what is going on behind the scene, doesn't make this any less real. How could it be otherwise? The new legislation imposes untold numbers of new requirements on the health care industry, and new policies would be required in order to meet the conditions of the law. All of this was perfectly foreseeable from the very first day that this new nationalization of health care started to be discussed. It was crystal clear that this would be the case when Obamacare was passed. And it was known to every human on the planet who had their eyes open, every time Obama guaranteed that it was not true. Therefore, it is extremely aggravating to see people act surprised that policies are being canceled, or hear them say that it affects only a small percentage of people, or watch them profess to be shocked that Obama lied to them! Of course he lied! He always lies. For Barack Obama, the ends always justify the means. What's more saddening is how few have come to understand what his end game actually is. Randy Newman wrote a wonderful song (slightly modified here in the pursuit of accuracy) that does a great job of expressing the essence of Obama and his manifest disregard for truth and integrity.
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Subject: It's a No Brainer
In a new article in the Huffington Post entitled, "National Service is a 'No Brainer'," Terry Branstad, the Governor of Iowa, waxes on about the glories inherent in service to the state. He begins:
As with most people who support national service, Branstad intermingles the terms volunteerism and service as though they were equivalent. This is no accident, and is done with a subtle but sinister purpose. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
While volunteerism is explicitly a matter of free individual choice in pursuit of something of value, the idea of service contains within it an implication of duty (servant) and altruism (the welfare of others). The purpose of weaving these two terms together is to undermine the the idea of personal value and choice and replace it with a sense of external duty. And in case there is any doubt that this is the goal, consider the following definition from the World English Dictionary:
Here, we see that the pursuit of the volunteer's own values have disappeared, being replace by "the benefit of other people," while "social responsibility" has been substituted for what was once a free and unconstrained choice. And what we are left with is volunteerism without any remnant of the voluntary. This process illustrates how language is intentionally undermined in order to change the very manner in which the uncritical person thinks. Branstad certainly drives this point home when he informs us that there is a "new covenant between government and the people." A covenant is a binding agreement—one which he has unilaterally imposed upon the rest of us by fiat, without need of our consent. But that is just the beginning. In reading through the remainder of Branstad's article, it becomes abundantly clear what the Governor means by voluntary. Branstad speaks glowingly of numerous federal and state Service organizations including: AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, the Volunteer Generation Fund, the new national FEMA Corps partnership and Reading Corps. But never does he consider what makes each of these groups possible? Every one of them is funded by taxpayer dollars—taxes taken from individuals under threat of force and then used for purposes which they may or may not support. You might think that there is nothing voluntary happening on the input side of this equation, but Branstad's covenant says otherwise. And what about the people who directly participate in each of these organizations? Do the recruiters, trainers, schedulers, managers and administrators of this wide array of programs "volunteer" their time? Do the service providers working in these programs simply donate their efforts? Does Governor Branstad follow his own heart-felt advice and freely contribute his time and energy in service of the people of Iowa? Of course not. In most cases all of these people are being paid for their efforts. Again, you might argue that this isn't volunteering — this is what the rest of the world on the paying side of the "grand bargain" just happen to call a job. In the private sector, people might think of their job as an exchange of value-for-value with their employer, but there are few if any who would describe their working to earn a living as "volunteering". So how does it magically become so when administered by government? The answer is Newspeak. Maybe, when thinking about volunteering, Mr. Branstad has his school system's Service Learning program in mind. In this sweet scheme, states get federal dollars in exchange for requiring school children to perform community service activities as a requirement for advancing from grade to grade, or graduating. Well, these kids are certainly not receiving a paycheck for their required work, and there's no escaping the requirement, seeing as school attendance is mandatory. So there is nothing ambiguous here. This is outright slavery—forced work without any form of compensation. But I guess if you are a person with a mind as "flexible" as Branstad's, you can reconcile your support for the 13th Amendment with your support for programs such as this by simply calling it volunteerism. Problem solved. Governments were formed as protectors of individual rights, and were accorded a monopoly on the use of retaliatory force, constrained by codified law, in an attempt to insure that that use of that force was objective and just. Force is the only tool in the politician's box, and this is why the Constitution strictly limited the scope and powers of all forms of government. But today we are living in a post-Constitutional era where the reach of government is practically unconstrained. All of the service programs lauded by Branstad are actually wealth-transfer schemes, using force to extract earnings from one group of citizens and placing it in the pockets of another group. But beyond that, the real but unstated end-goal is the establishment of mandatory national service requirements for all American citizens, where everyone will be conscripted into years of service to the state. To all freedom-loving people, I would argue that you not only avoid any form of government "service" programs, but that you work to actively oppose them at every opportunity. If so inclined, there are many opportunities to contribute time, money or effort to private organizations engaged in meaningful activities. But every contribution to these government programs provide not only resources, but a sanction for the further establishment of a system rapidly evolving into a master-slave relationship — and you, most certainly, are not going to be the master! There is one point that Governor Branstad makes with which I do wholeheartedly agree. For him, service is a "no brainer." Well, he said it, not me. |
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Subject: Coup d'Etat?
In a July 13th article titled Coup d-etat, Paul Craig Roberts, the chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, wrote:
Well, if this is a coup, then paraphrasing Ayn Rand's comments about the supposed "rape" scene in The Fountainhead, it is a coup by engraved invitation, seeing as there is so little real opposition being mounted to many of the issues that Roberts raises in his piece. For generations, the American people have been indoctrinated by government-run education, to forget that, as the Declaration of Independence so clearly states:
It is only a coup so long as the citizens of this country — meaning you, me and others — stand by and allow our sovereignty and our rights to be trampled by this group of smooth talking, totalitarian-bent, street thugs. It is time for every person that understands what is at stake to withdraw their consent from this illegitimate government that is no longer bound by Constitutional restraints and neither represents our interests nor protects our sovereignty. It is time to assert our right to alter or abolish this creeping tyranny and replace it with government that explicitly acknowledges the meaning of the term individual rights, and serves to respect and protect them. Roberts concludes his piece with the observation:
He is correct. There is no magic savior coming to rescue us from this pending fate. It is up to us to act—and to act now—if we wish to retain the vestiges of freedom we still possess and to restore the full meaning of personal liberty represented by America's founding principles. We must each make pushing back agains tyranny a part of our daily lives. We cannot remain quiet in response to our disgust and opposition to what is happening, but should instead become very loud, forceful, and public in expressing our awareness of how our rights are being violated, letting others know, in no uncertain terms, that we refuse to sit back quietly and submit. We must become activists for freedom by, for example, writing frequent letters to the editors of local papers, or by organizing protest marches and rallies against specific government officials who commit abuses, or by establishing groups within your community where you and others lecture to educate more people as to what is happening all around us. To achieve values in our life requires energy and commitment. Ask yourself what your personal freedom is worth to you and then make sure that you have a plan and are investing an appropriate amount of time, effort and resources to give yourself a reasonable chance of achieving your goal. If enough people are willing to fight for their freedom, then it can be realized. Place yourself on the right side in this battle. |
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Subject: Thar She Blows!
The Great White One has been spotted, and it's coming home to roost.* In a number of previous articles on the subject of mandatory national and community service, I predicted that once the distractions of Obamacare and the 2012 elections were behind them, the Obama administration would once again resume the push to implement its goal of involuntary servitude to the federal government as a requirement of citizenship. And while a new set of distraction has arisen surrounding the Benghazi Embassy killings, the IRS targeting of individuals and groups, the Justice Department's AP and Fox News wiretaps and secret investigations and the deaths surrounding the ATF's "Fast and Furious" program, this has not stopped Obama from keeping this issue in the forefront of his overall agenda, with two recent examples discussed here and here. Team Obama has now recruited General Stanley McChrystal to pick up the ball for this cause and move it down the field. On May 29th, McChrystal penned an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, titled, Lincoln's Call to Service—and Ours, and which is subtitled: "A proposal that would help young Americans understand that civic duty is not restricted to the military." The purpose of that statement is to get the phrase, "civic duty," to fly under the radar and be accepted as a given, without the need to evaluate the truth or falsity of this proposition. In an attempt to evoke sympathy for his cause through association with Abraham Lincoln, McChrystal speaks of that president's "Call to Service." But there was no such "call." That is a word implying a request for voluntary action on the part of others. What Lincoln and Congress did was to reinstitute military conscription and force men to fight, even if it went against their will. A "duty" imposed by some upon others is no duty at all, but nothing short of slavery—which, of course, is the immense and tragic irony underlying the Civil War. McChrystal's failure to identify this simple truth shows what game he is playing here. Here is some of what McChrystal had to say in his article:
Well, he has certainly mastered the art of Newspeak as he tosses out phrases like "new American rite of passage"— passage to what, and defined by whom?—and "various options"—as if choice rather than force would still be a prerogative. And look how quickly and easily one year of service becomes two! And in case some might think that having the government show up on your doorstep and drag you off to perform your "duty" might not be something that Americans would quietly tolerate (you do remember the 60s don't you?), well we have other ways to "persuade" your "voluntarily" compliance!
Can you see McChrystal, hunched over, cackling, rubbing his hands together, as he mutters: "I'll get you my pretty. And your little dog too!" But it's no laughing matter. Consider the totalitarian implications of a military/government official speaking of "enlisting" the cooperation of schools and employers in service of his goals. And what are those goals? Why, to destroy the possibility of you having any sort of life at all unless you submit to your government masters. These are chilling words that McChrystal tosses off in such a cavalier manner. Exactly what are you, and all other citizens to General McChrystal?
Forget for a moment that, if true, these numbers likely reflect youth searching for any form of employment in a jobless economy created by our government's own policies, rather than a "demand to serve" — whatever that's supposed to mean. Instead, what McChrystal observes is wasted "democratic energy." And you thought that The Matrix was just fiction. But am I just misreading the good General here and taking his words out of context? Well, there is this other passage:
That's right. The military men and women that McChrystal was responsible for are, in his eyes, nothing more than "civic assets," to be redeployed to "civilian national service" upon returning home. This is nothing less than the bald-faced evil of a totalitarian state that regards its citizens as a natural resource and its property, to be utilized is whatever manner desired. This is collectivism writ large, where duty to society replaces all recognition of individual autonomy and the right to one's own life. And remember, these are not just McChrystal's views, but precisely match those of Obama. This is part of a coordinated effort by this administration to get mandatory national service implemented during the second term. Were this just an editorial in the paper, it would be bad enough. But The Aspen Institute, a policy studies organization, has taken up this cause and created an initiative knows as the Franklin Project, kicked off with the 21st Century National Service Summit, being held this June 24-25 in Aspen, CO.
As with all things Obama, rather than a direct assault through normal channels, goals are more conveniently pursued through indirect means. In this case, the Summit, coordinated around McChrystal's editorial, appears to be an attempt to create a privately funded grass-roots movement for national service. Precisely what you would expect from a community organizer at heart. This whale is coming and must be beached before being allowed to gain ramming speed. Clearly, the Obama administration has a game plan that it is putting into place and we must get out in front of this beast. I'm asking people who care about the personal freedom or all people, to pay close attention to this issue and begin writing and speaking out against this completely unconstitutional call for involuntary servitude. If appeals are to be made to Lincoln, then let's stand behind his possibly inconsistent, but nevertheless most important contribution—The Thirteenth Amendment: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." * Just for you fans of the mixed metaphor! |
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Subject: Loyalty Day
According to Wikipedia, Loyalty Day was first observed on May 1st, 1921, as a counter to the growing influences of communism and anarchism on the American labor movement. In 1958 during the second Red Scare, Congress passed Public Law 85-529 declaring this to be a legal holiday — although one which is rarely observed. Wikipedia states:
In keeping with that tradition, on April 30, 2013, President Obama issued his own proclamation, once again declaring May 1st to be "Loyalty Day." Here is what he had to say:
But of course, as with all things Obama, there are interesting passages contained here that, in the name of this country's founding principles, turn those very principles upon their head. For example, Obama states:
Ignoring for the moment his appeal to faith rather than a conscious understanding and explicit agreement with our founding principles, what are some of those core ideas that he identifies? "liberty, equality, and justice for all." Contrast this with the Pledge of Allegiance which speaks of "liberty and justice for all. Where did "equality" come from and what does Obama mean by that? When the founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
it is perfectly clear that they are speaking of individuals who are separate from one another, but all of whom possess equal rights as an inherent aspect of their human nature—rights pertaining to their freedom and independence; rights which grant them the power to direct and control the course of their own lives. But this is not at all what Barack ("I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.") Obama means by equality. He is not promoting equality of opportunity to pursue one's desires in the manner of one's choosing. No, he is speaking of egalitarianism — of guaranteeing equality of outcomes. It is his intention to "level the playing field" by chopping off the legs of those that rise too high and using those severed limbs as a platform upon which others will be allowed to stand. And it the government, with him at the helm, that will be doing the chopping and deciding just how much to amputate. As is the case with all smart totalitarians throughout history, he doesn't plan to go to war with the population in order to extract his pound of flesh. Instead, he navigates the much easier course of simply issuing a call to sacrifice oneself on the altar of altruism, and then stands back as a majority of the sheep lead themselves to slaughter. When Obama speaks here of "our country's core: service and citizenship," or declares that Loyalty Day is "an occasion that asks something of us as a people," he is laying the groundwork to help confuse the latent positive feelings that people retain for the greatness of what remains of this country, and getting them to transpose those feelings towards the act of serving the needs of others at their own expense. And this is not some one-time occurrence, but a concerted effort and core goal of Obama's administration. Already he has declared both 9/11 and Martin Luther King Day to be National Days of Service. His never-ending call to serve can be found buried within most of his speeches, while more and more children of all ages are being forced to perform mandatory community service in our government-run schools as part of the federal Service-Learning initiative. And as I pointed out in my original article on National Service, the annual spending on the Corporation for National and Community Service has been drastically increased during The past five years, with an underlying goal of ultimately making National Service become a mandatory requirement imposed upon all citizens. When Obama declares:
he is counting on most people not being aware of the fundamental Enlightenment principles of individualism upon which our American history rests, and an uncritical acceptance of his replacement of our rights to autonomy and self-directedness with his collectivist notion of egalitarianism. Unfortunately, after many generations of a populace indoctrinated in government schools, he can now apparently get his wish. |
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Subject: Whose Life Is It Anyway?
The provocative movie, Whose Life I It Anyway?, was released in 1981. It stars Richard Dreyfuss as Ken Harrison, a sculptor who is paralyzed from the neck down after a horrible automobile accident. When it becomes clear that he will never recover any additional use of his body and that his life is reduced to nothing more than the care that is offered by others, Harrison decides to end his life. However his wishes are blocked by those opposed to euthanasia and suicide. The story depicts the struggle between two views of life and confronts the question of whether Harrison—or any of us—are truly the ultimate masters of our fate, holding an absolute right to direct and dispose of our own life as we see fit? Many other films such as The Truman Show, The Matrix or Dead Poets Society explore the question of the level of control that we actually exercise over our own lives, but none is so explicit as Whose Life Is It Anyway? In each of these stories, the underlying conflict is that of individualism versus collectivism: Do we, as individuals, possess the exclusive sovereign right to determine the course of our life, or are we in some way subservient to a collective group which holds sway over us and may dictate requirements and actions that must be obeyed, even if they violate our desires and will? To state the issue plainly, the simple question is, "are we free or are we slaves?" This country was founded on the enlightenment principle of individualism. The Declaration of Independence states in no uncertain terms that each person possesses rights, and that "among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." And not only do we possess these (and other) rights, but they are "unalienable", meaning that they are an inherent, absolute and unassailable part of our nature as individual human beings. Nothing could be made clearer, and yet, as time has passed, fewer and fewer people in this country understand and adhere to these fundamental truths. Bit by bit, the age old principles of collectivism have reasserted themselves and are now poised to destroy the essence of what has made America unique in the history of the world. It was not so long ago that statists had to make an effort to disguise their underlying principles and endevour to sneak them in beneath the conscious awareness of a public that still retained an American sense of life — by which I mean a respect for the virtues of self-motivation and self-responsibility, a belief that hard work was the source of reward and advancement, and an expectation that everyone was entitled to keep and dispose of that which they earned. However, six terms of Clinton, Bush and Obama, coupled with another two generations having been indoctrinated in government schools, has transformed the values of our society such that the cockroaches may now skitter about in the bright daylight without fear, openly spouting their collectivist goals. For example, here is Melissa Harris-Perry in a promotional spot for MSNBC, waxing on about a few collectivist notions which are to her, apparently, self-evident.
Well, like all progressive leftists, she stands on the shoulders of FDR and his Second Bill of Rights, proudly declaring that everyone has a "right to healthcare, and to education, and to decent housing, and to quality food, at all time [sic]," while neither bothering to ask who is responsible for providing and paying for these goods and services (the answer is "the collective"), nor considering what the implementation of these so called "rights" do in undermining the original inherent rights possessed by all individuals. Oh well, no time for that as you "Lean Forward!" The other standout line was:
"People who work hard and sacrifice and save their money and
make major contributions— Be self-sufficient, be responsible, make a major contribution, and the unspecified collective "we" just might decided that it's OK for you to earn a little more. Just how much? "We" will get back to you, but you can certainly forget about that 1% nonsense! These sorts of views have become pro forma in the Obama age, but a new spot that recently aired, stretches into new collectivist (at least for the U.S.) territory.
Wait! What was that? Could you please run that by me again.....
Ten years ago, would anyone on a major network have dared speak these words and then expected to retain their job? What a difference a decade makes. When conservatives argue that the institution of family is under attack, you have to look no further than Melissa Harris-Perry to see that it's true. And there's no longer any need for subterfuge. It's collectivism brothers and sisters, and we're proud of it! The state reigns supreme and individuals—whether adult or child—belong to us, to do with as we please. Well, there was justifiable blowback from all quarters once word concerning this piece made the rounds, and Harris-Perry was forced to respond.
While there were a few patently disingenuous attempts to misrepresent some of the source of outrage being directed at her video, on balance I thought that Harris-Perry did a pretty reasonable job of identifying the actual core issue in this debate, while laying out her personal world view. Here is an excerpt:
Well, it is good to see someone on the left at least identify and acknowledge the existence of the individualist viewpoint, even while going on to dismiss it without presenting any substantive arguments, just as she offers no reasons in favor of the "collective responsibilities" position, apparently expecting us to simply observe that it is self-evidently correct. This is a window into the state of today's culture—where viewers of programs such as this wait to be instructed in how and what to think, without the need to burden themselves with facts, rational analysis or the mental integration of thought into fundamental principles. Such a process would demand answers to a variety of questions, starting with:
The previous vidio clip is an abbreviated version of a longer segment that can be viewed here. Starting at the seven minute mark there is a panel discussion which includes Matt Welch, the Editor in Chief of the libertarian Reason Magazine. Now, of course, Welch has been selected to present the "opposition" point of view, for exactly the same reason that NPR relies upon David Brooks to represent the "conservative" viewpoint—because both can be counted on to concede the progressive premise on most issues. Nevertheless, it is instructive to watch the first few minutes of this discussion in order to see precisely how not to defend liberty. Here is an excerpt of Welch's comments:
While Harris-Perry has just laid out the philosophical question of individualism versus collectivism and continues to try and steer the conversation back towards this topic, Welch falls over himself conceding the existence of a "social contract" that binds us all to one another with a communal duty, while granting that the state breached the sanctity of the family unit long ago and there is nothing left to discuss on that subject. Welch is not interested in defending the individual rights of the child against compulsory indoctrination, or the individual rights of the parent to determine the best course for their child's development, or the individual rights of the taxpaying adult that is forced to fund the education of other people's children. Instead, his concern lies with more pragmatic matters: the economic efficacy of education spending. In the cause of freedom versus slavery, Welch effectively argues for the latter and Harris-Perry wins, by default, in a TKO. So we return to the original question: Whose life is it anyway? If you're waiting for someone like Matt Welch to defend your right to exist on your own terms, then I'm afraid you have already lost the battle. It's up to you to get vocal in identifying and demanding your rights. Speak up at every available opportunity. Do not allow the collectivists like Melissa Harris-Perry to go unchallenged. Whose life is it? "It's MY life. Keep you mitts to yourself and get out of my way!" |
![]() |
Subject: Action Alert
If you are not already concerned, then you haven't been paying attention! We now have a government that has gone mad with power and has no hesitation in mowing down any pesky constitutional concerns that still get in its way. Rand Paul has drawn a line in the sand and is taking a firm stand for limiting the government to its ennumerated powers and for protecting all of our rights. This filibuster is a symbolic act, and a very important one. The question is will the administration be forced to concede that their are limits to its actions, or will this filibuster simply fizzle out and soon be forgotten, along with the last remnants of our rights. You can either sit back and wait to see what happens, or you can place yourself on the front lines and act to support this effort. I am asking everyone who reads this to act — and act immediately to provide support for what Rand Paul is doing. First, you can visit his Facebook page and adding your voice to the may others who are standing behind this effort. Follow this by going to his Senate Contact page, and leaving a personal message expressing your support for what he is doing. And then, most importantly of all, write a letter to the editors of your local papers, letting them know that there is considerable grassroots support for what Paul is doing—and why he is doing it. Contact like-minded friends and family and see if you can convince them to contribute their voice as well. In the big scheme of things, this may seem like only a small and inconsequential act, but I say that it is the first of many to come. Let's make this one count for all that it is worth! ![]() For those interested, the filibuster can viewed live on C-SPAN2 Thanks to all of you for your willingness to fight for the cause of liberty. It means a great deal to me. UPDATE: 9:30 PM PST: Here is a link to a new White House Petition asking that the president to respond to Rand Paul on the drone strike issue. Sign it! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sunset or Sunrise? |
Subject: Have You Shrugged Your Country Today?
but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes. — Mark Amend ![]() The Loss of the American SpiritAmerica was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object. — Patrick Henry ![]() At a monthly meeting of a group of liberty-oriented people, when the subject of the recent election came up, the speaker asked the audience, "How many of you are still on suicide watch?" I believe he was only half joking. I have taken some time since the November 6th election to reflect on the outcome, while trying to formulate a new perspective on the state of this country and where I stand in relation to it. These are some of my thoughts. Ayn Rand wrote about a person's "sense of life" as being the integrated sum of their basic values. She also said:
![]() Lessons from the 2012 Election![]() But when it came down to the wire I called my family to my side Stood up straight, threw my head back, And I lied, lied, lied ![]() In a post-election analysis, Thomas Sowell wrote:
![]() It's Time for a Change of Plansover again and expecting different results — Albert Einstein ![]() The world of even a little more than a decade ago has significantly changed and we are now fighting a different type of battle—one that is going to demand the adoption of a completely different strategy from those of the past. Understanding this requires a recognition of three points I addressed in the previous two sections:
a majority has no right to vote away the rights of the minority."
![]() Don't Take it Lying Downdegree a reflection of the relative determination of the subjects to be free and their willingness and ability to resist efforts to enslave them. — Gene Sharp ![]() I was recently introduced by a friend to the political scientist, Gene Sharp, who has devoted his career to the study of nonviolent resistance directed against tyranny. Drawing upon his studies of the thoughts and actions of political activists and thinkers such as Gandhi, Thoreau and others, Sharp distilled out his theories for effective nonviolent resistance and presented them in his writings, as an organized strategy. The 2005, 600 page Waging Nonviolent Struggle (WNS) is a comprehensive volume detailing his latest thinking on the subject, while the slender From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation, (DTD) first published in 1993, is more a handbook for those interested in the practical aspects of mounting an effective opposition to despotism.
![]() An Example of How Small Actions Can Produce Large Results— Orson Scott Card ![]()
![]() The Right to Your RightsStand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. — Bob Marley ![]() Over the past 100 years, We, the People of the United States, became complacent and allowed our freedoms to be taken from us, bit by bit. It probably started in 1788, soon after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, but the clearance sale didn't really take off until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson nationalized the banking system, launched the income tax, and reintroduced the military draft, among other serious transgressions. This was the point when the citizens should have rightfully risen up in revolt, just as the colonists had done at the original Tea Party rebellion. But instead, by accepting these gross violations of our rights with quiet resignation, a signal was sent that this, and more, would be tolerated. And "more" was soon to follow, and then "more" after that, leading us to the sorry place we find ourselves today. We must throw out all of the rationalizations and accept the plain fact that the true fault lies neither in the actions of politicians, nor in the structure of government, but in the failure of enough free citizens to act in the manner necessary to demand an uncompromising respect for their rights. Our rights have become devalued because we stopped valuing them ourselves! Ayn Rand wrote:
![]() Pushing Backrebels — men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. — Dwight D. Eisenhower ![]() Once again, quoting psychologist Michael Hurd from another excellent article:
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." ![]() Tactics: From the Bottom Up— Benjamin Franklin ![]() No more quiet resignation. It's time to get active and noisy — and I mean really active and really noisy! Over the past four years there have been polite Tea Party protests and letter writing campaigns which have certainly conveyed a message and had some impact. But it is time to raise the bar and start leaving some indelible slap mark on the faces of those that demonstrate such contempt for our lives, our rights and our autonomy. We must harness the frustration, disgust and anger of people across the country and refocus it as a passionate demand for liberty, in ways that cannot be ignored. We have to create a protest movement that grows louder by the day, coupled with individual actions that work to cripple those who abuse their positions of power. Here are some suggestions: Secession:
![]() ![]()
apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."
![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Tactics: From the Top DownWe cannot fight against altruism, unless we fight against its epistemological base: irrationalism. We cannot fight against anything, unless we fight for something — and what we must fight for is the supremacy of reason, and a view of man as a rational being. — Ayn Rand ![]() Up to this point, this article has focused on what is wrong with the world at large, with our government, with our country, with our culture, and what steps we can still take to fight to preserve and restore our freedom. That is the "Bottom Up" perspective which begins by identifying low level problems and then seeks ways to address them. This approach relies on negative emotions such as anger to fuel passion, which in turn motivates a willingness to act. But the Bottom Up approach is insufficient for getting the job done. It's insufficient because, while it identifies what is disliked and needs to be escaped, it provides no vision—no goal—to guide a forward direction of travel. It provides no hope! For that, we require a "Top Down" approach; a perspective which starts by identifying where we wish to go, and then formulates a plan to get there. The beauty of the American political experiment was that it recognized that there was no single, ultimate goal that applied to everyone. It recognized that people were individuals, differing in untold ways, and therefore left it up to each to pursue their own unique vision of happiness, providing only the framework necessary to make that possible. Throughout this article I have often spoken of restoring liberty or freedom. But freedom is not an end-goal. We do not cherish freedom for freedom's sake. We cherish our freedom because it affords us the opportunity to pursue self-chosen goals which bring us happiness. It is easy to lose sight of this when one is mired solely in a bottom up mindset. And this is why we must be careful to always maintain that top down view which keeps us anchored to reality. With that thought in mind, I would like to conclude by sharing a few observations made by Bill Whittle that may inspire optimism in a better and brighter future, so long as we continue to fight for it. I was introduced to the following hour long video titled, "Where do we go now?", by a friend. Filmed on November 13, 2012, this is basically Whittle's postmortem on the election. There are two segments here that I find particularly relevant to setting a positive vision for our future. The first, from 0:38:20—0:45:40 (7:20 minutes) is a very interesting discussion of the transformation of 18th century agricultural America which, by necessity, established a decentralized (horizontal) form of government, into a 20th century industrialized America with a highly centralized (vertical) government. The encouraging thing is the observation that we have now moved on to a 21st century information economy, which is once again decentralized and incapable of being centrally managed, meaning that our current form of government is as inevitably doomed as the makers of buggy whips and film cameras. ![]() ![]() But to really get become inspired, I do not think anything can beat the following 2013 virtual presidential inaugural address (20 minutes). Just knowing that there are others out there capable of articulating these thoughts cannot help but fill any of us with renewed hope for our future. Enjoy. ![]() ConclusionThink of your life, your goals and your values more as a personal state of mind rather than as an element of the society in which we find ourselves. We are not the product of our society; society is the product of that which we individuals pursue and achieve. So I would say that regardless of what external events are occurring at this moment, our rights and the meaning behind the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence remain intact and in force for any of us who chose to honor them with our words and our deeds. Let's go forward, reclaiming that which is ours by right, and work to build that better world in which we wish to live.External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() "To Serve Man" |
Subject: Gee, Is It That Time Again Already?
Repeating what I wrote in my last article on this subject, if you are
a long-time reader of this blog, then you know that fighting against
the imposition of a program of mandatory National Service in the
United States by the Obama Administration is the issue that originally
propelled me to create the
John Galt Pledge
site and then begin writing publically concerning a broader range of
political issues. For those interested in reviewing past articles on
this subject, here is the link to everything on the subject of Service.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Ready. Aim. Fire! |
Subject: Does The Left Have An Agenda? Oh Yeah, You
Throughout my life I have listened to the musings of people speculating
on the actual intentions of those who align themselves with the
philosophy of the progressive left. Many good-hearted people who
always search to find only the best in others would look at the
disastrous results being achieved by various wealth redistribution
schemes, corporate bailouts, regulatory boondoggles, failed educational
initiatives and programs based upon moral relativism, egalitarianism
and altruism, and offer one excuse after another in an attempt to
justify that, in spite of all the harmful consequences, the aim of
these people was nevertheless still noble and well-meant. But
was it?
![]() So just what is the left's agenda? As these examples demonstrate, it is nothing less than a concerted attack upon the principles articulated in the Constitution that provide a framework for autonomy and independence in thought and action. So long as individual rights are recognized and honored, even to a limited extent, it means that people remain somewhat free from the rule of other men. This sort of freedom cannot be tolerated by the tinpot dictator-wannabes like Seidman and Kaul, not to mention the staff at many of our news publications who promote these views while propping up the elected officials — the Reids, Pelosis, McConnells, Boehners, and their ilk — who share in this desire to control. The agenda is simple, and it explains every position taken by the progressives: That which promotes individual initiative and personal choice is the bad which must be destroyed, while that which constrains individuals in any manner is the good. As always, it's the age old battle between individualism and collectivism, and it does no good to make allowances and excuses for those out to chain and control us. They know exactly what they are doing. Let's not allow them to hide from the consequences of their own sorry truth one moment longer. External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Merry Xmas |
Subject: Happy Holidays
I'm working on a complex post-election piece, but it just doesn't
seem fair to pollute the holiday season with that sort of thing, so
I'll save it until the new year and instead simply wish that everyone
enjoys a wonderful Christmas season. All the best to you, your
family and your friends. See you again in 2013!
![]() |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Free Books |
Subject: Free Objectivist Books for Students
Jason Crawford is an Objectivist who blogs at The Rational Egoist. He has
created a website which acts as an exchange between students who would
like to read one of the books in the Objectivist canon and individuals
who are willing to provide the book or books to be read. His site
is simply called:
Here is a bit of what Jason has to say about this project:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: The Sign Of The Dollar
Brad and Barbie Harrington reside in Cheyenne, WY and together they
publish a monthly newspaper called Liberty's Torch,
dedicated to the promotion of "individual liberty, private property
and personal responsibility."
In the past I have included two excellent articles by Brad:
He has just penned an important new editorial analyzing where this
country has been trending for the past century and the impact that
those trends will have upon us all. I wanted to share this with you,
and he has given me permission to reproduce here.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Inspiring a Culture of Service |
Subject: Making "Voluntary" Service Mandatory —
One Step At A Time
It was the Obama Administration's push for the institution of a
national service program back in 2009 that was the impetus for my
original essay launching the
John Galt Pledge,
along with this accompanying blog. You can find past articles on
the subject in the archives under Service.
During the first term, government sponsored organizations like the
Corporation for National
and Community Service received massive increases in federal
funding, with the intent of allowing them to place millions
of new workers (improperly called "volunteers") on the federal
payroll at taxpayer expense. However, the protracted fights over
Obamacare and the budgets diverted attention away from work designed
to transition these programs into a mandatory requirement of National
Service for every citizen.
The reelection of Obama to another four year term portends ominous
possibilities in all areas or life including national security, health
care, economic stagnation, inflation of the currency, further erosion
of the rule of law, and increased intrusion into the private lives of
every citizens. And as I have been predicting for quite some time,
it will also reactivate the push to dramatically expand programs for
national servitude. Well, it didn't take long.
An organization called Service Nation,
which prides itself in having:
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Independence! |
Subject: A Personal Declaration of Independence
The election results are in and more than half of all voting Americans
have declared that they believe that their wants, wishes and needs
trump your independence and individual rights.
Coincidentally, today is also the date when my John Galt Pledge
page was signed by the 1,000th person. In the wake of today's tragedy,
it may be small consolation, but here are one thousand people proud to
publically state that they respect your life and your right to live it
as you—and only you—see fit.
I extend my sincere thanks to every person who has signed the pledge,
for being willing to take a vocal stand in the cause of liberty.
Let's continue to swell the ranks of those who choose the virtue of
self-reliance over abject helplessness, and see how quickly we can
add another thousand voices to this choir.
that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." We the undersigned, take this pledge as a personal Declaration of Independence. We each, as sovereign individuals, respectively assert the exclusive right to our own lives, our liberty and our property, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. As government is properly instituted to protect our rights, we oppose, and declare as unconstitutional, all actions taken by government that violate the very rights it is charged with defending. We support a return to the principle of individualism upon which this country was founded. And rejecting any initiation of the use of force as being wholly inappropriate, we support a society based strictly upon voluntary association and free trade among its people.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Results? |
Subject: Some Final Reflections On The Election
On the eve of the U.S. Presidential election, like many other people,
I thought I would jot down a few final observations.
For liberty-loving people, the past decade in this country has been
exhausting. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks we find ourselves
saddled—apparently permanently—with the draconian
Act which drastically expands unchecked government powers at
the expense of our individual rights and personal privacy. Our
medical and insurance industries have been further socialized, first
through the addition of Bush's
Prescription Drug entitlement, followed by the imposition of
The automotive industry was nationalized, while the rules of law were
simply ignored, and those with government contacts and pull were
undeservedly rewarded. Declaring the financial sector "too
big to fail," it became the handmaiden of politicians through
expanded regulation (Dodd-Frank)
and bailouts
The overall financial health of the country has been crippled by
Obama's anti-business regulatory and tax policies coupled with his
reckless spending, record deficits ($16.2 trillion) and inflation of
the money supply. Obama has also demonstrated that it is his intention
to disarm America and replace national sovereignty with our submission
to a U.N. World Government. And those are just some of the low
Over one year ago, back during the primaries, as I saw one Republican
candidate after another being viciously attacked by the Democrats and
the left-leaning media, I wrote the following:
I do not care to work or live on any others. My terms are a man's right to exist for his own sake. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() MIA |
Subject: Voting in 2012
The following article is scheduled to be published in the September
(now October) issue of Liberty's Torch, Brad
and Barbie Harrington's Cheyenne, WY newspaper, where their motto is:
To this, let me add a few additional comments. I really do understand the argument being made by those who believe that Obama must go — at any price — even if it means voting for someone as sub-optimal as Mitt Romney. I too am troubled by the concerns that, given a second term, Obama may attempt to decimate our military strength, further destroy our economy, continue to expand the powers of the executive branch, and make additional disastrous appointments to the Supreme Court. The consequences of any of these actions would impose a heavy cost on each of our lives and further weaken the country as a whole. And yet, while acknowledging the potential burden to be born, I nevertheless think this remains an extremely short-sighted view of the future. For as far back as my political memory extends (which is to the early 1970s), every presidential election has been framed in terms of fear. Voters were warned that the "other" candidate was enormously dangerous, and if elected, would do immense harm. Therefore, even if "our" candidate was not perfect, it was still crucial to support him. In other words, every election has been sold to the alert and intelligent voter as one where it was necessary to set aside their principles and vote for the lesser of the two evils — but of course, just this one time! And the next thing you know, fifty years have passed while sitting on one's hands. How successful has this strategy been? A simply survey of the current state of our country and culture documents the results. On balance, the lesser-evil has ultimately led to precisely the same place that the greater-evil was promising to take us. What we inevitably get is an ever expanding government of increased programs, regulations, spending and power, which confiscates more and more of our personal wealth and property while curtailing our right to determine and direct the course of our own lives. Democrats who once promised to uphold our civil and social rights now violate them with abandon while Republicans who promised us fiscal restraint gleefully tax, spend and regulate us into oblivion. When you stand back and take in the big picture, what becomes obvious is that the idea of a lesser or greater evil is nothing more than a sham. There is only evil which must always be identified for what it is and opposed at every turn. I wrote the article above before the Republican National Convention (RNC) was held. During that convention, delegates were asked to vote on certain rule changes that were designed to make it much easier in the future for the party to exclude delegates of which it did not "approve". Watch the following video which highlights how this issue was handled by the RNC. External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Peter Schiff |
Subject: Sign the Petition
Peter Schiff
is an investment broker and one of the small number people who very
vocally spoke out against the American government's unsound economic
policies, accurately predicting the 2007 financial crash.
On June 7th, Schiff was invited, for a second time, to attend
congressional subcommittee hearings in which a proposal was being
discussed to extend loan guarantees to the multi-family housing
market. This would be similar to what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have
been doing for single family mortgages — actions which were
responsible for creating the housing bubble in the first place!
Watch the 34 minute video below to see excerpts from these hearings
where Schiff warns the committee members of the foolishness of these
actions, informs them that it is precisely this type of government
intervention that is interfering with the housing industry's ability
to find appropriate solutions to the problems being discussed, and
that what is needed is for the government to get out of the way and
allow the free market to successfully operate.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Not So Fast, Bud! |
Subject: Statism: Part I – The Growth of the Regulatory
And admit that the waters around you have grown And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you is worth savin' Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'. — Bob Dylan ![]() Well I doubt that when Dylan penned these lyrics back in 1963 he had the same thought in mind as I, but yes, today the times certainly are still a-changin'! More recently, our president had promised us "Hope and Change," but hope for what sort of change exactly? From the founding of the United States and through most of the 19th century, with the very notable exception of slavery, Americans were generally free to pursue their lives and interests without intervention by the state. For example, according to Wikipedia, "For most of Western history, marriage was a private contract between two families" and licenses did not begin to be required until after the Civil War. People were allowed to train for and pursue their chosen work as they best saw fit, with very few professions being licensed. Immigration was generally unrestricted and citizens were free to acquire open land and improve it as their own property—a policy codified into law with the Homestead Act of 1862. Taxes were generally low and consisted predominantly of tariffs imposed upon imported goods. Although a temporary income tax was levied during the Civil War, it was rescinded shortly thereafter. And of course, slavery was eventually abolished. This unprecedented level of freedom allowed the rise of self-made businessmen such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Schwab, Hill, Vanderbilt, Stanford, Edison, Ford, and many others who transformed the industries of Oil, Steel, Transportation, Finance, Energy, Textiles and Agriculture, and in the process, dramatically increasing the average standard of living. In America, between 1850-1910, life expectancy rose 40%, from 38 to 53 years. And during the period from 1820-1913, the GDP per capita surged by 422% (in constant dollars), allowing the US economy to grow to well over twice the strength of any other country! Despite these extraordinary results, starting in the latter part of the 19th century and then accelerating in the 20th, the United States began significantly tacking away from freedom and towards statism, replacing the sovereign autonomy of the individual with the collectivist notion of an all powerful authoritarian government ruling over and controlling its citizens. By statism, I mean:
![]() The Magical Mystery Tour is Coming to Take You Away – The Beatles It requires a bit of prestidigitation coupled with a great deal of misdirection in order to get people to sit back and quietly accept that their rights are being stripped away. The majority of the 19th century was dominated by Classical Liberalism, a philosophy grounded in the principles of individual liberty and constitutionally-constrained government. And it was understood that the idea of liberty extended fully into the economic realm. Quoting from Wikipedia:
![]() What A Long Strange Trip It's Been. – Jerry Garcia What we observe from the above is a century of steadily expanding government, inserting its tentacles into every crevice of our existence and eroding the control we onced possessed to set the course and then proceed with our lives, unimpeded. Your Education:
Your Career:
Your Business:
Your Choices:
Your Property:
Your Income:
Your Purchases:
Your Family:
Your Personal Life:
![]() Then I'll take my bike for a spin. Just don't forget to wear your helmet. ![]() Can I use a plastic bag? Fat chance. ![]() Then I'll use paper instead. You'd better hurry. I said HURRY! ![]() Certainly no one could stop me from giving you a hug. Are you so sure about that? ![]() Hold on while I pack my child's lunch. Of course, she may never get to eat it. ![]() Then I'll take my kid out to eat. You options may be more limited than you thought. ![]() I'm thirsty. Let's stop and get a soda. Did you get permission from Mayor Bloomberg? ![]() On the way home I'll get some milk from the local dairy. Sorry, they've been shut down. ![]() Hmmm, can I have a king-sized candy bar? Those are not the bars you're looking for. ![]() I need to replace my burned out lightbulb. Not if you want an incandescent bulb! ![]() At least the 2nd Amendment guarantees my right to bear arms. Not so much. ![]() Can I still smoke? Sure if you have $15/pack to spare and stand right over here ... today! ![]() I wasn't talking about cigarettes. In that case, then you can just forget it! ![]() Well, at least I can still use salt on my food. Nope. ![]() You're kidding, right? Nope. ![]() Well, no one can make me recycle! You sure are a funny kid, Johnny, but I like you! Is there anything at all that I can still do on my own?
Ain't no valley low enough Ain't no behavior small enough To keep me from regulating you So, what's the point?
![]() Freedom's Just Another Word – Kristofferson/Foster
They want more freedom and growth And more of somebody's money. Comedians promise them both. — Brian Royce Faulkner ![]() For some of us, it's not a laughing matter. What is freedom?
![]() P.S.: I would like to extend a big thanks to Garret Seinen, who reviewed a first draft of this article and contributed many very good ideas for improvements, most of which I have shamelessly incorporated into this final version. External links to reprints of this article:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() This Election Matters! |
Subject: The Choice is Yours!
As we move closer to the election, I will have more to say about the
choices that we face this year. However, for just a moment ..... ![]() ![]() ![]() Which of these worlds do I want to live in? ![]() Really, deciding how to vote in this election is just that easy! ![]() And for those who are wondering where Mitt Romney is, well he's still trying to figure out what position the majority of you want him to take here. He'll get back to you. ![]() ![]() ![]() www.garyjohnson2012.com |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Eagle's Eye |
Subject: Then An Eagle
This inspirational poem by my good friend Brian Faulkner, shows what
freedom means to those with the spirit to recognize and appreciate it,
and is a rallying cry to continue the battle for individualism and
liberty. I hope you enjoy it and draw strength from these powerful
I listened, as though it were singing to me. He sang of the sky and the winds that are free, And I thought of my home as he sang to me. I thought of this land of good brave men Who carved man's rights with a sharp bold pen And buffeted kings right backward again. I thought of the coals in those seeing eyes That sparked men around them to fight and rise And stand up with pride under widening skies. I thought of man's energy, surging, spread out, Its fiery inventiveness never in doubt--- Tracks, bridges, highways flung brightly about! I thought of vast oceans of gold corn and wheat Waltzing the plains with their man-toil complete--- Sign of long-planning, and happy to be it. I thought of men walking and driving, alone, No master to whip them, no guilt to atone, No guide but the light of purpose---their own. I thought of the women, full free now to sing, "My life is all mine (Yay!) to do anything!" How lightly their steps went a-conquering! Then the strange bird flew from the top of the tree; I watched it, as though it were flying from me. He flew out of sight with the winds that are free, And I thought of my home as he flew from me. I thought of the bastards who'd broken with truth, Who'd thrown away honesty, courage and youth, Who'd sold out their souls for a damned polling booth. I thought of the altruists, covered with gore, Who hated man's living, his death wanted more, Who yearned to see all men hungry and poor. I thought of the men who just didn't care, Too busily pragmatic to doubt or to dare, But followed a groove to I-don't-know-where. I thought of the teachers, professors, in school, Who slighted our forefathers---food for a fool; Who conned, de-constructed, and felt they were cool. I thought of the force for which evilmen lust (While asking for patience, and love, and trust), All the while plotting a country gone bust. I thought of my life, my work and my right, My days full of gladness, my great love at night--- A long line of hardness and honor and light. Then an eagle flew down to the top of the tree And looked with a bold eye, fearless and free. Right into my soul he went looking at me, And I knew I would fight all the powers that be For my home of the brave and my land of the free! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Hammock |
Subject: Wealth Redistribution, By Any Other Name, Is Still
Recently, Florida's Republican Representative, Allen West, gave a
speech in Congress
where he stated:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() National Service |
Subject: In Orwell's Newspeak: "Isolation" Means Mandatory
Military Service For All
The drumbeat to enslave us never let's up. A few years ago, in my
essay, "National Service:
A Vicious Concept — And Its Antidote," I wrote about the
Obama administration's drive to impose mandatory national service on
all Americans. One of the few good thing that you can say about the
economic crisis is that it created so many new problems during the past
four years that attention was temporarily diverted from this proposal
— although it is alive and continues to grow in our
government-run educational
However, the ideological cancer that it is, the call for service
is never completely eradicated, and this meme continues to course
through our culture, springing to the surface at unpredictable times
as a malignant social tumor. In a recent article by New Republic
writer Russ Hoyle entitled,
"Crisis Ahead
for the Volunteer Military", he adds his voice to the call,
proposing conscription as the medicine to cure what ails us.
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Subject: Merry Christmas
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Subject: The Straw
Back on September 17th, during his weekly radio address,
President Obama proclaimed that Americans must finally start paying
their "fair share" in order to reduce the federal deficit. Of
course this is all just verbal misdirection used to hide the fact
that what he is actually talking about is merely another run at one
of the most important goals of his administration —
wealth redistribution — from those who have earned
it to those that covet it, with the ruling government class taking
their usual handling fee in the process.
And who is it that is not paying their fair share? Of course
it is certainly not the virtuous bottom 50% of wage-earners who
contribute little to nothing in income and payroll tax. (The bottom
47% pay no income tax at all, and that is precisely what makes them
virtuous!) No, according to Obama, it's the greedy, cheating, wealthy
households and businesses — the now famous 1% — that have
been holding out on the rest of us, and justice demands that they must
finally be forced to pay up.
And how are the top 1% fleecing us? By currently carrying only 40% of
the total income and payroll tax burden (up from 18% in 1980). And if
you increase that pool to the top 1.5% of households, representing the
magic $250,000 income number, then that group pays roughly half the
total. (For more details, see this article.)
So one is forced to ask, in Obama's mind just what level of tax burden
does he deem to be fair to impose upon that small minority of
Americans? Is it sixty percent? Seventy percent? More? He never
tells us, because there is no hard and fast answer. For Obama, merely
earning more than someone else is all the evidence required to condemn
that person and justify the use of government force to confiscate their
ill gotten "surplus."
Billionaire businessman Warren Buffett seems to agree with Obama's
egalitarian philosophy, and famously issued his call to
"Stop Coddling the Super-Rich",
demanding that the government raise taxes on him and other wealthy
people. Taking up the cause, a group of twenty-four "Patriotic
Millionaires" descended upon the Capitol to demand that Congress
raise taxes on the wealthy in order to deal with the serious federal
budget deficits and growing national debt. And just how serious were
they? When confronted by reporter Michelle Fields of The Daily Caller
(video below) and offered the opportunity to use their great wealth
to make a voluntary debt reduction contribution to the Treasury
Department, they all refused. And neither can I recall Buffett
volunteering some or all of his fortune towards that end. It does
make one wonder whether these patriots are truly concerned
about the debt. Or instead, is it possible that their actual motives
are not quite so altruistic, having more to do with seeing the chains
restricting the freedom and property rights of others pulled ever
tighter, even if it ends up impacting them as well?
"Patriotic Millionaires?"
P.S. 01-06-12:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Moon is a Harsh Mistress |
Subject: Independence — If You Can Keep It!
[Note: The following article was written for Brad Harrington's
Cheyenne, WY newspaper,
Liberty's Torch, and
is scheduled for publication as part of the January 6th, 2012 edition.]
— Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
External links to reprints of this article:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Mann Penn State Univ. |
Subject: Climategate — Version 2.0
After the original
scandal broke back in 2009, revealing how the scientific method had
been corrupted by the incestuous relationship between government
funding of research and institutions willing to manufacture politically
expedient conclusions in exchange for those funds, it was not as if
there was any need to further confirm the junk status of much
of what has passed for climate science research. Nevertheless, a
second round of emails exchanges from the UK's Climate Research Unit
at the University of East Anglia have now been released.
Apparently culled from the same set of files that were taken back in
2009, these exchanges focus more on the political agenda driving the
climate message along with the role that the UN's Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has played in that regard. As
James Delingpole,
reporter for the British newspaper The Telegraph, succinctly states
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() When you Wish Upon a Star |
Subject: The Primacy of Consciousness in Action
After all, if it's good enough for my president, then it's good enough for me! ![]()
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![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Fun in the Sun Bora Bora |
Subject: Back on the Clock....
I would like to tell you that my long absence from these pages was due
to something dramatic, such as a tragic illness, or involvement in acts
of international intrigue, or possibly even an important work
assignment which exhausted all of my time. But alas, the truth is
that I was merely screwing around — albeit in a really nice part
of the world!
It was my great fortune to fly down to Tahiti, where I helped
a friend leisurely sail his 60 foot catamaran
through French Polynesia,
then across the Pacific to the very remote Suwarrow Atoll, and from
there, further west to the Vava'u island group in
the Kingdom of Tonga.
But all of that is a story for another day.
In the meantime, while I checked out of all manner of contact with the
civilized (and I use that word very loosely) world for six weeks, I
left all of you in charge of things and you seem to have done a
credible job of management, as I found just about everything —
with the exception of Muammar Gaddafi — still reasonably intact.
And by the way, very nice job on your handling of the
spot price of gold while I was gone. Excellent work!
But whoa, what happened regarding the federal debt ceiling? I thought
we had agreed that we were not going to raise that sucker any further?
Seriously folks, I'm running out of space on the right for any more
So it appears that there is much to be done, and soon I will be back
to my old crotchity self, railing against lies, injustice and the
unconstitutional way. But before I jump back in, I want to share my
positive review of an excellent new novel, Hunter, written by
Robert Bidinotto, that I had the opportunity to read during my travels,
and which I highly recommend.
Click on the book image above to see the full review.
And no, you haven't heard the last of me! :-) |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() They're Not All in D.C.! |
Subject: Gone Fishin'
The author is playing hooky and this blog will be on hiatus until
mid-September. In the meantime, keep an eye on those folks in
Washington and hold their feet to the fire if — oops, I mean
when they start getting uppity again. Unfortunately, that
shouldn't take too long!
If you want to give these congresscritters a piece of your mind,
click on the following image for a list of all of their email
contact forms and phone numbers.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Listen Up! |
Subject: An Open Letter to All Republican Members of Congress
Concerning the Debt Ceiling Cap
I have been watching the circus playing itself out in Washington D.C.
over the past month concerning the fight to raise the federal debt
ceiling and, as has been said many times before, just like observing
sausage-making, it is a truly disgusting sight. This is my no-nonsense
letter to all Republicans in the House and Senate letting them know
what I expect of them.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Under Attack... Yet Again! |
Subject: A Call to Action
† I say contact the Republicans, because I have written off the Democrats as beyond hope. As the past two years demonstrated, they are operating from a social agenda that is to be imposed upon this country, that does not recognize self-preservation as a counter-force. They have demonstrated that they will not listening to our message. They must all be replaced, but attempting to sway their opinion is a waste of time. [Thanks to Siska Van Soolen DeYoung for bringing this news story to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Right to Choose |
Subject: An Open Letter to Politicians and Political Candidates
Dear Representative of the People:
Based upon the current activity taking place in Washington D.C.
regarding matters of regulatory reform, spending cuts, balancing the
budget and reducing the deficit, it does not look like anything truly
meaningful is going to be accomplished in the foreseeable future.
Talk about reducing spending by trillions of dollars, whether proposed
by President
Obama or by Republicans such as
Ryan—assuming that these plans were ever to actually be put
into effect—sound great until you understand that these numbers
are not for next year's budget, but are unrealistically spread over a
period of 10 to 30 years, all the while allowing actual government
spending to continue to increase year upon year. All of this is just
another example of the Big Lie once again being foisted
off on the American public.
It is clear that the current Congress is not going to enact anything
close to what is required to put this country back on a sound footing,
so I am proposing that you take some truly bold action. Instead of
continuing to dicker with your fellow politicians over budget levels
and whether you are going to use a scalpel
or a machete
to either slowly whittle away at our future or simply decapitate us in
one fell swoop, I would ask that you work to remove the decision making
from Congress and the White House altogether and place it back in the
hands of every individual citizen.
My suggestion is that you strive to create legislation that gives each
person the option of deciding whether or not they wish to remain in,
and pay for the full set of federal entitlements, including Social
Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare, along with the the other
2,177 programs listed, as of July 8th, in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.
For those who support these programs and wish to continue to receive,
or remain in line to receive future benefits, they simply register
their choice and continue to participate. Other individuals who would
prefer to opt out of receiving all future government benefits would be
allowed to register that choice as well. In exchange for their
willingness to walk away from all past contributions to these programs,
and agreeing to never receive any future pay out or aid, they would
stop having entitlement payments deducted from their earnings and have
their taxes permanently reduced by an appropriate amount. They would
then be free to use these funds to manage their own insurance, medical
and retirement needs.
It is clear that a sizable segment of the U.S. population is currently
prepared to assume responsibility for their own lives, and would
willingly opt out of these programs. By doing so, this would
immediately and drastically reduce the future debt obligation of the
federal government and go a long way towards addressing the fiscal
crisis. For those who choose to remain in these programs, they would
continue to pay in as necessary to keep the programs alive. To account
for the shortfall that would occur in meeting current obligation with
a reduced tax base, other less important areas of federal spending
would be identified and eliminated, and the funding shifted over to
these programs as necessary in order to keep them solvent.
In addition to our fiscal problems, this country is also currently
facing great social instability. While there are, of course, many
sub-groups within the following simplified designations, our society
has become polarized into two broad factions: the fiscal conservatives
and the social progressives. Whereas people of diverse viewpoints
once coexisted peacefully together, as government has grown in size
and scope, imposing its control in ever expanding areas, many people
have justifiably come to feel that they are losing command over the
direction and purpose of their own lives, resulting in greater levels
of anxiety, dissatisfaction and unhappiness. In a country originally
built upon the proud virtues of industriousness and self-reliance, we
have now constructed massive institutions designed to foster
helplessness and dependence. Where we could once act freely and
independently in addressing our own problems and needs, the heavy hand
of government regulation has eliminated many if not most of those
options, requiring us to now come, hat-in-hand, begging for permission
to pursue our dreams, ideas and professions in ever more restricted
As government has assumed more and more control, individuals, groups
and businesses have sought to curry favor with politicians and
persuade them to wield government force in service of their particular
needs. This has led to waring factions vying for the limited resource
of favored political status, and it is this that ultimately creates the
polarization of our society that we observe today. As each group tries
desperately to have their particular values and goals imposed upon
all others, resentment grows into anger and finally transforms into
outright hatred for those who are seen as mortal enemies, bent upon
denying us the ability to live in the way that we each judge to be
The only solution to this problem is to reduce government control over
the lives of all citizens and allow them greater freedom to make their
own decisions as to how best to live their lives. This is the second
important benefit to be realized by giving each person in this country
the ability to decide for themselves whether they wish to participate
in government run entitlement programs, or prefer to take personal
responsibility for their own future.
So I ask any politician or political candidate who is serious about
actually addressing the problems faced by the Unites States, and who
has the the confidence and courage to step beyond the ineffectual
norms of Washington, D.C. politics in order to explore truly creative
solutions, to give this proposal some serious thought and see if
something along these lines does not, in fact, offer a realistic path
to achieving meaningful immediate and long-term benefits.
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Independence Day |
Subject: The True Meaning of the Fourth of July
In commemoration of the Fourth, the poet, Brian Faulkner, has been
gracious in allowing me the honor of publishing one of his compositions
which speaks so eloquently to the true meaning of this occasion.
As we celebrate this holiday, let's take a moment to remember the vision,
strength of will, and difficulties faced and overcome by those who created
and fought for the independence and liberation of the human spirit. And
let each of us renew our own pledge to continue that fight, dedicating
ourselves to doing all we can to see that each individual is once again
allowed the full opportunity to pursue their own definition of happiness,
unhampered by the dictates of others.
Please enjoy, and I wish a very happy Independence Day to all of my
independent readers!
With flags and banners high; We praise the days of liberty When bright was each man's eye. We sing the spirit bold That fired every will To fight the fight of liberty, And we are fighting still. For Independence now We raise a mighty cheer; Our individual liberty, It is an aim most dear. For sacred right of life, And property, its twin, We praise the ways of liberty To draw new seekers in. There're many who know not The things were said and done, When war for human liberty Was fought, and mostly won. And many more are blind, Bare truth will never see, Who sacrifice their liberty To false security. But we, who are the few, We march with shoulders proud; We praise the ways of liberty And sing its songs aloud. The roll of drums is strong, Our cannons smoke and roar, The flag of Independence Goes flying on before. One letter does it bear (In blazing stripe of gold)--- The "I" of human liberty That we all grasp and hold. We march beyond today With fearless tongues and hands, Until the "I" of liberty In every thinker stands. Across the lanes of air, Into computers' page The birth of Independence--- The "I"--- will come of age. Into our children's schools The books of light will shine, Till many youths, in liberty, Will sing, "My life is mine!" In business place and home Free thinkers will prevail, Till smiles of Independence For everywhere set sail! New marchers of the mind Will follow guilt no more--- The moral right of liberty A creed for rich and poor. The cross of altruism We'll gladly hail, "Goodbye!" No sacrifice when liberty Waves "I" across the sky! We march along the street, We march through every town; We'll swell the self of liberty Till hate of life is down! The roll of drums is strong, The fifes are sweet and bright; Our minds of Independence Give "I" its rising height. We sing the spirit true That will in time hold sway Till Independent Liberty Is its own endless day. Then right, and left, and right, And right and left again, Come all you sons of liberty And join the march of men. Now on and up we go, And no! we'll never cease! The "I"s of Independence Are mastering ---increase! Our rockets soar in air, Our colored streamers fly! The dawn of Independence Is bursting with its "I"! Now right, and left, and right, And right and left again; Come all you sons of liberty And swell the ranks of men! I extend my sincere thanks to Brian for his continuing inspiration in the cause of liberty. For more of Brian's wonderful poetry, please visit his website. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() You're Outta Here! |
Subject: Cancellation Day. Promote it!
Hey there folks!
If you're like me, then I suspect you are just plain sick of business
as usual in Washington, D.C.
It's Cancellation Day Yes the Big Adios Is just a few hours away
So put this date on your calendars and then help spread the word. Let's do everything we can to inject "Cancellation Day" into the political dialog, promoting November 6, 2012 as our new national holiday honoring all patriots who fight on for renewed liberty, the restoration of individual rights, and a proper, constitutionally limited government in the tradition of a true republic! ![]()
<A href="http://smallthoughts.com/blog/permalink/0161.html">
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Growth Of The National Debt |
Subject: Balancing The Federal Budget: A Simple Proposal
Take a look at the following chart:
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My simple (and unrealistic) proposal: Having observer the new Congress unsuccessfully tackle issues such as the 2011 budget, it seems clear that, as things stand, nothing of real substance can be expected to be accomplished. So long as Congress retains the ability to both set the level of spending as well as determine where that spending is to be allocated, there remains little hope that they will ever exercise any real fiscal restraint and make the difficult choices that are required. And we taxpayers are the ones left on the hook for the tab they continue to accumulate. The unrealistic part of my proposal — something that would require a change to the Constitution — is that the ability to set the overall annual spending level must be removed from the hands of government completely. In the long run, there are a number of ways that these levels could be determined, but I believe that the best would be to simply establish some very reasonable but fixed dollar amount that would be the sum total available for all normal government operations, with a provision for automatic adjustment to account for inflation/deflation. This would then be coupled with a balanced budget amendment that would require that the government maintain its spending strictly within this limit. Emergency situations such as declared wars, would be precisely defined, and funding for these activities would be handled by other means, but the overall size and nominal cost of government functions would be strictly proscribed and fully understood by all citizens. Given a known annual budget, it would then be up to Congress to determine how to allocate these dollars. They could fund government payroll, pensions and insurance. They would be responsible for facility rent, new construction and maintenance. They would apportion funds between agencies such as the CIA, FBI, the Armed Services and others. They could fund entitlement programs, or promote initiatives like cash-for-clunkers or home window replacement for energy conservation. They could send aid to foreign countries, support the UN or invest in promising new technologies. Money could be spent on pure research or used to build and launch rockets. Some funds might go to help the poor obtain health insurance or purchase prescription drugs, while others could be used to build bridges to nowhere or monuments to past presidents or fight the "war" on drugs. The sky's the limit. The only condition would be that should they wish to allocate some funds to one area, for example, to set up a presidential cell phone emergency alert system, then these dollars would have to come from or at the expense of something else. Citizens would elect representatives that promised to promote things of agreed importance, and then it would be up to those representatives to work with other congressional member to devise the best allocation strategy — just an families and businesses routinely do every day as a matter of course. One huge consequence of this approach is that it would very quickly be determined what the real priorities were for all of the possible expenditures. It would soon become evident how entitlements for the needy weighed in relation to immigration reform, illegal drug use, energy policy, and so on. To implement this plan would also require addressing the problem of getting from here to there. Right now our deficit is $1.65 trillion in relation to a budget of $3.82 trillion, making the deficit a whopping 43% of the total! My proposal would be to immediately start cutting the existing budget across the board by 10%, or $382 billion for each of the next five years: 2012-2016. By declaring that these cuts apply equally to all areas of government — from the military to entitlement programs to salaries to regulatory agencies — it eliminates the grid lock we currently see where each party jockeys to fund their pet programs while defunding those of the opposition. Since they are unable to do it themselves, we will make all of the hard decisions for them. This would reduce the 2016 budget down to $1.9 trillion, or about the same level of spending as in 1989 (in equivalent dollars), while fully eliminating the deficit and yielding a small surplus. From 2017 onward, continue to reduce the budget by 5% each year, applying all surplus to retiring the outstanding debt. Maintain this process until the desired spending target level is reached and then freeze it. Once the deficit is eliminated, begin reducing or restructuring taxes to produce an ongoing revenue with a slight surplus, which is banked strictly for use against future revenue short falls and nothing else. As the budget reductions went into effect, it would be left to Congress to start reallocating the remaining funds to support areas of greater importance while defunding those of less utility. This would require that every aspect of current government operation be brought up for discussion and a detailed review, a process which, as previously discussed, does wonders to focus the mind on one's priorities. If something along these lines is not enacted, and if we simply continue along our present course, spending our way into oblivion while maintaining a regulatory environment that is crippling the economy with uncertainty, then it will not be too long before the U.S. reached it's own tipping point, and then, like Greece, Portugal, Ireland and others, we will no longer possess the ability to recover on our own. And no one is waiting in the wings to bail us out. A few brave Tea Party-backed candidates have made it to Washington with the resolve to fight the system and work to effect real change. However, there are as yet too few of them to wield real clout. Over the course of the next few election cycles, I believe that there is an opportunity to replace many more of these liberal Democrats and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) with true fiscal conservatives who could work together to accomplish the goals that have been promised, but which are being evaded by the current Congress. Let us hope that they arrive in time, and when they do, that they will be prepared to take bold action, similar to what I outline here, allowing the necessary corrections to occur as quickly as possible, so that our economy can begin to expand and thrive, once again, assuming its rightful leadership position in the world. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() I'm Entitled To It! |
"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
— Robert Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
![]() When Heinlein wrote these words, he was simply referring to the obvious fact that you cannot get something for nothing. Everything consumed must first be produced and everything bought must be paid for. For previous generations, this was a common-sense observation with which all reasonable people agreed. However, these days, that is far from the case, and whether the adage is applicable or not depends upon just exactly what type of person you happen to be. Back in December, I wrote an article titled, Money for Nothin' and Your Chicks For Free, where I briefly examined the history of the ever expanding welfare state and the subsequent erosion of the American work ethic, all of which ultimately led to the creation of a population substantially trapped in the morass of a new found learned helplessness. And what are the practical consequences of this? For that, I refer you to the following story, released earlier today:
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Mother Earth |
Subject: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
This is a follow up to my previous article on
Origins of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
As I have written elsewhere, the United Nations is the self-appointed
international advocate and enabler of the environmentalist cause,
pushing forward on every possible front, whether that be through the
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and its anthropogenic
global warming fiction, or with
Agenda 21
and its misdirecting quest for "sustainability". Well, here
is the latest chapter out of the UN's play book.
On April 13th, Steven Edwards wrote an article in
Vancouver Sun, describing a draft treaty currently being submitted
for adoption by the United Nations. Here are a few excerpts from
Edward's article:
[Thanks once again to Allen Small for bringing the Vancouver Sun article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() Global Warming? |
Subject: The Origins of Anthropogenic Global Warming
As longtime readers of this site are aware, since 2009, when the
internal documents from the University of East Anglia Climate
Research Unit were first leaks, I have been tracking important
information pertaining to the political ramification of the movement
to establish the man-made production of carbon dioxide as the primary
activity responsible for global warming. All of this material can be
found at the Climategate
in Review website.
An article titled Climate
Models Go Cold, recently published in the Financial Post, contains
the text of a speech given at an Anti-Carbon-Tax Rally in Perth,
Australia, by David
Evans. Mr Evans, a mathematician and engineer who has earned six
professional degrees, consulted with the Australian Greenhouse Office
and Department of Climate Change for nine years, modeling carbon pools
in forest and agricultural systems, which exposed him to the current
state of climate data and resulted in his transformation from a
global warming alarmist to a skeptic.
To summarize, Evans explains how the original idea that carbon dioxide
production was predominantly responsible for the earth's global warming
was based upon a climate model hypothesis formulated in the early 80s,
which by the mid 90s had been completely disproved as a result of three
decades of atmospheric temperature measurements. Here are the details,
with all quotes coming from Evan's essay:
The first point Evan makes is that a significant assumption, folded
into all of the climate models, was based upon an unproven hypothesis
for which there was no corroborating data back in 1980.
[Thanks to Allen Small for originally bringing the Evan article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() MIA |
Subject: Missing in Action This blog has been quiet for the past six weeks or so, due to a month long trip to Asia, coupled with pre and post-trip activity. However, now returned, fully rested and recuperated, I intend to get back to writing commentary on current events. To kick things off, in the next post I will begin with a look at a talk given by David Evans on the story behind global warming. Stay tuned. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Atlas Shrugged |
Subject: Atlas Shrugged Movie is Opening April 15, 2011 Who is John Galt? The long awaited movie version of Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged, is finally being prepared for release. The first installment of the movie, which is being filmed in three parts corresponding to the three sections of the book, will be seen in limited release on April 15th — tax day — which seems wholly appropriate in symbolically reinforcing the story's theme. You can visit the official movie website at this link: Atlas Shrugged Movie The specific cities and theaters where the movie will be initially screened is currently not settled. If you would like to see the movie open in your area, obtain the name and contact information for one or more theater managers who may be interested in showing the film, and forward it to the studio using the following contact form. Here is the first trailer to be released for the upcoming movie. If you are interested in helping promote this film, pass the information along to others and link back to this article and/or the official movie website. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Silencio! |
Subject: The Rhetoric of Anger
![]() How sharp would fly the bullets from my mind. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Vendetta |
Subject: The Idea Of America — The Choice Is Ours
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() mint.com |
Subject: Celebrating American Wealth
On the financial management website,
mint.com, there is an article
titled, The
Wealthiest Americans of All Time, which looks at the richest
Americans since the founding of the country, converting their net
worth at the times of their death (if applicable) into 2010 dollars.
The information is then presented in the interactive chart displayed
below. You can roll your mouse over the various bars to see the 25
richest Americans of all time. When comparing apples-to-apples in
this way, it is interesting to see that
Bill Gates
($53 billion) and
Warren Buffet
($47 billion) currently rank at #13 and #16 respectively —
quite far below
John D.
Rockefeller who amassed a 2010 net worth of $192 billion.
But what really impressed me about this chart was the comment which
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sen. John Cornyn |
Subject: What Are a Few Earmarks Between Friends!
In a news article by Dan Weil titled,
Earmark Ban Likely to Become Earmark Reform, he reports
that some Republicans are already backing off from their November 16th
pledge, and are working to reintroduce earmarks! That's right. Only
one day into the congressional session and this is one of the
"hot" topics that most concerns these Republicans. Well, it
certainly tells you where their interests lie.
In this article, Senator John Cornyn of TX is quoted as saying,
"Most people think we need earmark reform — not a ban",
while Senator Lamar Alexander waffles with, "Earmarks are still a
subject that we have to work out." Oh really? I thought
it was made quite clear that an outright ban was supported by the
voters, and that there was nothing left to "work out".
While earmarks may not be the highest priority issue for those of us
wanting to see much of last year's legislation repealed, along with
other massive reductions in the size and scope of government, this is
an extremely important symbolic issue. The Republicans made a pledge
to the American people in response to a clear message being sent during
the last election. And now, they simply think that they can ignore
that promise and continue to do whatever they wish! The level of
contempt that this demonstrates for the American public — and
especially for those who worked so diligently over the past two years
to see them elected — is staggering. Let's not let them get
away with this.
A Call To Activism:The progressive Democrats in Congress are a lost cause. There is no point in contacting them as they have clearly demonstrated that they are not responsive to anyone, as they pursue their preordained agenda. It is the Republicans upon whom we must focus our attention, and in this instance we cannot afford to let them get away with this breach. We must act swiftly and in unison to send the message that we are watching their every move and will no longer tolerate abuses of this kind. So I am asking every reader to take a few minutes to write to their Republican Senators and Representatives, as well as to those who have not staked out a clear anti-earmark position, like Cornyn and Alexander. Through our numbers, let's make our voices heard. Let them know that the American public is on fire, and if they continue to play with us, they will surely get burned!
![]() To send an email message to Lamar Alexander, click here. ![]() To find the address of you Senator or Representative, click here.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Beer and Taxes |
Subject: The U.S. Tax System Explained With Beer
This little story† has been
floating around the internet for quite some time, and the author is
unknown to me. It makes a very important point quite forcefully!
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible." † I reworked the numbers in the story slightly because they did not properly add up in the versions that I saw. It doesn't make a very convincing economics example if you can't add properly! ‡ "Seemed" is the operative word here. Just because a taxpayer doesn't spend every waking moment of their life complaining bitterly, do not assume that that means that they are "quite happy" with the system and how they are being treated! Addendum: [01-05-10] I thought it would be instructive to show the actual percentage of taxes paid by various income groups. The following chart comes from The Heritage Foundation and is for the year 2007, showing the percentage of taxes paid by different segments of the wage-earning populace. ![]()
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Wyatt Emmerich |
Subject: Working Is For Suckers
This is a follow up to my previous article Money For
Nothin' and Your Chicks For Free, where, among other
things, I discussed the erosion of the American work ethic as a
consequence of government welfare programs.
Wyatt Emmerich, the editor of the Weekly Mississippi publications, the
Northside Sun and
The Cleveland
Current, recently published an interesting article titled,
welfare it makes sense to work less, in which he wondered why
new manufacturing plants were no longer opening in his state. Here
is what he learned:
![]() ![]() Addendum: (From the newsgroup rec.humor.funny)
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Coming Home To Roost |
Subject: Money For Nothin' and Your Chicks For Free
"For many, immaturity is an ideal, not a defect."
— Mason Cooley
![]() Since the founding of this country, each generation has faced its own unique set of difficulties and struggles, whether those happened to be droughts, floods, fires, tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, wars, abolition, suffrage, civil rights, economic depression, or any number of other natural or man-made challenges. The economic, social and environmental problems that confront us today have their own unique character, but are actually no worse than many of those of the past. However, there is a fundamental change that has occurred in our society that does not bode well for our future. Where once the majority of people understood that they must face their problems with the will and strength of character to perform the work necessary to overcome obstacles, this is no longer the case. Today, we now find ourselves in a society where a sizable segment of the populace has been trained to abdicate this responsibility and simply rely upon government management and its financial assistance to mitigate any hardships needing to be faces. Effectively, we now have a class of perpetually dependent, aging adolescents who have never been required to "grow up" and assume the mantle of responsible adulthood. How did we arrive at this state? ![]() The Erosion of the American Work Ethic: America was colonized by people who understood the value of hard work and perseverance. Traveling across the Atlantic with few possessions, effectively cut off from European aid or assistance, the early settlers knew that their survival depended upon their ability to address whatever circumstances presented themselves. So important were these characteristics, that they became codified as religious virtues, handed down from generation to generation in what sociologist Max Weber would later come to classify as the Protestant work ethic. The great accomplishments and economic growth achieved throughout the history of this country are the result of this spirit of productiveness and personal drive exhibited by so many people in pursuit of their dream of creating a better life for themselves. Another principle shaping the founding character of this country was the virtue of independence or self-reliance, best seen embodied in the concept of individual rights as delineated in the Declaration of Independence. The recognition that each person was master of their own life, with the unfettered liberty to guide themselves in a manner of their own choosing, implied an acceptance of the responsibility for dealing with their personal survival and happiness. In this country, the future was in one's own control, to be principally determined by the consequences of one's actions. From the 17th through the early 20th centuries, the causal relationship between the application of effort, perseverance and self-reliance could be clearly seen resulting in a steadily increasing prosperity, which conveyed an extremely important lesson to each subsequent generation. In general, the American culture was acknowledged as having an optimistic view of the future with a "can-do" spirit, where, with hard work, anything was possible. Opportunities were limitless, while resignation and defeat were not treated as viable options. Still, there were counter-forces at work destined to undermine this positive American psyche. Of course, there was the ever-present call for self-sacrifice which has permeated every society on earth. The philosophy of altruism was the antithesis to the value-based culture of the United States. Whereas individualism preached productiveness and pride in one's achievements, altruism demanded the relinquishing of all that was valuable, and a sense of shame in one's abilities. While the goal of individualism was personal happiness, the end result of altruism was the embrace of pain and suffering as noble. In practice, Americans rejected the worst aspects of altruism, but at the same time, lacking a proper philosophical defense against its teachings, accepted the psychological burden of guilt for having repeatedly failed to live up (actually down) to its anti-life requirements. However, the greater damage to American culture began in earnest with the inception of the welfare system. The existential roots of welfare in the United States extend back to 1642 with the creation of the first compulsory public school in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Here, the acquisition of an education was declared to no longer be the responsibility or each individual, but a "right". And at the same time, it was also dictated that these individuals no longer retained their free choice in deciding if, when, and by what means, they would pursue that education. Instead, authorities would compel them to attend school at the prescribed place and time, for the mandated duration, studying predetermined subjects and material. In addition, other working member of society would then be forced to bear the cost for providing this newly created "right". And so it began. Whenever a so called "positive right" to a good or service is introduced, it carries with it two direct consequences: the undermining of one or more inherent natural rights (in this case, life and liberty), and the forced enslavement of those who are required to provide the good or service to others. Furthermore, the creation of two opposing groups — the providers and the consumers — leads to indirect psychological consequences: resentment on the part of providers, and a demanding expectation on the part of the consumers for what they have been told is their entitlement. The imposition of the modern welfare state began in earnest with Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression of the 1930s, was dramatically expanded by Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, and has been continually growing ever since. And assistance is no longer limited to individuals in need, but now encompass groups, businesses and entire industries. We are all familiar with the ubiquitous Public Education, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, but that only scratches the surface of the many assistance programs that our legislators have created over time. A quick review of a few news articles revealed the following currently active programs:
Direct Loan Direct Payments for a Specified Use Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use Dissemination of Technical Information Federal Employment Formula Grants Guaranteed/Insured Loans Guaranteed/Insured Loans Insurance Investigation of Complaints Project Grants Provision of Specialized Services Sale, Exchange or Donation of Property or Goods Training Use of Property, Facilities or Equipment
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Help Me! |
Subject: Being President Is Hard!
![]() And he could hype a miserman for all his gold Some say he's a hipster and some say nix But everyone's solid when he gets his kicks He's a shape in a drape —— Joe Jackson ![]() Here is a must-see video clip that I believe will be carefully studied in college political science classes for generations to come. After his public "shellacking" during the midterm elections, and now facing mounting opposition from Democrats across the country in response to his willingness to compromise on his long standing pledge to raise taxes on the "rich", Obama scheduled a conference with former President Bill Clinton to discuss a strategy for moving forward. After meeting for just under one and one half hours, the two men then attended a hastily organized press conference. After some brief introductory remarks, Obama turned the podium over to Clinton and then indicated that he was leaving to attend a Christmas party, stating:
![]() ![]() For another blogger's take on this subject, see Rational Nation USA |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() William Buckley |
Subject: Still Chipping Away At It ...
"National service, like gravity, is something we could accustom
ourselves to, and grow to love." — William F. Buckley, Jr. ![]() Aah yes, can you feel that slow but unrelenting pull of enslavement as it distorts the very concepts of rights and principles, rending you from your life and liberty. Resistance is futile. Just accept your fate, relax, and let the sunshine in. Cue The Fifth Dimension. Well, if you can't rely on a patriot like Bill Buckley to have your back, how about George C. Wilson over at The Huffington Post? In a recent article titled Our Own Foreign Legion, Wilson, a former national defense correspondent for The Washington Post, laments that there is a large gap in understanding between those who actually provide the military defense of our country and the civilian "establishment" who comfortably sit back with no dog in the hunt. Recognizing that "presidents, defense secretaries, generals, admirals, senators, representatives, and journalists can all be wrong about when going to war is justified", here are his thoughts:
![]() * It is true that ANSA states that they don't necessarily argue for mandatory national service if voluntary national service was sufficient to "gets the job done." And just exactly how many volunteers would be enough? They admit that "that's tough to say." But the answer is unimportant since this line of reasoning is all disingenuous misdirection from their true mission, clearly articulated on their website, which is the creation of a legislative act that extracts from every citizen the duty that they see being owed to their country. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Wolfensohn |
Subject: We've Got a Social Disease
![]() "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men." — Ayn Rand ![]() We hear the message from every quarter: "Help thy neighbor", "You are your brother's keeper", "It takes a village". These are all expressions of the philosophy of altruism, which prohibits a self-interested and therefore a self-responsible concern for one's own wellbeing, substituting in its place an external focus on the welfare of others. In the personal arena, a constant exposure to this message results in a society where people are trained to pay very close attention to the actions of their friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers. Since they have been instructed to be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of others, it often becomes necessary to intervene in their lives in order to advise against mistakes or actions that are judged to be foolhardy or dangerous. And this leads to the establishment of the busybody as an accepted social norm. Do you choose not to wear a bike helmet, or recycle, or shop at the local organic grocery store? The busybody has no hesitation in informing you of your error — and feeling great about it — regardless of whether or not you desire and have invited their input. After all, it's only for your own good, and they have been told that this "selfless" intrusion into your life is the essence of the morally good. However, there can be a problem. Sometimes the other person — the object of these good intentions — simply will not listen to and adopt the recommendations that are being offered, so generously, in their own best interest. It can be frustrating when someone else doesn't see, understand and accept what is so clearly the proper way to think and act. Maybe their problem stems from a poor upbringing and exposure to the wrong influences. Or possibly they are distracted by other concerns, leaving them with a dangerous blind spot. Or, as is often judged to be the case, they may simply not be smart enough to work out out the optimal course of action on their own. Whatever the reason, the busybody, looking for other ways to help, turns to government — the repository of force — in order to make sure that these misguided people are made to do the right thing. Here are a couple of examples:
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Taxpayers Against Earmarks |
Subject: Activism in Action: The Tea Party Movement Racks Up Its
First Win of The Season!
NOTE: This is a follow-up to my earlier article: So You Want to Hang On to Those Earmarks? We'll See About That! Earlier today, many news outlets, including The Christian Science Monitor, The Hill, and Investors Business Daily, reported that GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had bent to the will of the American public and changed his position regarding the Republican party's upcoming proposal for a two-year ban on attaching pork-barrel earmarks to legislation. Only one week earlier, Politico was reporting that McConnell was:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() "The Bernank" |
Subject: Inflation is Not Your Friend!
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke thinks that we don't have enough
inflation in this country, so he is now engaged in printing up $600
billion crisp new dollars with which he will purchase government
securities such as treasury bills. Of course, the average person has
a glimmer of understanding that just printing money out of thin air
might not be such a good thing to do. (Don't we call that
counterfitting when others do it?) So the Fed tries to distract us
from those concerns by calling it Quantitative Easing, because
who actually understands exactly what that means? Well, let's
allow this short video explain it to us.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Mitch McConnell |
Subject: So You Want to Hang On to Those Earmarks? We'll See
About That!
Earlier today the online news site, Politico,
reported that Jim DeMint was marshaling Republicans to get behind a
plan to restrict earmarks from future congressional legislation.
You know what we're talking about here; things like the $300 million
Purchase, or the $100 million
Kickback, or Chris Dodd's $100 million
for construction of an unspecified Connecticut university hospital, or
the grandaddy of them all, the $60 billion
Cadillac Tax
for the benefit of the Unions, all of which were, at one point,
included as part of the recently passed health care (i.e.,
Obamacare) legislation.
Of course, these follow in the proud tradition of Alaskian Ted Steven's
$230 million
Bridge To Nowhere,
or Virginia Foxx and Richard Burr's $500,000 to build a
Teapot Museum
in Sparta, NC, or then Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill's $14.6 billion
for a 3.5 mile long Massachusetts
Big Dig
highway project, or $3.4 million to build a
Turtle Tunnel
in Florida, or $19 million to study the environmental effects of
Cow Flatulence.
And the list goes on, and on, and on... According to
in 2005, federal legislation contained an estimated 16,000 earmarks
totaling roughly $48 billion, and
CBS News,
reports that the 2010 Federal budget alone contained 5,000 earmarks
which totaled roughly $14 billion, which is on top of the 2009 stimulus
allocation of $787 billion.
So, considering the mood of the country as was recently exhibited
in the mid-term elections, with the voters rejecting sixty-six
congressional tax-and-spend progressives and replacing them with
fiscal conservative, it would seem like a no-brainer to support
DeMint's proposal to reign in the abuse of earmarks. Right? Well,
that's apparently not how many of the long-standing congressional
Republicans see it.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Blog Update |
Subject: The Times They Are A Changing!
After an extended summer hiatus—allowing for a complete redesign
of the John Galt Pledge Blog—it is finally back up and running,
new and improved, better than ever, all shiny and squeaky clean.
And now, with improved taste and 35% fewer calories!
As you can see above, the blog has been renamed, and now resides at
a new web address:
Old master links to the blog will continue to work, automatically
forwarding you to this new location, but I strongly recommend
creating a new bookmark directly to this page. Unfortunately, any
previous links to individual articles on the old blog will no longer
work. All past articles have been migrated forward and each one has
been assigned a new Permalink (see the box to the left of each
article) that points to a separate page for just that article. If you
have previously referenced any of these articles, please locate them
here and update the links. These new Permalinks should be good
for the foreseeable future.
So what's new:
&mdash Jeff |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Pruitt-Igoe |
Subject: Your Property and Property Rights Are Being Dynamited!
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." — George Santayana Urban Planning
National Social Engineering
Global Social Engineering
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Charles Rangel |
Subject: Slavery — It's Back In Fashion!  
What Are You Prepared To Do About It?
With the intent of giving this site a major redesign, I have been
neglecting it for the past few months in favor of other activities.
However, my lack of attention hasn't slowed down our masters in
Washington D.C., who continue their relentless march to exert control
over every area of our lives.
The John Galt Pledge
website was originally created in response to Obama's campaign promise,
and the administration's subsequent calls, for the imposition of a
mandatory national service requirement upon every citizen of the
United States, in fulfillment of an obligation that it is claimed we
owed to our country as a condition of our simple existence. Over the
past year, this blog has chronicled the steady increase in funding of
agencies tasked with placing the livelyhood of an ever increasing
percentage of the population under direct federal control, as well as
the underground movement to impose mandatory "community service" work
upon students as a requirement for their obtaining an education.
As I predicted, once these politicians were no longer fully preoccupied
with the tasks of nationalizing entire industries, ramming socialized
health care down our throats, and increasing their regulatory control
over all aspects of our personal and business finances, they would soon
get back to the fundamental task of fully enslaving us. Well, that day
has come. On July 15, 2010, Charles Rangel introduced
the preamble of which reads:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() FORA TV |
Subject: Mark Steyn: The End of the World as We Know To watch an interesting 38 minute interview with Mark Steyn, covering serious social issues currently facing western cultures, click here. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Nancy Pelosi |
Subject: How to Solve the Housing Crisis - Government Style
Well, take a look at this article in the Spokesman Review titled,
Health law's heavy impact"
for a review of some of the taxes you will soon be experiencing as a
result of that legislation. Of particular note is the new 3.8% tax
on real estate transactions. This means that if you buy/sell a
$300,000 home, you will pay a tax of $11,400, and if the home goes
for $750,000, the tax will be $28,500. And remember, this is on
top of all the current real estate taxes that are already being
imposed. If you are young and mobile in your career, this is a tax
that will hit you every time you relocate.
Or maybe you are older and were thinking of retiring to a new
location. Open up your wallet, because all real estate throughout
the country will immediately increase in cost by about 4%. Or
possibly you are in business and are thinking about expanding your
growing practice by moving into a new facility that will cost
$30 million. You new tax would then be a whopping $1,140,000.
Yes, that ought to make you think twice about that move.
Given our current housing crisis, with an oversupply of homes that
is killing the entire construction industry, can you think of a
worse idea for addressing these problems than to increase the cost
of all homes by a huge amount, pricing more people out of the housing
market and further reducing demand. As Cloud Downey also noted, the
immediate impact will be to further flood the market with home sales,
as owners attempt to sell before the tax kicks in. And reviewing the
overall state of the economy, with so many businesses struggling to
stay afloat, consider how damaging a new tax of this magnitude will
be, making capital investment that much more difficult and retarding
any latent recovery.
Is there still a person out there who can state with a straight face,
that when it comes to managing the economy and the lives of each
of us, that the government is qualified to make intelligent choices
that are in the best interest of the citizens? If there is such a
person, then my response is the same one Joe Wilson gave to Obama:
"You lie!"
[Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Petition Project |
Subject: American Scientists Reject Anthropogenic Global Warming
Over 31,000 American scientists have signed a petition stating that
there is no convincing evidence that human-related activities are
causing catastrophic climate change, and urge the U.S. government
to reject the Kyoto global warming agreement, along with all other
similar proposals.
If you agree, and have a Bachelor of Science degree, or higher, in
an appropriate scientific field, then I encourage you to visit the
Global Warming Petition
Project website, print out a copy of the petition, sign it,
and mail it in, adding your voice to the effort to restore sanity,
not only to the study of climate, but to all fields of scientific
![]() |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Caine |
Subject: But is it Good Enough for Michael Caine?
In an article in the Chicago Sun Times titled,
national service would help kids, Michael Caine continues
on his push to institute mandatory national service for every youth
in Britain, something that I wrote about here,
here and here.
But even though that proposal has not yet been implemented in the U.K.,
he has now come to our shores to make sure that the youth of America
don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be indoctrinated into
their proper role as servants to the state.
In response to the article, I had these comments:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Examiner |
Subject: What Is The Tea Party Movement Really All About?
In a recent OpEd piece in the Washington Examiner titled,
Media still clueless about Tea
Parties, author Noemie Emery ponders the media's
disingenuous "confusion" over the nature of the Tea Party
participants, wondering why they classify us as irrationally angry,
uncaring, fear mongering, racist, misogynist, ignorant rabble,
aggrieved elite, populists, and above all, unappreciative for all of
the great things that are being done for us by our government. She
then correctly identifies that there is no mystery here and that Tea
Partiers are upset at the massive increase in the national debt,
fearing that it has become unsustainable.
While I agree with her point, and appreciate he having correctly
identified this issue, I do not believe that she has squarely hit the
the target with her analysis. Here is my response to her piece.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Jennifer Burns |
Subject: Jennifer Burns Doesn't Understand Ayn Rand
Jennifer Burns, the author of Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and
the American Right, weighs in on Greenspan and Rand in a short
article titled What
Ayn Rand didn't teach: Cronyism. While she gets some points
right, including the title of the essay, for a person writing about the
market, some of her statements demonstrate an astounding level of
ignorance as to the actual nature of how market's function.
Burns repeats Greenspan's now famous rationalization that he was
shocked that investors didn't act "rationally" in the latest financial
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Barry Goldwater |
Subject: A Tax Day Tea Party Reminder Of Our Mission
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Conscription |
Subject: Will the Conservatives Defend your Rights?
Don't Count On It.
Leading the way for the rest of the unfree world, today, the UK's
Telegraph reports that
plan civilian 'national service' scheme. That's right, not
wanting to allow Gordon Brown and the democratic socialist Labor party
to get the glory by getting there first, David Cameron and the British
Conservatives are "Sowing
The Seeds of the Big Society" by proposing plans for a
National Citizen Service, where 16 year old children will be
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Social Innovation Fund |
Subject: Building Obama's Army
Do you know what a "Social Innovation Fund" is? Do you need one?
Did you know you were already paying for it with your tax dollars?
Apparently, it's  "an entirely new way of doing business."
You don't say! Tell me more.
According to this
press release
the fund's new director, Paul Carttar:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() A Republic, If You Can Keep It |
Subject: The American Form of Government
This video discusses the differences between Dictatorship, Oligarchy,
Democracy, Republic and Anarchy, making the important point that
a Republic is denoted by an adherence to the "Rule of Law",
as opposed to a Democracy which is simply the unrestricted "Rule
of the Majority". Pass this link along to anyone you think needs
a little history lesson.
[Thanks to Joe Zoch for bringing this to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Shut Up! |
Subject: Obama's Full Frontal Attack on Free Speech
Today, in the Wall Street Journal, two articles discuss the immediate
effect of the new health care legislation. In
ObamaCare Day
One, we hear about companies like Caterpillar, which is
reporting a first year cost of $100 million or more in order to comply
with the new regulations. In another article titled
The ObamaCare Writedowns, it is reported
that government-mandated accounting rules require corporations to
immediately restate earning to reflect the present value of their
long-term health care liabilities and taxes. In response to that
requirement, today AT&T took a one billion dollar writedown. Other
companies reporting health care related losses include: Deere & Co,
($150 million); 3M Corporation ($90 million); AK Steel ($31 million);
Valero Energy ($20 million). The consulting firm Towers Watson
is estimating that the total for all businesses may reach as high as
$14 billion.
What does this mean? It means that the U.S. economy just lost another
14 billion dollars. That's $14 billion that will not be available for
capital investment or research. $14 billion that is now unavailable
for business expansion and new jobs creation. $14 billion that will
never make it into the wallets of workers. That's $14 billion
real dollars, created through productive work — not
paper money simply run off the government's printing presses.
However, if that were not bad enough, just like kangaroo*, the President
and his congressional cohorts are "hopping mad at this sort of
talk!" How dare anyone say a bad word about their amazing
technicolor gift to us all? Gary Locke, the Commerce Secretary,
said that companies having the gaul to report such gigantic costs were
being "irresponsible". And Representative Henry Waxman
announced that in response, the Democrats are going to haul the heads
of these businesses before a House panel and grill them on their
statements. This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to silence
the CEOs through intimidation. In other words, its an all out attack
on their free speech. And it's getting to be routine.
We saw Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, silenced after being made
the scapegoat for the Merrill Lynch fiasco. We've seen the automotive
executives hauled before Congress, making it clear that they were to
quietly comply with the government's nationalization of their
industry—or else. Medical and insurance companies where
threatened with punishment and placated with bribes to silence their
opposition to the health care legislation. And when the medical device
makers refused to go along, Congress slapped huge new taxes on them
to make sure that everybody else got the point. Just another
"teachable moment" for the Obama administration.
The main stream media has become nothing more than a propaganda tool
for the administration, self-censoring any troublesome story including
Climategate, ACORN, Anita Dunn's Mao comments, Van Jones, to name a
few. Then there is Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory
czar, who, in his book On Rumors, has proposed making internet
blogs and hosting sites responsible for the remarks of posters,
allowing the government and others to censor and demand deletion of
objectionable "false rumors", or else be sued. Congress has threatened
the reimposition of the "fairness doctrine" as a means of muting the
voice of conservative commentators. And Representative Linda T.
Sanchez introduced bill
in the House stating:
* "Kangaroo were hopping mad at this sort of talk. She thought herself far superior in intelligence to the others. She was their leader; their guru. She had the answer." [Remind you of anyone?] -- The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles, by Jethro Tull |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Student "Loans |
Subject: This Is How We Get Things Done—Chicago Style.
In what seems like a lifetime ago, back in September 2009
(see here), I was talking about the Obama
administration's plans to nationalize the entire student loan industry,
with the intent of then being able to tie the government's single
source of educational loans to a requirement for mandatory national or
"community" service.
Well folks, you are not going to see that legislation be debated in
in the chambers of Congress, nor will you see it come up for a vote
by your elected representatives. This isn't going to happen because
this heavily contested piece of legislation known as the Student
Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, is, as reported in
and by The Hill,
simply going to be attached to the health care modification package
being considered by the Senate, and enacted by a simple majority of
senators using the budget reconciliation process.
And that's how we do it in Washington D.C. these days. If you can't
get you legislation passed through normal constitutional channels,
there is always a procedural trick or a bribe or a threat that can
be used in its place.
I guess I'm still dumbstruck from the realization that our culture has
sunk to such a low, that it is now possible for so many Americans to
look at these underhanded politiebureau tactics and simply sit back
and smile at the results.
"The State is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live
at the expense of everyone else." -- Frederic Bastiat |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Comrade Castro |
Subject: You Know You're in Good Company When You Get Fidel Castro's
Well, I think we can all feel better now knowing that Fidel Castro
has given his approval
for the passage of ObamaCare. We have certainly moved a big step
closer to finally achieving the quality of health care that Cubans
receive, and is the envy of the world. To see what your future may
hold, take a look at this
site or this
site. Yes, we really have to thank Michael Moore for his objective
reporting, letting us know the truth.
And another measure of just how good the new health care system will
be can be seen by the following, as reported in
The Wall Street Journal:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() John Dingell |
Subject: What is the Health Care Legislation Really All About?
In a radio interview,
discussing the new health care legislation, Michigan Representative
John Dingell made the following statement:
administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together ![]() TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE" And that, Charlie Brown, is what health care legislation is all about. Of course, if you're keeping track at home, we've known this all along, as we discussed previously here, among many other posts. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Investors.com |
Subject: 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms To get a quick overview of how pervasively the new health care legislation will reach into your pockets and exercise control over your life, read the article, 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms by David Hogberg. Then get out your wallets and onto your feet and do what you can to fight back against those, whether in Washington or living next door, who have demonstrated a total lack of respect for your constitutional rights and wish to enslave you in service of their desires. These people are not your friends, and they are only just getting started. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Al Sharpton |
Subject: Just In Case There Was Still Any Question ...
[Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Democracy Denied |
Subject: Barack Obama's Legislative Game Plan
Thanks to the Left Coast
Rebel for bringing this chart from
Americans for
Prosperity, to my attention. 'Nuff said.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() No We Can't! |
Subject: I REFUSE to Serve in Obama and Rahm's "Civilian Service" Program If you oppose the Obama administration's plans to create a Civilian Service program where every American will be conscripted into mandatory labor, then one easy form of protest to which you can contribute is to add your name to the Facebook group I REFUSE to Serve in Obama and Rahm's "Civilian Service" Program. Let Obama know where you stand! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Gangster Government |
Subject: We Now Have A Total Gangster Government
The real State of the Union. As
Michael Barone put it a year ago, we now have a "Gangster
Government" operating in place of what should be a free market.
![]() Permalink ![]() Jon Bon Jovi |
Subject: Bon Jovi Turns Concerts Into Obama Worship Services In an article on the Free Republic website entitled: Jon Bon Jovi Takes United We Serve on Tour (Turns Concerts Into Obama Worship Services), the rock singer Jon Bon Jovi will be using his current concert tour as a vehicle to preach to the audience with a prepared video, calling upon them to visit the government's United We Serve website and sign up to volunteer their time, effort and money to the community and the nation. In addition, Bon Jovi created a Public Service Announcement that will be used by the government to further promote this activity. Remember, this is just one more piece of propaganda being produced by the Corporation for National and Community Service, an organization that in just the last two years has received over $2 billion of your taxpayer funds to be used to promote this "volunteer" activity, while Congress works to pass H.R. 1444, which contains provisions for imposing a mandatory national service requirement on every American citizen. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Mann |
Subject: Climategate in Review In order to facilitate better research into the facts surrounding the Climategate scandal, all of the information relating to global climate change has been consolidated on a single page, allowing easier updates. For more information, go to: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Medically Incorrect |
Subject: It's Not "Health Care Reform", It's "Government
In a Medically Incorrect
video clip at PJTV, Dr. Peter Weiss demonstrates why the average
conservative cannot be entrusted to man the battle stations in
defense of our individual rights when it comes to most issues,
including health care.
Dr. Weiss argues for an alternative to the Democrat's health care
legislation by proposing the following:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() US Congress |
Subject: An Open Letter to Congress on Health Care
I have just read an article in the New
York Times which indicates that this weekend, President Obama is
planning to send health care legislation to Congress, designed to be
attached to a budget bill, and rammed through the Senate using the now
widely publicized scam known as "budget reconciliation".
After everything that has been said and written about this issue, I
find this action truly unbelievable!
Did Washington not receive the clear message that we the people
sent to all of you with the recent election of Scott Brown in
Massachusetts? If not, let me repeat it for you once again:
We don't want the house version of the health care legislation. We
don't want the senate version of the health care legislation. We
don't want the President's version of health care legislation. We
don't want the Democrat's version of health care legislation. We
don't want the Republican's version of health care legislation.
We don't want the government controlling our lives and we don't want
you interfering with the personal medical decision that we choose to
make in consultation with our doctors. We don't want to be forced to
obtain health insurance under penalty of fines and/or jail. We don't
want our health providers and insurance companies to be regulated,
forced to act against their own best professional interests, any more
than we wish that upon ourselves. We don't want any new taxes. And
we certainly don't want another huge financial liability imposed upon
productive Americans, who already shoulder the unreasonable burden
that you and your fellow legislators have placed there with a $12.4
trillion debt and a shiny new $3.8 trillion budget.
Now, this draconian legislation that will cost trillions of additional
dollars, is supposed to be added to a budget bill as though it were
just another typical pork-barrel earmark! And this from the President
that pledged to reform earmarks and make "his administration the
most open and transparent in history." I hope that this is not a
process that you are seriously considering supporting. Instead, you
should be doing everything within your power to stop this abomination
dead in its tracks.
I'm watching, and so are millions of other concerned Americans all
across the nation. And each day, with each new insult that emanates
from Washington D.C., thousands more join our ranks. Most of us are
simple citizens who would much rather be tending to our daily lives,
but instead have been drawn onto the political stage by a steady
stream of audacious actions so abusive to our individual rights, and
so far outside the constitutional scope and powers granted to the
federal government, that we are compelled to act. Through the growing
Tea Party movement we are organizing, and as was just witnessed in MA,
we will produce results.
The choice you face is simple: you must decide what you intend to do
in response to our growing numbers and strength. You can commit
political suicide by charging ahead, supporting this legislation in
the belief that your election to Congress has somehow granted you the
right to force your wishes upon the American public against their will.
Or you can sit on the sidelines, trying to remain unnoticed as this
bill is pushed forward. Unfortunately, that's an old political tactic
that no longer works under the new Tea Party reality, and this cowardly
approach will have you targeted as well. Or you can stand up and
loudly proclaim your opposition to this legislation on constitutional
grounds. By taking a vocal, principled stand in service of the rights
of every citizen you were elected to represent, you can transform
yourself into a hero of the new political movement that is prepared
to sweep across the national landscape. Make your choice -- or the
choice will be made for you.
Sincerely, -- C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Tea Party Debates |
Subject: New Tea Party Debate Reference Site
Robert Tracinski, the editor of
The Intellectual
Activist, has created a new website titled
The Tea Party
Debates, where he shares his personal experiences in
planning and executing a candidates' debate with his local Tea Party
organization. The information on this site may be used as a guide
for others who wish to do the same.
Currently, the website contains information in the following areas:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Rights of Man |
Subject: The Rights of Man There is a new activist website titled The Rights of Man which, as the name implies, is intended to promote the spread of ideas in support of individual rights, as articulated in the U.S. Constitution. The main thrust of this site is directed at the creation of letters which can then be easily mailed to selected recipients such as politicians or media contacts. Additionally, letters made public on this site may be reviewed by others, and if desired, signed and mailed by them to the recipients, thereby increasing each letter's impact. I encourage you to visit this site and craft your own contributions in the battle to restore our freedom and rights. |
![]() Permalink ![]() Craig Mundie |
Subject: Government Takeover of the Internet
On April 1, 2009, Senators John Rockefeller [D-WV] and Olympia Snowe
[R-ME] introduced the still pending
S.773: Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which empowered the President
to shutdown the internet for undefined "critical infrastructure
information system or network" in the event of a further undefined
"cybersecurity emergency". From the text of the bill:
![]() Permalink |
Subject: Climategate Update: 02-14-10 All of the information relating to climate change has been consolidated to a single page. For more information, go to: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Hyperinflation |
Subject: Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation
Here is a thought-provoking video that discusses the causes of
past hyperinflation in countries around the world and why the
current monetary policies in the United States are guaranteeing
that we are headed towards the same result.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() U.N. Climate Chief Rajendra Pachauri |
Subject: Climategate Update All of the information relating to climate change has been consolidated to a single page. For more information, go to: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Bloomberg |
Subject: So, Was Joe Wilson Wrong When He Called Obama a Liar?
In an article by Jonathan Weil titled,
Obama's $6.3 Trillion Scam Is America's Shame,
he reports that the President's latest $3.8+ trillion federal budget
leaves out a few minor items that might have a little bit of impact
upon the country. For example, this budget does not include:
[Thanks to Mark Kalinowski for bringing this article to my attention and to Pamela Geller for breaking the story.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Federal Jobs |
Subject: Solving the Unemployment Problem — One Federal Job at a Time In his State of the Union address, Barack Obama stated that he was going to focus on solving America's unemployment problem. A few days later he released details for his $3.8 trillion 2011 budget, indicating his intention to continue with his, so far, spectacularly failing plan to spend his way out of our economic woes. Today in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), there is a report entitled Uncle Sam Wants You, which highlights just exactly how and where all of this "economic stimulus" is actually paying off. And the answer is: in the ranks of federal employees. As the WSJ reports, "civilian full-time equivalent employees" within the government's ranks has increased 14.5% in just the past two years, bringing 20 2.148 million, the number of federal employees in 2010. Unlike workers in private industry, federal employees neither produce nor contribute to the production of tangible goods and services that form the basis of our economy. Where as a worker in the private sector acts to generate wealth which pays for their own employment, government is simply a net consumers of wealth, and every new federal employee place an additional burden on the remainder of the economy to carry them. So, as usual, Obama is merely shuffling papers, moving names from the list of the "unemployed" to a new list of "federal workers". But the net effect is zero, because the funds for the salary of a government worker must be extracted from the surplus economic efforts of productive private-sector employees, just as the funds for an individual who receives an unemployment check must first be produced by others. It is all a game of smoke and mirrors, with no actual economic gain. But there is a terrible economic cost to all of this. For the billions and trillions of dollars that the government removes from the economy, directly through taxes, or indirectly through inflation, are funds no longer available for capital investment by businesses actually engaging in processes of true wealth creation. This retards the recovery and expansion of the economy, which means new productive jobs are not created, which means that real unemployment remains high. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Chronicle of Philanthropy |
Subject: President's Budget Proposes Increase for National Service As reported by Suzanne Perry in The Chronicle of Philanthropy: It seems like just a short time ago that jaws were dropping over the 2010 budget of $1.15 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Well, our budget-conscious President, who, in his State of the Union address just pledged to freeze non-critical, discretionary spending and work to reduce the federal deficit, announced his shiny new 2011 budget at a mere $3.8+ trillion. And the folks at the Corporation for National and Community Service, who are responsible for implementing mandatory community service (i.e., Service-Learning) requirements on students — and if H.R. 1444 is passed, national service requirements on all the rest of us — managed to get a hefty raise of a quarter of a billion dollars, bringing there total budget to $1.4 billion. Well, that answers one question. For Barack Obama, there is nothing "discretionary" or "non-critical" when it comes to enslaving American citizens — just so long as it is done for the noble purpose of sacrifice and service to state. |
![]() Permalink ![]() Atlas Shrugs |
Subject: Obama Continues to Organize his Youth Army!
Pamela Geller is reporting on her website, Atlas Shrugs, that the group, Organizing for America (OFA), which you find at the tellingly named website www.barackobama.com, has been sending out internship application packets, to be distributed to school children across the country, enlisting their support:
[Thanks to Jackie Smith for bringing this article to my attention and to Pamela Geller for breaking the story.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() WorldNetDaily |
Subject: Being a Senator is Hard Work!
Bob Unruh of the
WorldNetDaily, reports that over the past two years, Nancy Pelosi
has billed the U.S. taxpayers over $101,000 just for in-flight food
and liquor! That's roughly $1,000 per week! And just how often
does she fly? Well, enough to rack up a total exceeding $2.1 million
in expenses for her use of Air Force One jets, which amounts to about
$20,200 per week.
Quoting Tom Fitton, the president of
Judicial Watch:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Public Forum |
Subject: Invitation to a New Discussion Forum at Go-Galt.org
A new public bulletin board has just been added to the go-galt.org
website. This forum is intended as a place for discussions relating
to current events and political issues, from an Objectivist
(e.g. libertarian) perspective. I would like to invite anyone
interested in participating in these discussions to sign up and
join in. Click here
to visit the forum.
This is a set of introductory discussion categories to get things
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Corporation for National & Community Service |
Subject: And this is how it's done ...
Here is an excerpt from today's
announcement from the Corporation for National & Community
Service, the agency that, on December 16, 2009, received $1.149 billion
when Obama signed the Fiscal Year 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Scott Brown |
Subject: My Direct Letter to Scott Brown
I just sent Senator-Elect Scott Brown the following letter.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Scott Brown |
Subject: An Open Letter To Scott Brown And His Supporters Let me extend a huge thank you to all of the people in Massachusetts who turned out yesterday and voted for Scott Brown. You have each contributed to a political event that will have untold repercussions, both in the short and the long term. In casting your votes, you have spoken loudly, sending a clear message to President Obama and the Congress that the majority of the citizens in this country are opposed to the nationalization of the medical profession as well as the other socialist policies that these career politicians are doing their best to force upon us against our will. And I am also grateful to all of the other people across this country who spoke out in support of Brown's election and contributed their money, time, effort and commitment to seeing that this result could be achieved. It was an organized team effort, and we have achieved a rewarding result. There has already been much discussion in the press about various dirty tactics that the state of MA might attempt in order to block Brown from being certified and confirmed, until after the congressional vote on the health care bill. There are also reports of maneuvers that the House and Senate are cooking up to try to ram a bill through before Brown, a duly elected representative of the people, can cast his vote. It is difficult to predict what specific actions may actually be taken, but the MA state legislature and this Congress have each already demonstrated their contempt for the will of the people, for due process, and for allowing us to observe their underhanded, back room deal-making. President Obama was nothing other than a bold faced liar when he promised openness and transparency for his administration. Should the politicians resort to any of these underhanded measures, then we must act again and let our protest, in voice and action, become a wave that washes over them, drowning any hope for a political future. Let them know that Brown's election has only been a warning shot. And Mr. Brown, please do not let us down! You have been sent to Congress for one purpose: to do everything you can to stop the socialist juggernaut from crushing the spirit of America. Your job is to defend the rights of every individual and to cut the scope of government back wherever possible, doing what you can to return it to its singular function of protecting our rights, and nothing more. So once you have cast your vote against the health care legislation as you have promised, remain true to the principles of the people who elected you and continue the valiant fight to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Now everyone get out there and celebrate. You've earned it! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Christian Science Monitor |
Subject: Too Fat To Fail!
An article by Paul Hsieh in The Christian Science Monitor titled
Universal healthcare and the waistline police starts
[Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() LA Times |
Subject: Don't Worry, Be Happy! Yeah Right!
In a recent piece in the Los Angeles Times titled
Researchers say it's official: TGIF, baby!, Shari
Roan reports on startling research that reveals that "People are
happier and feel better on the weekends". Who knew? The
article reports:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() New York Post |
Subject: ObamaCare vs. the Constitution
As readers of this blog are aware, I have long argued that the agenda
of the current administration is nothing less than an all-out assault
on the most fundamental principles of the U.S. Constitution. As one
example in support of this position, consider the recent article by
Betsy McCaughey in the New York Post, titled,
ObamaCare vs. the Constitution, which highlights
five specific way that the congressional health care bill "rob you
of your constitutional rights." Here is a quick summary of the
issues identified:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Jerusalem Post |
Subject: Civic Responsibility Should Not Be Optional - Got That?
The call — no demand — for compulsory
is a plague sweaping across entire world. Daily there are reports from
countries in
Middle East,
Western Europe.
where politicians propose ever increasing draconian legislation that
places the lives of average citizens under the control of their
governments, to be directed to perform tasks which were not voluntarily
Take, for example, the article written by Danny Ayalon, the deputy
minister of foreign affairs in Israel. In a piece titled,
Civic responsibility should not be optional, the author,
while acknowledging that:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Doctors Vote |
Subject: What do doctors think about government control of health care? If you are a doctor, then I encourage you to visit the Doctors Vote website and complete the short survey. Let everyone know where you stand on the important issue of health care reform legislation, and what impact passage of that legislation will have upon you. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: The Hugest Heist in History
Bradley Harrington writes another excellent open letter regarding the
problems that we face in light of the Obama administration's spending
over just one short year.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Merry Christmas |
Subject: Happy Holidays
Dear Readers:
Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
![]() |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() 01-20-10 |
Subject: Let's Strike!
![]() |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Declaration of Independence |
Subject: The Second American Revolution: It's Time To Make Your
Today, Ben Nelson, the senator from Nebraska, declared that he is
going to support the Senate's health care bill as the 60th member
of a Democratic coalition that has no Republican support. As reported
The Huffington Post:
— C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Malkin |
Subject: Community Service Thugs Michelle Malkin reports on how some of your $6 billion tax dollars are being redistributed to thugs under the guise of "Community Service" work, in her article titled, Meet Philly's community service thugs: "A band of brigands". |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() George Monbiot |
Subject: Redefining Humanity
In an article titled,
is bigger than climate change. It is a battle to redefine
humanity, published in The Guardian, George Monbiot lays
bare the soul and the intend of the entire environmentalist movement.
Describing the Copenhagen climate summit, he states:
[Thanks to Robert Tracinski for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() Michael Ramirez |
Subject: Speaking of Service-Learning....
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Chronicle of Philanthropy |
Subject: Increased Budget for National-Service Agency
From The Chronicle of Philanthropy comes the following news update:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: A Patriot's Open Letter
This open
letter, written by Bradley Harrington to our political
representatives, is an excellent articulation of the most fundamental
issue currently facing our country. We are in nothing less than a
battle for the enlightenment ideals of individualism, unalienable
human rights and liberty that is embodied in our Declaration of
Independence and Constitution.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Haaretz.com |
Subject: Service As A Social Norm
Israel has always maintained a national defense force by way of
mandatory conscription, but even that country is upping the ante
with a proposal to extend mandatory service to all citizens in the
country. Reuven Gal reports in an article titled,
Service as a social norm", as follows:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sonia Sodha |
Subject: Think Tank: National Service for 7-Year-Olds
An article by Sonia Sodha in the UK Times titled,
Think tank: National service for 7-year-olds,
highlights the scope and intent behind the drive to impose a mandatory
national service requirement on the citizens of many countries across
the globe. Although this story is about Britain, there is nothing
here that doesn't apply equally to what is currently transpiring in
the United States. Here are a few excerpts:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Air Cargo Blog |
Subject: Service-Learning
I thought the following was funny. On
a desperate high school student is looking around for some "community
service" work, apparently in order to fulfill his mandatory requirement
for graduation so that he might be allowed to attend college. A
couple of the responses were, ahem, interesting. Here is the
initial query:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() |
Subject: Climategate begets Googlegate
In a nice piece of investigative work, Harold Ambler reports on
his website,
Talking About The Weather, about Google's apparent attempt to
minimize the damage being done by the Climategate scandal, by
removing the term "Climategate" from Google's auto-suggest
function. Harold reports that as the scandal was initially breaking,
it was possible to type the letters "c-l-i" and
see a suggestion for "climategate" displayed. As the news
reports continued to mount, the number of relevant hits for
climategate continued to rapidly rise, currently yielding just under
30 million hits. Despite this, Harold notices that as of December
1st, Google would no longer offer "climategate" as a suggestion.
Harold contacted a person in Google's global communications department
and asked for an explanation, but received no satisfactory answer.
his article for the entire disturbing story.
Note that as of December 4th, Google will suggest "climate gate"
as a possible entry (currently with about 10 million hits), but
"climategate", with three times as many entries, has still gone
To fully understand this story, it is important to know that Eric
Schmidt, Google's CEO and Chairman, has been a vocal supporter of
Barack Obama, and an advisor to the current administration on energy
policy. Quoting from Wikipedia,
[Thanks to Robert Bidinotto for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Slippery Rock University"> |
Subject: New Government Program Pays Students For Community Service
As reported by Mike Madden in the Slippery Rock University's newspaper,
The Online Rocket, The government is extending its national
service claws into universities by paying college students to perform
community service work.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() What Did I Do? |
Subject: The UK: Just One Small Step Ahead of Us
In the UK Telegraph, Julie Henry reports on Britain's plan to impose
50 hours of mandatory national service upon all of the country's youth.
Apparently Gordon Brown has been listening to
Michael Caine and decided that this move is
just what the UK needs to help solve its current problems. However,
there appear to be some unintended consequences of this measure. Who
would have guessed?!!
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Academy of St. Joseph |
Subject: School Requires Parents to Perform Community Service
According to an article by Elizabeth Humphrey titled, School Requires Parents to Perform Community
Service, the Academy of St. Joseph in NYC is now requiring
family members of its students to perform community service work.
![]() Permalink ![]() Joe Galloway |
Subject: Thanksgiving: Learning How to Appreciate Your Rights
Joe Galloway is a combat journalist and author of the book "We Were
Soldiers Once ... and Young". On a recent book tour through Lubbock,
TX, he offered his views on military conscription, as reported in this article from Texas Tech:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Star Tribune |
Subject: Indoctrinating the Indoctrinators
As the government continues its speedy imposition of forced community
service work on the country's students through the
Service-Learning initiative, one might
wonder just what sort of training do the teachers in these classrooms
have for administering these programs, and what type of mentoring
can we expect them to provide to their charges. Well, wonder no
longer. In the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, Katherine Kersten
does an excellent job of reporting on one answer in her article,
At U, future teachers may be reeducated. Did she
actually mean to report that teachers were to be educated? No, she
really means reeducated! From the article:
[Thanks to Mark Kalinowski for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Heaven and Earth |
Subject: Climategate: The Selling of the Big Lie All of the information relating to climate change has been consolidated to a single page. For more information, go to: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Community Service |
Subject: More Mandatory Community Service for Students
In an earlier article, I reported that the
Lockport Township, IL School District was considering imposing mandatory
community service on all high school students as a requirement for
their graduation. Well, as
follow up article indicates, they accomplished their mission.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Health Care: It's a Gift |
Subject: Why The Republicans Are No Ally In The Fight Against
Health Care Legislation
[This is a slightly modified version of an article originally published
on November 10, 2009]
After the disastrous vote on the health care bill in the House, I
received an email from my Republican, Washington State Representative,
Dave Reichert, in which he indicated that he had voted against the bill.
He then included the following attachment to his message as his
antidote to what the Democrats were offering. This one page synopsis
is similar to other Republican proposals I have seen. Here it is:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() All Voices |
Subject: One Good Dose of Compulsion Deserves Another
Once you cross over the line by imposing mandatory education on
children, you transform schools into prisons, with all of the
associated problem that entails. Here is a short article that
appeared on the website All
Voices which is interesting for some of the selected follow
up comments by parents and community members.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Hill |
Subject: Obama Accused of Doing Favors for Ally
From the website The Hill, we have the story, "Obama accused of doing favors for ally"
which tells us something about the operations of the Obama
administration, which pledged us "openness" and "transparency", but
instead is conducting politics as usual by shielding its agencies
from any form of serious scrutiny.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Prez. BO Speaks |
Subject: Get Off Your Butts and Volunteer
Maybe he listened to Mr. Twentyman from
Australia, of maybe all geniuses simply think alike, but Obama is going
to solve America's child obesity problem one "volunteer" at a time. As
reported in USA Today in an article titled,
President tackling kids' obesity, public service on White House
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sylvia Bokor |
Subject: A Republic — If You Can Keep It
Sylvia Bokor wrote a great editorial piece on her blog entitled,
"A republic if you can keep it."
As words of encouragement for continuing the battle to restore our
lost liberty, I would like to quote the closing paragraph of that
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Chronicle of Philanthropy |
Subject: When $6 Billion Is Not Enough
You might remember that earlier this year, the
Serve America Act
was passed, taking an additional six billion taxpayer dollars and
transferring them to the Corporation for National and
Community Service in support of expanding national service
programs of every size and color.
Today, The
Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that the Center for American
Progress issued a report indicating that:
![]() Permalink ![]() SEIU Lobbyist |
Subject: Unions Come Out Against Volunteerism!
Let's let the news story by Jarrett Renshaw of The Morning Call
speak for itself.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Australia |
Subject: Conscription: It's Not Just For Crime Any Longer
Apparently, after listening to Michael Caine
spouting off in England this past week, certain people in Australia
got the message and decided to up him one. As reported by Steve
Lilleubuen in an article titled:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Youth Service America |
Subject: I Am AmeriCorps ... Because Obama Says So!
Using federal taxpayer funds, the Youth Service America organization,
which is primarily responsible for the implementation of the
"service-learning" programs in schools, along with AmeriCorps, VISTA,
Online Learning Center, United We Serve, and the Corporation for
National and Community Service, has branched out to use YouTube as
a recruiting and promotional tool. As they say on their
YAS Service Wire
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Ramirez |
Subject: The Lighter Side of Pain
A couple of comics that make their point.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Lincoln School |
Subject: Middle school students learn about community service
The Lincoln Journal covers news from the central-eastern Massachusetts
region. The following are excerpts from an article published on
11-12-09 titled,
Middle school
students learn about community service:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Obama |
Subject: Make Your Entire Life a Tour of Duty
The following excerpts are from an article by Christine Simmons of the
Associated Press, titled, "Mrs.
Obama says veterans' skills can help at home".
Earlier today, in a Veterans' Day speech, Michelle Obama focused on
how veterans could continue to serve their community and nation
in ways that:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Caine |
Subject: Principles? What Principles?
Back in April of this year, Michael Caine spoke out,
taking a very strong position against massive
tax increases in the UK. He said:
* From Monty Python's The Argument sketch. |
![]() Permalink |
Subject: Two Interesting Links
Here are two interesting links you may wish to explore.
1: On the Farm and Dairy website, there is an article by Scott Shalaway titled: Scott is very sincere in his writings and concludes his piece by stating:
2: Over on the HealthcarePOV website, Timothy Loerke, a very nice student studying to be a physician assistant, wrote a blog entry titled: in which he shares his thoughts on having the school impose mandatory community outreach requirements on all students. We are engaged in a polite discussion of the implications of such a requirement. If others have something further to add to the conversation, please contribute your thoughts. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Civic Service Act |
In my left hand I hold health care reform and cap-and-trade
legislation. Pay no attention to my right hand!
The gambit for instituting a nationwide national service requirement
for all citizens is still swirling around Congress in typical stealth
House Resolution 1444 was introduced by Jim McDermott (D-WA),
Jim Moran (D-VA), Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and
Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), back in March, with the intention of
creating a:
[Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing this resolution to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Opinion Piece |
Subject: We Own You. Get Used to It!
On today's OpEd page, a Wall Street Journal editorial
highlights the true goal of ObamaCare, as articulated by one of its
supporters, John Cassidy of the New Your Times.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Student Formerly Known As Prince |
Subject: Any Community Service?
I couldn't let this one pass by. While our schools focus on making
sure that the youth of our country are being properly indoctrinated in
the values of "Service-Learning" to become acceptable citizens,
do you think that they might be neglecting any other types of useful
learning? Let's let one enterprising student answer the question for
us as she searches for a solution to her
community service requirement problem on Yahoo Answers:
Yes, her research skills may be a little rusty, but I don't know what I'm worried about. She's the product of our fine educational system and that should guarantee that she will do just fine. And even if she can't get a job in one of the technical fields, or in the world of high finance, I'm sure she'll find her place in a fine government job. Maybe even teaching English to one of your children or grand kids! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Dilbert |
Subject: Volunteer: Because it Feels So Good
Well, I'm back from my trip and hope to get back to posting regularly
again. Here is a little cartoon to get the ball rolling.
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![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Big Brother |
Subject: Obama Controls Your Television Set
I would like a break from reporting on stuff like this, but the bad
news on the ever expanding subject of national service just keeps
pouring in.
Back on September 10th, the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF)
issued a press release which indicated that:
[Thanks to Betsy Speicher for bringing the Nolte article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Congressional Health Care |
Subject: Will Members of Congress Use the Health Care Plan That They
Vote For?
Members of Congress currently have a gold-plated health care plan
for which they pay very little. Louisiana Congressman and physician
John Fleming thinks that it is only right that Congress be subject
to the same plan that it believes is best for the rest of us. Or as
he puts it, he wants to give: "Congress an opportunity to put
their money where their mouth is."
In service of that goal, he had put forward
House Resolution 615 where:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Classroom Brainwashing |
Subject: Exposing Obama's Classroom Brainwashers
In a PJTV video titled:
Joe Hicks covers much the same territory that I do on this blog,
pointing out that our public schools are becoming more indoctrination
centers than houses of learning.
I disagree with Joe on one point. We can stop this
if a loud, vocal movement begins to speak out against the concept
of state-run education and we work to completely privatize all of
our schools. Quoting from the article by law professor Rodney A.
Smolla that I reference in my previous blog entry below:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Involuntary Servitude |
Subject: Involuntary Servitude: The 13th Amendment Ain't What It Used
To Be
Excerpts from a 1997 paper by Jessica Parr titled,
Mandatory Community Service:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() serve.gov |
Subject: Woo Hoo! This Decision is a Win for the Volunteer
From a serve.gov (AKA: United We Serve)
service brief:
P.S.: I'm awarding myself the Nobel Prize for best overuse of exclamation marks in a single article! Gosh darn it, I deserve one too!! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brave New World |
So what does Nationalized Health Care really hold in store for us?
Here it is, straight from one of Barack Obama's advisors, former Labor
Secretary, Robert Reich. As he says, this is the truth, but you
don't hear it from your politicians, because, as Jack Nicholson says in
A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!".
[Thanks to Roger Kimball at Pajamas Media, for bringing this to our attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Bill Whittle |
Subject: American Exceptionalism
Time for some good news for a change.
Here is a very highly recommended 15 minute video by Bill Whittle on
PJTV where he discusses exactly what makes the United States a truly
exceptional country. Watch and enjoy.
[Thanks to Richard Gleaves for bringing this to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Obama |
Subject: How Much is Michelle Obama Worth?
As reported by Andrew Clark in
Politics Daily,
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Slaying Leviathan |
Subject: Involuntary Servitude for All
Reader Leslie Carbone, the author of
Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform, brought to
my attention an interesting article that she wrote back in November
2008 titled,
Emanuel Proposes Slavery. In this piece she
discusses Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama's call for the creation of
a "Civilian National Security Force" that would conscript every
American into a mandatory period of national service for the purpose
![]() Permalink ![]() I'm Confused?? |
Subject: Just For the Record Just as a parenthetical comment, I would like to go on record as saying that the Nobel committee's awarding the Peace Prize to Barack Obama is just about the stupidist thing I have heard since — well, since they awarded it to Al Gore in 2007 and Yasser Arafat in 1994. Obama was nominated for the prize on or before February 1, 2009. So at best, he had been in office a maximum of 12 days. If Barack Obama was the state-of-the-art for promoting world peace, we would all be dead by now. Well, the entire world has apparently gone insane. I think M. Night Shyamalan may have gotten it right. The Happening appears to be coming true! :-) |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Chris Brown Performing Community Service |
Subject: Community Service's Split Personality
If you monitor the news for mentions of mandatory "community
service", it soon becomes apparent that there are two buckets
into which these reports fall.
The first is the use of "community service" as a punishment for
various criminal offenses in lieu of fines or incarceration. In these
cases, the convicted criminal is sentenced to perform a specified
number of hours of "compulsory
unpaid work" at some designated task. When reviewing the
literature on the theory behind community service punishment, it is
often presented as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration while
also providing two forms of deterrent. First, as a form of public
humiliation for the offender, shaming them into altering their ways.
And second, using this offender as a very visible example to others,
warning them to avoid similar behavior.
The case of Chris Brown is somewhat typical. After pleading guilty to
beating, choking, and threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend, instead
of being jailed, he was ordered to perform 180 days of community
service. As the NY Daily News reports:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() NSLP |
Subject: Be It Resolved ...
Ace Parsi, the Policy Director for the National Service-Learning
Partnership, issued an
Important Policy Update in which he states:
[...] It's a critical time for service-learning and it is so important to let Congress know that service-learning works and we care.
-- C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() China |
Subject: Too Good To Pass Up .... OK, this doesn't have anything to do national service, but it was just too good to let slip by unnoticed. Do you have any idea where your tax dollars go? Well here is where $2.6 million of them went! Maybe if we keep their prostitutes happy, the Chinese government won't try to cash in the roughly one trillion dollars of U.S. Treasury Bonds (over 10% of the total US debt) that it is currently holding! [Thanks to Fred Bartlett for the reference.] |
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Subject: Service-Learning
While exploring the National Service-Learning Partnership (NSLP) site,
I took a look at the
describing the "service-learning" concept. Near the top of the
page is the following example:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Dana Loesch |
Subject: Chipping Away at Big Brother Here is an interesting tidbit from Andrew Breitbart's Big Government website. According to poster Dana Loesch, the United We Serve website serve.gov has apparently removed all references to the ACORN organization. So it seems as though the actions of the investigators, blog reporters and activist protesters had some direct and measurable effect upon our government. In itself, this is a small victory, but more and more we seem to have the politicians adopting a defensive posture rather than the smug, dismissive, offensive that they were leading with just a few short months ago. Now this is a freedom-loving community service that I can support! |
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Subject: Send in You Sightings If any reader of this blog runs across a story relating to mandatory community or national service which they believe would be of general interest to others, please send me a note pointing to the article. Thanks for your interest and participation. |
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Subject: Service is the Rent You Pay ...
From an article titled,
Service Day at the Meridian School, we learn how
children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade are indoctrinated into the
idea that service to the community is a duty. Here are some excerpts:
[...] "Service is the rent you pay for living on earth, and it starts in elementary school," according to Ron Waldman, the Head of Meridian School. "By the time they leave 5th grade, we want our kids to feel that this is part of the fabric of who they are. It's not whether I should or shouldn't serve the community, but how. That's just what we do." [Emphasis added] |
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Subject: Working on Political Campaigns is "Community Service"
— Sort of ....
A naplesnews.com,
we learn that:
[...] "It is not so much the site, but what you do at the site," [Diedra Landrum] said. "A student might clean up after a rally, but not endorse a candidate. They could work at voter registration." [...] But [Chris] Smith told committee members to think carefully about how much work they let a student do for a political or religious organization. If the district officials allowed a student to work for the Democrat or Republican parties, for example, they could be opening themselves up to allowing students to receive credit for working for the Nazi party. "You could be going down a slippery slope," he said. [...] The committee voted 4-0 to allow students to perform non-partisan work for community service hours. |
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Subject: Recommending A Couple of Good Articles
Although not related to the topic of mandatory service, I would like
to recommend the following articles. This is from the Wall street
Journal, and is titled,
Clunkers in Practice.
This short piece asks and answers the question of just how effective
the government's "Cash for Clunkers" stimulus program was. At a total
cost of roughly $3 billion, studies have shown that once the program
stopped, GM and Chrysler car sales fell 42-45% below the abysmal
sales figures from one year ago. On the environmental front, the
the total program resulted in reducing oil consumption by only 0.2%,
and that the country as a whole is now $1.4 billion poorer. Is that
change you can believe in?
On a more related subject, the second article, by Gen LaGreca, was published in the OC Register and is titled Orange Grove: Which end of the leash do we prefer? The author explains why, unlike dogs, people do not appreciate being lead around on a leash. It may seem obvious, but people commenting on the article who are obviously missing the point, seem to have less brains than most dogs. [Thanks to Cynthia Gillis for bring the second article to my attention.] |
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Subject: Update on the National Service Budget
Just to keep you informed about where some of your tax dollars are
going, here is an
Update on the national service budget from the
Corporation for National &
Community Service, released on October 1, 2009:
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Subject: Volunteerism is not legal unless it is done under the
watchful eye of the government
Here is a story by Gregory S. Hession, J.D., posted on the
New American website:
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Subject: You're An Artist But Can't Find Stable Work??
Here are some excerpts from a job advertisement for a fashion design
teacher, posted on the
web site as well as on
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Subject: The Oath Keepers
In response to the John
Galt Pledge at this site, a reader brought to my attention a
very interesting organization called
Oath Keepers. They describe themselves as follows:
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Subject: Hey Kids, I've Got A Message For You ...
From the RFK Record,
No Community Immunity
by Heather Marie Mendez:
-- C. Jeffery Small" |
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Subject: Running the Numbers: Over One Billion Served Let's do a little math. According to the US Census, in 2007 there were 55 million students enrolled in grades K-12, and 17.6 million college students. Assuming a roughly equal age distribution of students, then there would be 4/13 * 55 million, or about 16.9 million high school students. So 16.9 + 17.6 = 34.5 million high school/college students. From my research, it looks like the annual requirement for mandatory community service in these schools ranges between 20 and 40 hours, so let's assume an average of 30 hours/year. Multiplying this by the available student population yields: 30 * 34.5 million = 1,035,000,000 hours. Yes, that is correct: OVER ONE BILLION HOURS! For 2009, the federal government has set the minimum wage at $7.25/hour. Therefore, the dollar value for the mandatory work being forced from students at the high school and college level each year is potentially worth over $7.25 billion dollars. Year after year after year. Do we need to look any further to understand the real motivation behind this push for mandatory national service? This is nothing more than slave labor being extracted from the nation's children. And it is being done under an indoctrination program designed to make every one of those children believe that they owe their labor to — the state, the community, the school or whatever collective group you care to substitute — but they owe it as a duty — and the group has a right to collect it from them upon demand. Contrary to what the Constitution states, their lives are not theirs, to do with as they choose, but something to be sacrificed in service to a higher cause. So why stop with low-priced school kids. Just think of the value to be had by turning every citizen into a national slave? Let's see, there are 300,000,000 of us, at an average salary of ....... Well, you get the idea. This movement must be stopped! By the way, it took McDonald's around 15 years (1948-1963) of constantly expanding nationwide service in order to serve one billion hamburger patties. That's a lot of hard work to get to a number like that. And every one of their employees, and every one of their customers interacted with McDonald's on a truly voluntary basis. |
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Subject: Community Service: It's Not Just For Your Community Any Longer! In the Howard County Times, we find an article describing how a high school student met his mandatory community service requirement by traveling to the Togolese Republic in Africa to install an "internet cafe" for the local villagers. In the truest spirit of altruism, this "mandatory community service" project ranks at the top, because it makes sure that not one iota of impact could be realized by any of the participants. Only when you make the entire world be "your community", do you really have the opportunity of discharging your "duty" in a manner that insures that neither you, nor your family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, or even strangers with whom you might interact, could possibly benefit from your actions. Because, let's face it, if even the smallest drop of benefit finds it's way into your life, it would taint the purity of the sacrifice. Congratulations Padawan! Your proper place in society have you learned well. |
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Subject: Half of Public Schools Require Community Service
According to the Kansas City Star, in an article titled
Volunteering is a requirement at Florida high schools:
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Subject: Volunteerism ... For Credit and Money!
From Raleigh, NC comes the story: Wake Tech launches effort to promote
volunteerism, where:
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Subject: To All Innocent Fifth Columnists
In 1941, Ayn Rand wrote an open letter to intellectuals, encouraging
them to organize in support of individualism as the only means of
successfully fighting the collectivist forces of Communism and
Nazism. This piece is fully applicable today, identifying the exact
nature of our current battle for freedom.
From Wikipedia, a
Fifth Column "is a group of people who clandestinely undermine
a larger group, such as a nation, from within, to the aid of an
external enemy." As Rand makes clear at the beginning of the
article, she identified America's Fifth Column as the group of
conservatives who failed to think, judge and then act to preserve the
rights of the individual and the freedom to which they paid lip
service. She was asking the honest among that group to rise to the
challenge facing them, openly oppose totalitarianism, and fight for
their independence and liberty. From the article:
Read the entire article: To All Innocent Fifth Columnists [Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
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Subject: Updates to the Web Site A reader made the excellent suggestion that I should provide reciprocal links to other sites that link to or write about mine. This is something that I should have done long ago — but better late than never. At the end of the main page I have added a section titled Sites Promoting This Initiative which feature those individuals or organizations. I want to extend a huge thanks to each of you that has undertaken the initiative to do this. It means a great deal to me. There may be others of you out there, who I am unaware of, that have also promoted this site. Please send me a note and I will add a link for you as well. |
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Subject: Giving is the New Taking
At the website titled New Paradigm Shift, there is a very
pro-service article by Pilar Stella entitled
Giving is the New Taking, which begins with the
following quote by Price Pritchett:
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Subject: Lockport Township, IL High School Moves Towards Mandatory
Community Service
As reported today in
The Homer Horizon:
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Subject: Community Service Infects the Montessori Schools
In the article
Cultivating Agents of Change, educational consultant
Sara Cotner introduces Make A Difference Day, a national day
of community service, into the Montessori curriculum. As she states
in her article:
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Subject: A Request for Help While I have always been concerned about the advancement of mandatory national service as being a direct form of enslavement and a serious breach of the individual's right to their own life, I have to be honest in saying that until I began to study this subject in depth, I had no idea just how pervasive a movement it had become in our country. Using Google Alerts, I started tracking "community service", "national service", "serve.gov" and "United We Serve", and I typically get between 30-50 new hits per day—sometimes many more. Reading through these links on an ongoing basis starts to give a true picture of just how large and organized a force there is, pushing us ever closer to a commitment of a full blown service requirement to the State for all citizens. And with this being a priority of the Obama administration, efforts have been accelerating at a rapid pace, funded by a huge influx of new tax dollars directed towards the cause. It is important to fight this trend in every way we can, identifying the underlying breach of our rights as the principal reason for our opposition. I would encourage you to write letters to your papers, articles for your blogs, and speak out against mandatory service at every opportunity. You can also promote this site and encourage others to sign up, helping to create a growing list of support to back up all of our efforts. Thanks for your concern and your efforts to behead this monster. |
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Subject: Service Learning's got a hold on you! In Maryland, community service—or as they like to call it in typical Newspeak terminology, service-learning—is mandatory for all students as a condition of being allowed to graduate from high school. At the link, you can read the history of the slow and steady creep of these programs being imposed, starting back in 1982. In particular, note how in 1983, the MD Maryland Superintendent of Schools is stopped by the State Board of Education from imposing this requirement, and how, through the use of funds provided in 1992 by The Federal Commission on National and Community Service, this trend is reversed and mandatory service is adopted. The individual rights of every child in MD, present and future, was sold for the paltry sum of $523,546. |
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Subject: Peter Schiff: Running for Connecticut Senator in 2010 Peter Schiff is an economist and broker who predicted, with astounding accuracy, the economic and housing crisis, while most others, in the both the financial industry and the government, derided him as simply loony. Here is a link to a video of a Mortgage Bankers Speech that Peter gave back on November 13, 2006, in which he outlines, in detail, exactly what was—and still is—wrong with the American economy. He then states, without equivocation, what the natural, and therefore predictable, consequences of those policies must be. It is an extraordinary eye-opener! This is such an important piece that I believe it should be seen by anyone interested in our current state of affairs. Therefore, I have added the link here in order to give it additional exposure. The video is roughly seventy-three minutes long, but it is an education in important economic concepts and well worth the time invested. If you agree, pass along to others, a link either to the video, or back to this site. Peter Schiff is currently running in 2010 for the Connecticut Senate seat currently held by Christopher Dodd. If you find the Schiff video interesting, I would also recommend an eighty-six minute video of a talk by John Allison, the CEO of BB&T Bank, given back on January 29, 2009, titled The Financial Crisis: Causes and Possible Cures. [Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing the Schiff video to my attention.] |
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Subject: A Rose by Any Other Name ....
With Barack Obama, we live in a kinder, gentler world. For example:
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Subject: Can Second Graders Help the Community?
Why yes, according to teacher Hannah Motta's
students, they can! Read about it at:
2HM Class Blog.
Grace seems to have captured the real spirit of the exercise:
Second graders can give money to them for buying bricks or things they need. 2HM can give them some books to put in their library." |
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Subject: Oh Where, Oh Where, Did All The Doctors Go?
Here is a very interesting article: South Africa: Doctor brain drain
The article states:
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Subject: Community Service Is Not What Made America Great
I discovered an excellent article by C. Edmund Wright at American
Thinker, entitled "Community Service Is Not What Made America
Great, which I would encourage everyone to read. Here
are a few excerpts:
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Subject: It's Never Too Early To Indoctrinate
Today we look at how the idea of national service has infiltrated our
schools. Soon it will be impossible to get an education anywhere
without being forced to submit to a mandatory service requirement.
And since education is also mandatory, the requirement for national
service will have been imposed through this back door, instead of
by a direct legislative act which would have faced scrutiny and
vocal opposition by the public.
Let's start with a look at our friends at
ACORN. Were you aware that some of your
tax dollars were being given to this organization so that it could,
in partnership with the New York City Department of Education, create
two (and possibly three) high schools with a "community service"
The first of these is the
ACORN Community High
School which has the goal of "Developing Tomorrow's
Leaders". This is done, in part, with Social Studies programs
that "teach them the critical thinking skills necessary to
challenge inequity and injustice." Nothing very specific there,
but it does get you thinking about just how "inequity and
injustice" might be defined by ACORN? While I was unable to
locate any detailed descriptions of the various academic courses
being offered, there was a very complete overview of the
service program and its requirements.
'Give Your Best, Be the Best' The ACORN Community Service Program (ACSP) offers ACORN students experiences that cultivate leadership skills while they contribute services to their communities. Through placement in various agencies and service providers, ACSP encourages students to apply what they learned in and out of the classroom to solve real-life problems. In the process students learn efficient work habits, teamwork and self-confidence. They also learn about democracy, budgets and the benefits of active citizenship. Further, students in ACSP acquire technical and communication skills that are essential in critical thinking for designing and implementing solutions that build proud and prosperous communities. Participation in ACSP instills an ethic of lifelong community service where students are inspired to build proud and prosperous communities."
[...] Connected to this event, the students will be doing a community service project to help children at Kids in Crisis." |
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Subject: Don't Say You Didn't See it Coming!
One of the most pernicious laws on the books is the mandatory
automotive seat belt law. What is so wrong about this law is that
it steps over the boundary line of establishing laws that protect
each of us from the harmful actions of others, and instead acts to
protect us from ourselves! When these laws were first being proposed,
I argued that they were extremely dangerous to our personal freedom,
because they granted to the government the right to decide for
us what was in our own best interest. As I argued in my previous
post, there is no middle ground when it comes to the principle of
deciding who make the decisions about how best to pursue one's own
life. Either you have absolute authority over those decisions, or
you don't. And if you give over even a small piece of that right
to the government, then you have no principle remaining to which you
may appeal as the control over your life which you retain is steadily
The seat belt laws were a small breach into our personal autonomy that
opened the door the today's call for mandatory national service. I
would hope that everyone reading this could see the progression taking
place as we march further along the path towards slavery. Still
don't believe me? Well, let's take a look at an article published
today from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, entitled: "Community service
needed for seat belt offenders"
Quoting sections from that article:
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Subject: Republicans/Democrats: Who Can Tell the Difference?
Just as during the last presidential campaign, there was no
fundamental difference between John McCain and Barack Obama in their
calls for national service, we now have former president George H.W.
Bush joining with President Obama on October 16, 2009 for
Presidential Forum on Service.
From their joint announcement:
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Subject: My Response to Frank Rich's Article in the New York Times
On Saturday, September 19th, Frank Rich posted an opinion piece in
the New York Times entitled
Even Glen Beck Is Right Twice a Day. In this article he attempts
to slay many dragons including Joe Wilson, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh,
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ayn Rand, and of course, Glen Beck. He
opens his discussion with the following:
-- C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: Taxpayers Fund Activists for Obamacare at United We
I just ran across a very interesting article by Dana Loesch entitled:
Taxpayer Funded Serve.gov Filtering
Activists to ACORN. What Dana found is that the
government's web site is sponsoring listings for "national service"
opportunities by ACORN. OK, that doesn't seem so strange, since
ACORN is supposed to be a "community service" organization, and that
fits right in with the mandate for that site. However, a closer
look at the list of ACORN opportunities finds one titled
"Healthcare Activist" with the following description:
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Subject: The Ideas of the Next Generation
In an opinion piece titled
"More From Our Citizens...",
and published in The Citizen, the student newspaper of the
Harvard Kennedy School, Zachary Kushel writes:
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Subject: Article Recommendation Here is an article by Don Feder that you might find interesting: "Obama: Fighting Terrorism With Community Service, Kumbaya And Commie Appointments" |
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Subject: It's Constitution Day! September 17th is Constitution Day. Are you wearing your black armbands? The patient is sick, but not dead yet! I encourage everyone to do what they can today to promote the fundamental principles embodied in that great document. Speak out and let others know that it is time for a revival of personal sovereignty and a restoration of our rights. And don't forget to have fun doing it! :-) |
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Subject: Mandating Community Service: The Indirect Method
In reading an article entitled
10 Ways to Get Your
Child Involved in Your Community, the author, going only by
the first name of Kimberly, writes:
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Subject: Additional Revisions to the Website At the excellent suggestion of a reader, I have rearranged the main page to move the pledge form up to the top where it is easier to locate, rather than being buried within the text near the bottom. And I have rearranged this page as well to get the current blog posts right up at the top where they should have been from the start. Hey, its a learning process! |
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Subject: The Battle for National Service is Underway! Building upon the administration's call for National Service, Mozilla Service Week (09-14-09 through 09-21-09) was recently announced, calling upon software developers to volunteer their services to the community. This project is cosponsored by the Mozilla Foundation, the people behind the Firefox browser, and SourceForge.net, one of the largest repositories of open source software projects in the world. Supporting this effort are three partners organizations: idealist.org and betterplace.org, both clearinghouses for volunteer projects, similar to the government's SERVE.gov site; and OneWebDay, a very loosely defined organization said to be modeled upon Earth Day, and created by Susan Crawford, a "current technology policy advisor to President Obama." As I have said before, there would be nothing wrong with private groups organizing activities and soliciting volunteers to aid in a cause which they supported. But this is nothing of the sort. Just as with SERVE.org, Mozilla Service Week has no specific goal that it wishes to achieve. Its only purpose is to prod others to freely donate their time, energy and/or money to social causes. And any cause at all is just fine, because the end results don't really matters. It's was getting you to agree to volunteer that was the goal all the time! And with the involvement of Susan Crawford, we see the Obama administration's fingerprints all over this effort. The strategy is clear. Start by using peer-pressure to cajole individuals into investing their time in these sorts of voluntary efforts, conditioning them to this sort of activity. This makes it much easier to later transition the country to mandatory national service. As we have seen over and over throughout history, the majority of those who have been convinced to volunteer their efforts will be the first to support legislation that compels everyone to contribute. After all, it is only fair that we all share the burden equally! And that's how we do an end-run around such niggling issues as the constitutional rights of the individual. Because, under an egalitarian philosophy, someone's definition of fair always trumps rights. So the battle is engaged and our opponents are out of the gate. And while the country's attention is focused on other crucial affairs, this administration is receiving very little resistance on this issue. That is why it is so critically important to oppose this insidious maneuver now, before it snowballs and later becomes much more difficult to stop. You can help by adding your name to the others who are supporting the Personal Declaration of Independence, and then promoting this site by writing your own blog entries or articles concerning the issue of national service, and asking others to visit this site and add their names as well. Let's attack this issue with force and preserve the true meaning of the the term: "volunteer". |
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Subject: The 9/12 March on Washington D.C.: Crowd Estimates There has been a lot of controversy over the crowd size estimates for the march, ranging from a few thousand to over 2 million! Here is a link to an article that has the best discussion and estimates that I have so far seen. |
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Subject: A Small Change to the Pledge Text
Due to comments from a few reader, I made a very small change to
the text of the pledge, simply to make it easier to parse and
therefore, a bit more readable. To shorten the single run-on
sentence and make the last point clearer, I changed:
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Subject: The 09-12 Tea Party March on Washington D.C.
Best wishes to everyone who made it to Washington D.C. to attend the
rally. I wish I could be there with you. I look forward to seeing
the media coverage and the resulting impact on the political machine.
Regards, -- C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: The Spirit of Independence Liberty-minded people tend to be extremely independent, in both thought and action. They think for themselves, and act on their own judgments. Therefore, they are often opposed to becoming involved in any group, organization or movement, preferring to walk their own path. I'm familiar with this because it applies to me as well. As a thinker, it is natural for me to believe that all that is relevant to an argument is its truth or validity, and that everyone else should be similarly swayed by the facts alone. Thus, when facing an issue, my first inclination is to put pen to paper and bang out a detailed analysis. But, as a realist, I am aware that there is a great segment of the populace that does not think about ideas at sufficient depth to operate in that manner. Many of these people, while basically good intentioned at the core, will not be swayed by simple rhetoric and analysis, and instead will often end up following the direction of a group rather than blazing their own intellectual trail. Our opponents have long recognized that there is a strong power of persuasion to be found by assembling large groups which speak in a single voice. They have often accomplished this through unions, but over the years they have honed the tactic to such a degree and have become such masters of the technique that we find that we now have a "community organizer" in the White House! The conservatives have begun to wake up to this and we are seeing them fight back fairly effectively with the Tea Party organizations. But what is missing from the Tea Parties is a well coordinated core of ideas. Many individuals have used those organizations as a platform to express extremely well articulated and important messages, but what they lack is that common philosophical core — a single great idea — upon which everything rests and which gains its strength as the number of participants grow. What I am attempting with this site is to provide a means where we can organize as a group, around one important core principle, and become persuasive to another segment of the population that we currently are not effectively reaching. If you are reluctant to sign up because of that strong independent streak that we all share, then please reconsider. It is extremely important that we pool our resources in an effort to stop being dragged over the cliff of socialism which is within our sights now more than any time in the past sixty years. In a world of greater independence there would not be such an urgency to act. But the the erosion of our autonomy and individual rights over the past one hundred years has resulted in us all being bound together with a single noose so that we are all subject to the same outcome. So, please add your voice here and help the message of freedom and individual right be heard clearly by all. |
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Subject: Website Updates At the request of various readers, the the pledge form has been modified to allow the country to be specified. If the country is the United States, then the state will be recorded as well. If anyone previously entered their name from a non-US country, their entry will display as OTHER. If you email me your country of origin, I will update the record to reflect that information. I have also added buttons on the main page to access this blog page and made a few other minor cosmetic changes. |
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Subject: United We Serve: Service with a Smile :-)
On 09-09-09, a community service project entitled
Take the John Galt Pledge
was created at the
United We Serve (i.e. SERVE.gov)
website with the express purpose of:
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Subject: The Purpose of The John Galt Pledge Initiative
The United States of America is at a tipping point, where individual
rights and personal freedom now hang precariously in the balance. As
we move forward, will we be the masters of our own lives, deciding for
ourselves what goals to pursue and how best to allocate our personal
resources in service of those goals? Or will we allow ourselves to
be treated as children, handing more and more of the decision-making
over to the government, demanding that it assume the obligation of
providing for all of our wants and needs? The price for abdicating
responsibility for one's life is the forfeiting of one's freedom.
Those of us committed to the path of personal autonomy must fight for
our freedom if we are to retain what remains, and regain what has been
lost since the founding of this country. My purpose for this site is
to create another effective tool in that battle for liberty.
There are many avenues available for engaging in this struggle.
Writing letters-to-the-editor, op-ed pieces, articles for magazines,
blog entries or forum posts is one. This is a one-to-one type of
activity where the individual writer communicates directly to the
individual reader. Another is the use of organized protests. The
Tea Parties are a good example of this technique, and on September
12th, many citizens will descend upon Washington D.C. to march in
protest against the current administration's policies. This is a
many-to-one activity, where the ultimate effectiveness of the action
is directly proportional to the number of participants. For example,
if 300 people show up in D.C. on the 12th, that might generate a page
six mention in most newspapers. However, if 80,000 people march,
then it becomes headline news which will have a profoundly greater
[OK, I guess I was proven wrong on that count. You can ignore
80,000 people. You can even ignore a million! All the more reason
to make sure that we do get our message out.]
The goal of this initiative is to create a permanent public record of
protest that can later be referenced as a kickoff point for many
different types of campaigns. But where the message of the Tea Party
protests have been diffuse, I want the ideological message of this
site to be strictly focused upon one critical point:
Suggestions I am very interested in receiving feedback and suggestions regarding this project, and I would enjoy hearing any ideas you may have for related activities. Interesting ideas, suitable for a wide audience, will be displayed on this page. Click on the button below to contact me by email. -- C. Jeffery Small |