Permanent link for article #0071:


Sylvia Bokor
Subject: A Republic — If You Can Keep It

Sylvia Bokor wrote a great editorial piece on her blog entitled, "A republic if you can keep it." As words of encouragement for continuing the battle to restore our lost liberty, I would like to quote the closing paragraph of that essay:
    If we want a Republic, we have to work to keep it. Now, more than ever, more Americans realize the truth of this and are taking action. We will succeed. As one Albuquerque Tea Party member recently said, "I will never give up. Never. We will take back our country." Yes, we will. It's up to us to restore and keep our republic.

As for the rest of her article, I can confirm that I have received a similar response from all of my congressional representatives — both Republican and Democrat. They have all demonstrated a total disregard for my views and for my rights as an autonomous individual. Furthermore, they have demonstrated a total lack of understanding of the US Constitution and its purpose in protecting the rights of the citizens by restricting the allowable powers of the government.

To win back our liberty, we must clear this congressional stable and replace most members of Congress with people who have demonstrated a comprehensive understanding and respect for our Constitution.
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