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Subject: Recommending A Couple of Good Articles

Although not related to the topic of mandatory service, I would like to recommend the following articles. This is from the Wall street Journal, and is titled, Clunkers in Practice. This short piece asks and answers the question of just how effective the government's "Cash for Clunkers" stimulus program was. At a total cost of roughly $3 billion, studies have shown that once the program stopped, GM and Chrysler car sales fell 42-45% below the abysmal sales figures from one year ago. On the environmental front, the the total program resulted in reducing oil consumption by only 0.2%, and that the country as a whole is now $1.4 billion poorer. Is that change you can believe in?

On a more related subject, the second article, by Gen LaGreca, was published in the OC Register and is titled Orange Grove: Which end of the leash do we prefer? The author explains why, unlike dogs, people do not appreciate being lead around on a leash. It may seem obvious, but people commenting on the article who are obviously missing the point, seem to have less brains than most dogs.

[Thanks to Cynthia Gillis for bring the second article to my attention.]
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