Article Archives by Subject: Service
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Subject: A Life of One's Own? — Fugget About It!
"Citizenship demands a sense of common cause;
participation in the hard work of self-government; an
obligation to serve our communities."
—Barack Obama – 2014 State of the Union Address Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... Behind the scenes, the gears continue to turn slowly but continuously, always working to advance the progressive agenda. While Obama acts as the carney—the front man for our dark national circus—constantly repeating lies until they become accepted by many as though they were simple facts, there is an army operating in the shadows, often financed with our tax dollars, busily planning how to further exert control over our lives. While explicitly contravening the Declaration of Independence, our president stands on the national stage and asserts that you are not sovereign over your life, liberty and property. He states that your citizenship is not a right, but an obligation—a debt that must be repaid to your master, the state. And how does he intend to collect? Well, confiscation of property through increased taxes and ever expanding regulations is certainly one method, but insufficient in that it only asserts control over the material side of existence, leaving the spiritual realm unconstrained. The essence of Ellsworth Toohey residing within Obama and most other politicians, seeks to control the very souls of men, enslaving them to their purpose. And the best way to accomplish this is by initiating a program of national service—voluntary at first, but what, in the end, will be a mandate for all. And in accordance with his now famous proclamation, "I've got a pen and I've got a phone," for the most part, this will be accomplished outside of the legislative purview of Congress. In the past I have often discussed the federal tactic of bribing states into mandating compulsory community service for public school children of all ages, through a program known as Service Learning. Some of the better articles may be found here. This educational indoctrination is one of the major beachheads in the progressive's playbook. In an article titled, Answering the State of the Union's Call to Citizenship, Tara Maller, the associate director for strategic communications at the Aspen Institute's Franklin Project, reveals another significant approach for transmuting Obama's dream into reality. Here are some excerpts from Maller's missive:
I have written previously regarding the Franklin Project, and looking at their home page we find the following statement:
Voluntary? Unbelievable. Another case of the Big Lie writ large! Government is a repository of force. Voluntary programs are not "institutionalized" and they certainly do not involve a "national service certification (i.e., registration) system"! To call these programs "voluntary" is precisely equivalent to when Harry Reid tells us that paying our income tax is "voluntary". And notice the bait-and-switch involved with equating a program of national service with being a good "global citizen". This effort has nothing to do with our nation and everything to do with the establishment of a unified and collectivized world government under the auspices of the United Nations. Finally, let us not ignore the Orwellian threat that no one would dare "choose" to forgo their "voluntary" period of enslavement to national service. If ever there was "an offer that can't be refused," this would certainly qualify! Make no mistake, here we are looking directly into the face of pure evil — fully self-aware of its intent and consequences. It is through the Corporation for National & Community Service that the majority of these service programs are organized and funded. During the past five years this program has received somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.4 billion in taxpayer dollars to fund this push for national service. You might like to contact your state Senators and Representative and let them know what you think about how your money is being spent. In addition, the Franklin Project is being sponsored by the following private corporations. Where available, contact information is provided should you like to give any of them some personal feedback.
The advance towards enslavement continues. Organizations such as the Aspen Institute, funded by private corporations, are working day in, day out to ensure that the ability to control our own destiny is eliminated and that the will of every individual is bent to the dictates of the collective state. The only thing capable of stopping this relentless march is for enough people to stand up and say NO! Say NO! to the corporations and foundations that fund these operations. Say NO! to the local school boards and organizations that implement them. Say NO! to the neighbors who promote these ideas. And say NO! to the politicians who believe that they have the right to substitute their thoughts and desires in place of our own. Do not remain silent and recede into the background. Instead, become a visible presence and a powerful voice for the principles of individualism and personal freedom. |
![]() Governor of Iowa |
Subject: It's a No Brainer
In a new article in the Huffington Post entitled, "National Service is a 'No Brainer'," Terry Branstad, the Governor of Iowa, waxes on about the glories inherent in service to the state. He begins:
As with most people who support national service, Branstad intermingles the terms volunteerism and service as though they were equivalent. This is no accident, and is done with a subtle but sinister purpose. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
While volunteerism is explicitly a matter of free individual choice in pursuit of something of value, the idea of service contains within it an implication of duty (servant) and altruism (the welfare of others). The purpose of weaving these two terms together is to undermine the the idea of personal value and choice and replace it with a sense of external duty. And in case there is any doubt that this is the goal, consider the following definition from the World English Dictionary:
Here, we see that the pursuit of the volunteer's own values have disappeared, being replace by "the benefit of other people," while "social responsibility" has been substituted for what was once a free and unconstrained choice. And what we are left with is volunteerism without any remnant of the voluntary. This process illustrates how language is intentionally undermined in order to change the very manner in which the uncritical person thinks. Branstad certainly drives this point home when he informs us that there is a "new covenant between government and the people." A covenant is a binding agreement—one which he has unilaterally imposed upon the rest of us by fiat, without need of our consent. But that is just the beginning. In reading through the remainder of Branstad's article, it becomes abundantly clear what the Governor means by voluntary. Branstad speaks glowingly of numerous federal and state Service organizations including: AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, the Volunteer Generation Fund, the new national FEMA Corps partnership and Reading Corps. But never does he consider what makes each of these groups possible? Every one of them is funded by taxpayer dollars—taxes taken from individuals under threat of force and then used for purposes which they may or may not support. You might think that there is nothing voluntary happening on the input side of this equation, but Branstad's covenant says otherwise. And what about the people who directly participate in each of these organizations? Do the recruiters, trainers, schedulers, managers and administrators of this wide array of programs "volunteer" their time? Do the service providers working in these programs simply donate their efforts? Does Governor Branstad follow his own heart-felt advice and freely contribute his time and energy in service of the people of Iowa? Of course not. In most cases all of these people are being paid for their efforts. Again, you might argue that this isn't volunteering — this is what the rest of the world on the paying side of the "grand bargain" just happen to call a job. In the private sector, people might think of their job as an exchange of value-for-value with their employer, but there are few if any who would describe their working to earn a living as "volunteering". So how does it magically become so when administered by government? The answer is Newspeak. Maybe, when thinking about volunteering, Mr. Branstad has his school system's Service Learning program in mind. In this sweet scheme, states get federal dollars in exchange for requiring school children to perform community service activities as a requirement for advancing from grade to grade, or graduating. Well, these kids are certainly not receiving a paycheck for their required work, and there's no escaping the requirement, seeing as school attendance is mandatory. So there is nothing ambiguous here. This is outright slavery—forced work without any form of compensation. But I guess if you are a person with a mind as "flexible" as Branstad's, you can reconcile your support for the 13th Amendment with your support for programs such as this by simply calling it volunteerism. Problem solved. Governments were formed as protectors of individual rights, and were accorded a monopoly on the use of retaliatory force, constrained by codified law, in an attempt to insure that that use of that force was objective and just. Force is the only tool in the politician's box, and this is why the Constitution strictly limited the scope and powers of all forms of government. But today we are living in a post-Constitutional era where the reach of government is practically unconstrained. All of the service programs lauded by Branstad are actually wealth-transfer schemes, using force to extract earnings from one group of citizens and placing it in the pockets of another group. But beyond that, the real but unstated end-goal is the establishment of mandatory national service requirements for all American citizens, where everyone will be conscripted into years of service to the state. To all freedom-loving people, I would argue that you not only avoid any form of government "service" programs, but that you work to actively oppose them at every opportunity. If so inclined, there are many opportunities to contribute time, money or effort to private organizations engaged in meaningful activities. But every contribution to these government programs provide not only resources, but a sanction for the further establishment of a system rapidly evolving into a master-slave relationship — and you, most certainly, are not going to be the master! There is one point that Governor Branstad makes with which I do wholeheartedly agree. For him, service is a "no brainer." Well, he said it, not me. |
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Subject: Thar She Blows!
The Great White One has been spotted, and it's coming home to roost.* In a number of previous articles on the subject of mandatory national and community service, I predicted that once the distractions of Obamacare and the 2012 elections were behind them, the Obama administration would once again resume the push to implement its goal of involuntary servitude to the federal government as a requirement of citizenship. And while a new set of distraction has arisen surrounding the Benghazi Embassy killings, the IRS targeting of individuals and groups, the Justice Department's AP and Fox News wiretaps and secret investigations and the deaths surrounding the ATF's "Fast and Furious" program, this has not stopped Obama from keeping this issue in the forefront of his overall agenda, with two recent examples discussed here and here. Team Obama has now recruited General Stanley McChrystal to pick up the ball for this cause and move it down the field. On May 29th, McChrystal penned an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, titled, Lincoln's Call to Service—and Ours, and which is subtitled: "A proposal that would help young Americans understand that civic duty is not restricted to the military." The purpose of that statement is to get the phrase, "civic duty," to fly under the radar and be accepted as a given, without the need to evaluate the truth or falsity of this proposition. In an attempt to evoke sympathy for his cause through association with Abraham Lincoln, McChrystal speaks of that president's "Call to Service." But there was no such "call." That is a word implying a request for voluntary action on the part of others. What Lincoln and Congress did was to reinstitute military conscription and force men to fight, even if it went against their will. A "duty" imposed by some upon others is no duty at all, but nothing short of slavery—which, of course, is the immense and tragic irony underlying the Civil War. McChrystal's failure to identify this simple truth shows what game he is playing here. Here is some of what McChrystal had to say in his article:
Well, he has certainly mastered the art of Newspeak as he tosses out phrases like "new American rite of passage"— passage to what, and defined by whom?—and "various options"—as if choice rather than force would still be a prerogative. And look how quickly and easily one year of service becomes two! And in case some might think that having the government show up on your doorstep and drag you off to perform your "duty" might not be something that Americans would quietly tolerate (you do remember the 60s don't you?), well we have other ways to "persuade" your "voluntarily" compliance!
Can you see McChrystal, hunched over, cackling, rubbing his hands together, as he mutters: "I'll get you my pretty. And your little dog too!" But it's no laughing matter. Consider the totalitarian implications of a military/government official speaking of "enlisting" the cooperation of schools and employers in service of his goals. And what are those goals? Why, to destroy the possibility of you having any sort of life at all unless you submit to your government masters. These are chilling words that McChrystal tosses off in such a cavalier manner. Exactly what are you, and all other citizens to General McChrystal?
Forget for a moment that, if true, these numbers likely reflect youth searching for any form of employment in a jobless economy created by our government's own policies, rather than a "demand to serve" — whatever that's supposed to mean. Instead, what McChrystal observes is wasted "democratic energy." And you thought that The Matrix was just fiction. But am I just misreading the good General here and taking his words out of context? Well, there is this other passage:
That's right. The military men and women that McChrystal was responsible for are, in his eyes, nothing more than "civic assets," to be redeployed to "civilian national service" upon returning home. This is nothing less than the bald-faced evil of a totalitarian state that regards its citizens as a natural resource and its property, to be utilized is whatever manner desired. This is collectivism writ large, where duty to society replaces all recognition of individual autonomy and the right to one's own life. And remember, these are not just McChrystal's views, but precisely match those of Obama. This is part of a coordinated effort by this administration to get mandatory national service implemented during the second term. Were this just an editorial in the paper, it would be bad enough. But The Aspen Institute, a policy studies organization, has taken up this cause and created an initiative knows as the Franklin Project, kicked off with the 21st Century National Service Summit, being held this June 24-25 in Aspen, CO.
As with all things Obama, rather than a direct assault through normal channels, goals are more conveniently pursued through indirect means. In this case, the Summit, coordinated around McChrystal's editorial, appears to be an attempt to create a privately funded grass-roots movement for national service. Precisely what you would expect from a community organizer at heart. This whale is coming and must be beached before being allowed to gain ramming speed. Clearly, the Obama administration has a game plan that it is putting into place and we must get out in front of this beast. I'm asking people who care about the personal freedom or all people, to pay close attention to this issue and begin writing and speaking out against this completely unconstitutional call for involuntary servitude. If appeals are to be made to Lincoln, then let's stand behind his possibly inconsistent, but nevertheless most important contribution—The Thirteenth Amendment: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." * Just for you fans of the mixed metaphor! |
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Subject: Loyalty Day
According to Wikipedia, Loyalty Day was first observed on May 1st, 1921, as a counter to the growing influences of communism and anarchism on the American labor movement. In 1958 during the second Red Scare, Congress passed Public Law 85-529 declaring this to be a legal holiday — although one which is rarely observed. Wikipedia states:
In keeping with that tradition, on April 30, 2013, President Obama issued his own proclamation, once again declaring May 1st to be "Loyalty Day." Here is what he had to say:
But of course, as with all things Obama, there are interesting passages contained here that, in the name of this country's founding principles, turn those very principles upon their head. For example, Obama states:
Ignoring for the moment his appeal to faith rather than a conscious understanding and explicit agreement with our founding principles, what are some of those core ideas that he identifies? "liberty, equality, and justice for all." Contrast this with the Pledge of Allegiance which speaks of "liberty and justice for all. Where did "equality" come from and what does Obama mean by that? When the founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
it is perfectly clear that they are speaking of individuals who are separate from one another, but all of whom possess equal rights as an inherent aspect of their human nature—rights pertaining to their freedom and independence; rights which grant them the power to direct and control the course of their own lives. But this is not at all what Barack ("I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.") Obama means by equality. He is not promoting equality of opportunity to pursue one's desires in the manner of one's choosing. No, he is speaking of egalitarianism — of guaranteeing equality of outcomes. It is his intention to "level the playing field" by chopping off the legs of those that rise too high and using those severed limbs as a platform upon which others will be allowed to stand. And it the government, with him at the helm, that will be doing the chopping and deciding just how much to amputate. As is the case with all smart totalitarians throughout history, he doesn't plan to go to war with the population in order to extract his pound of flesh. Instead, he navigates the much easier course of simply issuing a call to sacrifice oneself on the altar of altruism, and then stands back as a majority of the sheep lead themselves to slaughter. When Obama speaks here of "our country's core: service and citizenship," or declares that Loyalty Day is "an occasion that asks something of us as a people," he is laying the groundwork to help confuse the latent positive feelings that people retain for the greatness of what remains of this country, and getting them to transpose those feelings towards the act of serving the needs of others at their own expense. And this is not some one-time occurrence, but a concerted effort and core goal of Obama's administration. Already he has declared both 9/11 and Martin Luther King Day to be National Days of Service. His never-ending call to serve can be found buried within most of his speeches, while more and more children of all ages are being forced to perform mandatory community service in our government-run schools as part of the federal Service-Learning initiative. And as I pointed out in my original article on National Service, the annual spending on the Corporation for National and Community Service has been drastically increased during The past five years, with an underlying goal of ultimately making National Service become a mandatory requirement imposed upon all citizens. When Obama declares:
he is counting on most people not being aware of the fundamental Enlightenment principles of individualism upon which our American history rests, and an uncritical acceptance of his replacement of our rights to autonomy and self-directedness with his collectivist notion of egalitarianism. Unfortunately, after many generations of a populace indoctrinated in government schools, he can now apparently get his wish. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() "To Serve Man" |
Subject: Gee, Is It That Time Again Already?
Repeating what I wrote in my last article on this subject, if you are
a long-time reader of this blog, then you know that fighting against
the imposition of a program of mandatory National Service in the
United States by the Obama Administration is the issue that originally
propelled me to create the
John Galt Pledge
site and then begin writing publically concerning a broader range of
political issues. For those interested in reviewing past articles on
this subject, here is the link to everything on the subject of Service.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Inspiring a Culture of Service |
Subject: Making "Voluntary" Service Mandatory —
One Step At A Time
It was the Obama Administration's push for the institution of a
national service program back in 2009 that was the impetus for my
original essay launching the
John Galt Pledge,
along with this accompanying blog. You can find past articles on
the subject in the archives under Service.
During the first term, government sponsored organizations like the
Corporation for National
and Community Service received massive increases in federal
funding, with the intent of allowing them to place millions
of new workers (improperly called "volunteers") on the federal
payroll at taxpayer expense. However, the protracted fights over
Obamacare and the budgets diverted attention away from work designed
to transition these programs into a mandatory requirement of National
Service for every citizen.
The reelection of Obama to another four year term portends ominous
possibilities in all areas or life including national security, health
care, economic stagnation, inflation of the currency, further erosion
of the rule of law, and increased intrusion into the private lives of
every citizens. And as I have been predicting for quite some time,
it will also reactivate the push to dramatically expand programs for
national servitude. Well, it didn't take long.
An organization called Service Nation,
which prides itself in having:
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() National Service |
Subject: In Orwell's Newspeak: "Isolation" Means Mandatory
Military Service For All
The drumbeat to enslave us never let's up. A few years ago, in my
essay, "National Service:
A Vicious Concept — And Its Antidote," I wrote about the
Obama administration's drive to impose mandatory national service on
all Americans. One of the few good thing that you can say about the
economic crisis is that it created so many new problems during the past
four years that attention was temporarily diverted from this proposal
— although it is alive and continues to grow in our
government-run educational
However, the ideological cancer that it is, the call for service
is never completely eradicated, and this meme continues to course
through our culture, springing to the surface at unpredictable times
as a malignant social tumor. In a recent article by New Republic
writer Russ Hoyle entitled,
"Crisis Ahead
for the Volunteer Military", he adds his voice to the call,
proposing conscription as the medicine to cure what ails us.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() William Buckley |
Subject: Still Chipping Away At It ...
"National service, like gravity, is something we could accustom
ourselves to, and grow to love." — William F. Buckley, Jr. ![]() Aah yes, can you feel that slow but unrelenting pull of enslavement as it distorts the very concepts of rights and principles, rending you from your life and liberty. Resistance is futile. Just accept your fate, relax, and let the sunshine in. Cue The Fifth Dimension. Well, if you can't rely on a patriot like Bill Buckley to have your back, how about George C. Wilson over at The Huffington Post? In a recent article titled Our Own Foreign Legion, Wilson, a former national defense correspondent for The Washington Post, laments that there is a large gap in understanding between those who actually provide the military defense of our country and the civilian "establishment" who comfortably sit back with no dog in the hunt. Recognizing that "presidents, defense secretaries, generals, admirals, senators, representatives, and journalists can all be wrong about when going to war is justified", here are his thoughts:
![]() * It is true that ANSA states that they don't necessarily argue for mandatory national service if voluntary national service was sufficient to "gets the job done." And just exactly how many volunteers would be enough? They admit that "that's tough to say." But the answer is unimportant since this line of reasoning is all disingenuous misdirection from their true mission, clearly articulated on their website, which is the creation of a legislative act that extracts from every citizen the duty that they see being owed to their country. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Charles Rangel |
Subject: Slavery — It's Back In Fashion!  
What Are You Prepared To Do About It?
With the intent of giving this site a major redesign, I have been
neglecting it for the past few months in favor of other activities.
However, my lack of attention hasn't slowed down our masters in
Washington D.C., who continue their relentless march to exert control
over every area of our lives.
The John Galt Pledge
website was originally created in response to Obama's campaign promise,
and the administration's subsequent calls, for the imposition of a
mandatory national service requirement upon every citizen of the
United States, in fulfillment of an obligation that it is claimed we
owed to our country as a condition of our simple existence. Over the
past year, this blog has chronicled the steady increase in funding of
agencies tasked with placing the livelyhood of an ever increasing
percentage of the population under direct federal control, as well as
the underground movement to impose mandatory "community service" work
upon students as a requirement for their obtaining an education.
As I predicted, once these politicians were no longer fully preoccupied
with the tasks of nationalizing entire industries, ramming socialized
health care down our throats, and increasing their regulatory control
over all aspects of our personal and business finances, they would soon
get back to the fundamental task of fully enslaving us. Well, that day
has come. On July 15, 2010, Charles Rangel introduced
the preamble of which reads:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Caine |
Subject: But is it Good Enough for Michael Caine?
In an article in the Chicago Sun Times titled,
national service would help kids, Michael Caine continues
on his push to institute mandatory national service for every youth
in Britain, something that I wrote about here,
here and here.
But even though that proposal has not yet been implemented in the U.K.,
he has now come to our shores to make sure that the youth of America
don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be indoctrinated into
their proper role as servants to the state.
In response to the article, I had these comments:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Conscription |
Subject: Will the Conservatives Defend your Rights?
Don't Count On It.
Leading the way for the rest of the unfree world, today, the UK's
Telegraph reports that
plan civilian 'national service' scheme. That's right, not
wanting to allow Gordon Brown and the democratic socialist Labor party
to get the glory by getting there first, David Cameron and the British
Conservatives are "Sowing
The Seeds of the Big Society" by proposing plans for a
National Citizen Service, where 16 year old children will be
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Social Innovation Fund |
Subject: Building Obama's Army
Do you know what a "Social Innovation Fund" is? Do you need one?
Did you know you were already paying for it with your tax dollars?
Apparently, it's  "an entirely new way of doing business."
You don't say! Tell me more.
According to this
press release
the fund's new director, Paul Carttar:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() No We Can't! |
Subject: I REFUSE to Serve in Obama and Rahm's "Civilian Service" Program If you oppose the Obama administration's plans to create a Civilian Service program where every American will be conscripted into mandatory labor, then one easy form of protest to which you can contribute is to add your name to the Facebook group I REFUSE to Serve in Obama and Rahm's "Civilian Service" Program. Let Obama know where you stand! |
![]() Permalink ![]() Jon Bon Jovi |
Subject: Bon Jovi Turns Concerts Into Obama Worship Services In an article on the Free Republic website entitled: Jon Bon Jovi Takes United We Serve on Tour (Turns Concerts Into Obama Worship Services), the rock singer Jon Bon Jovi will be using his current concert tour as a vehicle to preach to the audience with a prepared video, calling upon them to visit the government's United We Serve website and sign up to volunteer their time, effort and money to the community and the nation. In addition, Bon Jovi created a Public Service Announcement that will be used by the government to further promote this activity. Remember, this is just one more piece of propaganda being produced by the Corporation for National and Community Service, an organization that in just the last two years has received over $2 billion of your taxpayer funds to be used to promote this "volunteer" activity, while Congress works to pass H.R. 1444, which contains provisions for imposing a mandatory national service requirement on every American citizen. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Chronicle of Philanthropy |
Subject: President's Budget Proposes Increase for National Service As reported by Suzanne Perry in The Chronicle of Philanthropy: It seems like just a short time ago that jaws were dropping over the 2010 budget of $1.15 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Well, our budget-conscious President, who, in his State of the Union address just pledged to freeze non-critical, discretionary spending and work to reduce the federal deficit, announced his shiny new 2011 budget at a mere $3.8+ trillion. And the folks at the Corporation for National and Community Service, who are responsible for implementing mandatory community service (i.e., Service-Learning) requirements on students — and if H.R. 1444 is passed, national service requirements on all the rest of us — managed to get a hefty raise of a quarter of a billion dollars, bringing there total budget to $1.4 billion. Well, that answers one question. For Barack Obama, there is nothing "discretionary" or "non-critical" when it comes to enslaving American citizens — just so long as it is done for the noble purpose of sacrifice and service to state. |
![]() Permalink ![]() Atlas Shrugs |
Subject: Obama Continues to Organize his Youth Army!
Pamela Geller is reporting on her website, Atlas Shrugs, that the group, Organizing for America (OFA), which you find at the tellingly named website, has been sending out internship application packets, to be distributed to school children across the country, enlisting their support:
[Thanks to Jackie Smith for bringing this article to my attention and to Pamela Geller for breaking the story.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Corporation for National & Community Service |
Subject: And this is how it's done ...
Here is an excerpt from today's
announcement from the Corporation for National & Community
Service, the agency that, on December 16, 2009, received $1.149 billion
when Obama signed the Fiscal Year 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Jerusalem Post |
Subject: Civic Responsibility Should Not Be Optional - Got That?
The call — no demand — for compulsory
is a plague sweaping across entire world. Daily there are reports from
countries in
Middle East,
Western Europe.
where politicians propose ever increasing draconian legislation that
places the lives of average citizens under the control of their
governments, to be directed to perform tasks which were not voluntarily
Take, for example, the article written by Danny Ayalon, the deputy
minister of foreign affairs in Israel. In a piece titled,
Civic responsibility should not be optional, the author,
while acknowledging that:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Malkin |
Subject: Community Service Thugs Michelle Malkin reports on how some of your $6 billion tax dollars are being redistributed to thugs under the guise of "Community Service" work, in her article titled, Meet Philly's community service thugs: "A band of brigands". |
![]() Permalink ![]() Michael Ramirez |
Subject: Speaking of Service-Learning....
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Chronicle of Philanthropy |
Subject: Increased Budget for National-Service Agency
From The Chronicle of Philanthropy comes the following news update:
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Subject: Service As A Social Norm
Israel has always maintained a national defense force by way of
mandatory conscription, but even that country is upping the ante
with a proposal to extend mandatory service to all citizens in the
country. Reuven Gal reports in an article titled,
Service as a social norm", as follows:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sonia Sodha |
Subject: Think Tank: National Service for 7-Year-Olds
An article by Sonia Sodha in the UK Times titled,
Think tank: National service for 7-year-olds,
highlights the scope and intent behind the drive to impose a mandatory
national service requirement on the citizens of many countries across
the globe. Although this story is about Britain, there is nothing
here that doesn't apply equally to what is currently transpiring in
the United States. Here are a few excerpts:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Air Cargo Blog |
Subject: Service-Learning
I thought the following was funny. On,
a desperate high school student is looking around for some "community
service" work, apparently in order to fulfill his mandatory requirement
for graduation so that he might be allowed to attend college. A
couple of the responses were, ahem, interesting. Here is the
initial query:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Slippery Rock University"> |
Subject: New Government Program Pays Students For Community Service
As reported by Mike Madden in the Slippery Rock University's newspaper,
The Online Rocket, The government is extending its national
service claws into universities by paying college students to perform
community service work.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() What Did I Do? |
Subject: The UK: Just One Small Step Ahead of Us
In the UK Telegraph, Julie Henry reports on Britain's plan to impose
50 hours of mandatory national service upon all of the country's youth.
Apparently Gordon Brown has been listening to
Michael Caine and decided that this move is
just what the UK needs to help solve its current problems. However,
there appear to be some unintended consequences of this measure. Who
would have guessed?!!
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Academy of St. Joseph |
Subject: School Requires Parents to Perform Community Service
According to an article by Elizabeth Humphrey titled, School Requires Parents to Perform Community
Service, the Academy of St. Joseph in NYC is now requiring
family members of its students to perform community service work.
![]() Permalink ![]() Joe Galloway |
Subject: Thanksgiving: Learning How to Appreciate Your Rights
Joe Galloway is a combat journalist and author of the book "We Were
Soldiers Once ... and Young". On a recent book tour through Lubbock,
TX, he offered his views on military conscription, as reported in this article from Texas Tech:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Star Tribune |
Subject: Indoctrinating the Indoctrinators
As the government continues its speedy imposition of forced community
service work on the country's students through the
Service-Learning initiative, one might
wonder just what sort of training do the teachers in these classrooms
have for administering these programs, and what type of mentoring
can we expect them to provide to their charges. Well, wonder no
longer. In the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, Katherine Kersten
does an excellent job of reporting on one answer in her article,
At U, future teachers may be reeducated. Did she
actually mean to report that teachers were to be educated? No, she
really means reeducated! From the article:
[Thanks to Mark Kalinowski for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Community Service |
Subject: More Mandatory Community Service for Students
In an earlier article, I reported that the
Lockport Township, IL School District was considering imposing mandatory
community service on all high school students as a requirement for
their graduation. Well, as
follow up article indicates, they accomplished their mission.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() All Voices |
Subject: One Good Dose of Compulsion Deserves Another
Once you cross over the line by imposing mandatory education on
children, you transform schools into prisons, with all of the
associated problem that entails. Here is a short article that
appeared on the website All
Voices which is interesting for some of the selected follow
up comments by parents and community members.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Prez. BO Speaks |
Subject: Get Off Your Butts and Volunteer
Maybe he listened to Mr. Twentyman from
Australia, of maybe all geniuses simply think alike, but Obama is going
to solve America's child obesity problem one "volunteer" at a time. As
reported in USA Today in an article titled,
President tackling kids' obesity, public service on White House
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Chronicle of Philanthropy |
Subject: When $6 Billion Is Not Enough
You might remember that earlier this year, the
Serve America Act
was passed, taking an additional six billion taxpayer dollars and
transferring them to the Corporation for National and
Community Service in support of expanding national service
programs of every size and color.
Today, The
Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that the Center for American
Progress issued a report indicating that:
![]() Permalink ![]() SEIU Lobbyist |
Subject: Unions Come Out Against Volunteerism!
Let's let the news story by Jarrett Renshaw of The Morning Call
speak for itself.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Australia |
Subject: Conscription: It's Not Just For Crime Any Longer
Apparently, after listening to Michael Caine
spouting off in England this past week, certain people in Australia
got the message and decided to up him one. As reported by Steve
Lilleubuen in an article titled:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Youth Service America |
Subject: I Am AmeriCorps ... Because Obama Says So!
Using federal taxpayer funds, the Youth Service America organization,
which is primarily responsible for the implementation of the
"service-learning" programs in schools, along with AmeriCorps, VISTA,
Online Learning Center, United We Serve, and the Corporation for
National and Community Service, has branched out to use YouTube as
a recruiting and promotional tool. As they say on their
YAS Service Wire
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Lincoln School |
Subject: Middle school students learn about community service
The Lincoln Journal covers news from the central-eastern Massachusetts
region. The following are excerpts from an article published on
11-12-09 titled,
Middle school
students learn about community service:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Obama |
Subject: Make Your Entire Life a Tour of Duty
The following excerpts are from an article by Christine Simmons of the
Associated Press, titled, "Mrs.
Obama says veterans' skills can help at home".
Earlier today, in a Veterans' Day speech, Michelle Obama focused on
how veterans could continue to serve their community and nation
in ways that:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Caine |
Subject: Principles? What Principles?
Back in April of this year, Michael Caine spoke out,
taking a very strong position against massive
tax increases in the UK. He said:
* From Monty Python's The Argument sketch. |
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Subject: Two Interesting Links
Here are two interesting links you may wish to explore.
1: On the Farm and Dairy website, there is an article by Scott Shalaway titled: Scott is very sincere in his writings and concludes his piece by stating:
2: Over on the HealthcarePOV website, Timothy Loerke, a very nice student studying to be a physician assistant, wrote a blog entry titled: in which he shares his thoughts on having the school impose mandatory community outreach requirements on all students. We are engaged in a polite discussion of the implications of such a requirement. If others have something further to add to the conversation, please contribute your thoughts. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Civic Service Act |
In my left hand I hold health care reform and cap-and-trade
legislation. Pay no attention to my right hand!
The gambit for instituting a nationwide national service requirement
for all citizens is still swirling around Congress in typical stealth
House Resolution 1444 was introduced by Jim McDermott (D-WA),
Jim Moran (D-VA), Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and
Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), back in March, with the intention of
creating a:
[Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing this resolution to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Student Formerly Known As Prince |
Subject: Any Community Service?
I couldn't let this one pass by. While our schools focus on making
sure that the youth of our country are being properly indoctrinated in
the values of "Service-Learning" to become acceptable citizens,
do you think that they might be neglecting any other types of useful
learning? Let's let one enterprising student answer the question for
us as she searches for a solution to her
community service requirement problem on Yahoo Answers:
Yes, her research skills may be a little rusty, but I don't know what I'm worried about. She's the product of our fine educational system and that should guarantee that she will do just fine. And even if she can't get a job in one of the technical fields, or in the world of high finance, I'm sure she'll find her place in a fine government job. Maybe even teaching English to one of your children or grand kids! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Dilbert |
Subject: Volunteer: Because it Feels So Good
Well, I'm back from my trip and hope to get back to posting regularly
again. Here is a little cartoon to get the ball rolling.
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![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Big Brother |
Subject: Obama Controls Your Television Set
I would like a break from reporting on stuff like this, but the bad
news on the ever expanding subject of national service just keeps
pouring in.
Back on September 10th, the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF)
issued a press release which indicated that:
[Thanks to Betsy Speicher for bringing the Nolte article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Involuntary Servitude |
Subject: Involuntary Servitude: The 13th Amendment Ain't What It Used
To Be
Excerpts from a 1997 paper by Jessica Parr titled,
Mandatory Community Service:
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Subject: Woo Hoo! This Decision is a Win for the Volunteer
From a (AKA: United We Serve)
service brief:
P.S.: I'm awarding myself the Nobel Prize for best overuse of exclamation marks in a single article! Gosh darn it, I deserve one too!! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Obama |
Subject: How Much is Michelle Obama Worth?
As reported by Andrew Clark in
Politics Daily,
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Slaying Leviathan |
Subject: Involuntary Servitude for All
Reader Leslie Carbone, the author of
Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform, brought to
my attention an interesting article that she wrote back in November
2008 titled,
Emanuel Proposes Slavery. In this piece she
discusses Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama's call for the creation of
a "Civilian National Security Force" that would conscript every
American into a mandatory period of national service for the purpose
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Chris Brown Performing Community Service |
Subject: Community Service's Split Personality
If you monitor the news for mentions of mandatory "community
service", it soon becomes apparent that there are two buckets
into which these reports fall.
The first is the use of "community service" as a punishment for
various criminal offenses in lieu of fines or incarceration. In these
cases, the convicted criminal is sentenced to perform a specified
number of hours of "compulsory
unpaid work" at some designated task. When reviewing the
literature on the theory behind community service punishment, it is
often presented as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration while
also providing two forms of deterrent. First, as a form of public
humiliation for the offender, shaming them into altering their ways.
And second, using this offender as a very visible example to others,
warning them to avoid similar behavior.
The case of Chris Brown is somewhat typical. After pleading guilty to
beating, choking, and threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend, instead
of being jailed, he was ordered to perform 180 days of community
service. As the NY Daily News reports:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() NSLP |
Subject: Be It Resolved ...
Ace Parsi, the Policy Director for the National Service-Learning
Partnership, issued an
Important Policy Update in which he states:
[...] It's a critical time for service-learning and it is so important to let Congress know that service-learning works and we care.
-- C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: Service-Learning
While exploring the National Service-Learning Partnership (NSLP) site,
I took a look at the
describing the "service-learning" concept. Near the top of the
page is the following example:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Dana Loesch |
Subject: Chipping Away at Big Brother Here is an interesting tidbit from Andrew Breitbart's Big Government website. According to poster Dana Loesch, the United We Serve website has apparently removed all references to the ACORN organization. So it seems as though the actions of the investigators, blog reporters and activist protesters had some direct and measurable effect upon our government. In itself, this is a small victory, but more and more we seem to have the politicians adopting a defensive posture rather than the smug, dismissive, offensive that they were leading with just a few short months ago. Now this is a freedom-loving community service that I can support! |
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Subject: Send in You Sightings If any reader of this blog runs across a story relating to mandatory community or national service which they believe would be of general interest to others, please send me a note pointing to the article. Thanks for your interest and participation. |
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Subject: Service is the Rent You Pay ...
From an article titled,
Service Day at the Meridian School, we learn how
children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade are indoctrinated into the
idea that service to the community is a duty. Here are some excerpts:
[...] "Service is the rent you pay for living on earth, and it starts in elementary school," according to Ron Waldman, the Head of Meridian School. "By the time they leave 5th grade, we want our kids to feel that this is part of the fabric of who they are. It's not whether I should or shouldn't serve the community, but how. That's just what we do." [Emphasis added] |
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Subject: Working on Political Campaigns is "Community Service"
— Sort of ....
we learn that:
[...] "It is not so much the site, but what you do at the site," [Diedra Landrum] said. "A student might clean up after a rally, but not endorse a candidate. They could work at voter registration." [...] But [Chris] Smith told committee members to think carefully about how much work they let a student do for a political or religious organization. If the district officials allowed a student to work for the Democrat or Republican parties, for example, they could be opening themselves up to allowing students to receive credit for working for the Nazi party. "You could be going down a slippery slope," he said. [...] The committee voted 4-0 to allow students to perform non-partisan work for community service hours. |
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Subject: Update on the National Service Budget
Just to keep you informed about where some of your tax dollars are
going, here is an
Update on the national service budget from the
Corporation for National &
Community Service, released on October 1, 2009:
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Subject: Volunteerism is not legal unless it is done under the
watchful eye of the government
Here is a story by Gregory S. Hession, J.D., posted on the
New American website:
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Subject: You're An Artist But Can't Find Stable Work??
Here are some excerpts from a job advertisement for a fashion design
teacher, posted on the
web site as well as on
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Subject: Hey Kids, I've Got A Message For You ...
From the RFK Record,
No Community Immunity
by Heather Marie Mendez:
-- C. Jeffery Small" |
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Subject: Running the Numbers: Over One Billion Served Let's do a little math. According to the US Census, in 2007 there were 55 million students enrolled in grades K-12, and 17.6 million college students. Assuming a roughly equal age distribution of students, then there would be 4/13 * 55 million, or about 16.9 million high school students. So 16.9 + 17.6 = 34.5 million high school/college students. From my research, it looks like the annual requirement for mandatory community service in these schools ranges between 20 and 40 hours, so let's assume an average of 30 hours/year. Multiplying this by the available student population yields: 30 * 34.5 million = 1,035,000,000 hours. Yes, that is correct: OVER ONE BILLION HOURS! For 2009, the federal government has set the minimum wage at $7.25/hour. Therefore, the dollar value for the mandatory work being forced from students at the high school and college level each year is potentially worth over $7.25 billion dollars. Year after year after year. Do we need to look any further to understand the real motivation behind this push for mandatory national service? This is nothing more than slave labor being extracted from the nation's children. And it is being done under an indoctrination program designed to make every one of those children believe that they owe their labor to — the state, the community, the school or whatever collective group you care to substitute — but they owe it as a duty — and the group has a right to collect it from them upon demand. Contrary to what the Constitution states, their lives are not theirs, to do with as they choose, but something to be sacrificed in service to a higher cause. So why stop with low-priced school kids. Just think of the value to be had by turning every citizen into a national slave? Let's see, there are 300,000,000 of us, at an average salary of ....... Well, you get the idea. This movement must be stopped! By the way, it took McDonald's around 15 years (1948-1963) of constantly expanding nationwide service in order to serve one billion hamburger patties. That's a lot of hard work to get to a number like that. And every one of their employees, and every one of their customers interacted with McDonald's on a truly voluntary basis. |
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Subject: Community Service: It's Not Just For Your Community Any Longer! In the Howard County Times, we find an article describing how a high school student met his mandatory community service requirement by traveling to the Togolese Republic in Africa to install an "internet cafe" for the local villagers. In the truest spirit of altruism, this "mandatory community service" project ranks at the top, because it makes sure that not one iota of impact could be realized by any of the participants. Only when you make the entire world be "your community", do you really have the opportunity of discharging your "duty" in a manner that insures that neither you, nor your family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, or even strangers with whom you might interact, could possibly benefit from your actions. Because, let's face it, if even the smallest drop of benefit finds it's way into your life, it would taint the purity of the sacrifice. Congratulations Padawan! Your proper place in society have you learned well. |
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Subject: Half of Public Schools Require Community Service
According to the Kansas City Star, in an article titled
Volunteering is a requirement at Florida high schools:
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Subject: Volunteerism ... For Credit and Money!
From Raleigh, NC comes the story: Wake Tech launches effort to promote
volunteerism, where:
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Subject: Giving is the New Taking
At the website titled New Paradigm Shift, there is a very
pro-service article by Pilar Stella entitled
Giving is the New Taking, which begins with the
following quote by Price Pritchett:
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Subject: Lockport Township, IL High School Moves Towards Mandatory
Community Service
As reported today in
The Homer Horizon:
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Subject: Community Service Infects the Montessori Schools
In the article
Cultivating Agents of Change, educational consultant
Sara Cotner introduces Make A Difference Day, a national day
of community service, into the Montessori curriculum. As she states
in her article:
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Subject: A Request for Help While I have always been concerned about the advancement of mandatory national service as being a direct form of enslavement and a serious breach of the individual's right to their own life, I have to be honest in saying that until I began to study this subject in depth, I had no idea just how pervasive a movement it had become in our country. Using Google Alerts, I started tracking "community service", "national service", "" and "United We Serve", and I typically get between 30-50 new hits per day—sometimes many more. Reading through these links on an ongoing basis starts to give a true picture of just how large and organized a force there is, pushing us ever closer to a commitment of a full blown service requirement to the State for all citizens. And with this being a priority of the Obama administration, efforts have been accelerating at a rapid pace, funded by a huge influx of new tax dollars directed towards the cause. It is important to fight this trend in every way we can, identifying the underlying breach of our rights as the principal reason for our opposition. I would encourage you to write letters to your papers, articles for your blogs, and speak out against mandatory service at every opportunity. You can also promote this site and encourage others to sign up, helping to create a growing list of support to back up all of our efforts. Thanks for your concern and your efforts to behead this monster. |
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Subject: Service Learning's got a hold on you! In Maryland, community service—or as they like to call it in typical Newspeak terminology, service-learning—is mandatory for all students as a condition of being allowed to graduate from high school. At the link, you can read the history of the slow and steady creep of these programs being imposed, starting back in 1982. In particular, note how in 1983, the MD Maryland Superintendent of Schools is stopped by the State Board of Education from imposing this requirement, and how, through the use of funds provided in 1992 by The Federal Commission on National and Community Service, this trend is reversed and mandatory service is adopted. The individual rights of every child in MD, present and future, was sold for the paltry sum of $523,546. |
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Subject: A Rose by Any Other Name ....
With Barack Obama, we live in a kinder, gentler world. For example:
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Subject: Can Second Graders Help the Community?
Why yes, according to teacher Hannah Motta's
students, they can! Read about it at:
2HM Class Blog.
Grace seems to have captured the real spirit of the exercise:
Second graders can give money to them for buying bricks or things they need. 2HM can give them some books to put in their library." |
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Subject: Community Service Is Not What Made America Great
I discovered an excellent article by C. Edmund Wright at American
Thinker, entitled "Community Service Is Not What Made America
Great, which I would encourage everyone to read. Here
are a few excerpts:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Indoctrination |
Subject: It's Never Too Early To Indoctrinate
Today we look at how the idea of national service has infiltrated our
schools. Soon it will be impossible to get an education anywhere
without being forced to submit to a mandatory service requirement.
And since education is also mandatory, the requirement for national
service will have been imposed through this back door, instead of
by a direct legislative act which would have faced scrutiny and
vocal opposition by the public.
Let's start with a look at our friends at
ACORN. Were you aware that some of your
tax dollars were being given to this organization so that it could,
in partnership with the New York City Department of Education, create
two (and possibly three) high schools with a "community service"
The first of these is the
ACORN Community High
School which has the goal of "Developing Tomorrow's
Leaders". This is done, in part, with Social Studies programs
that "teach them the critical thinking skills necessary to
challenge inequity and injustice." Nothing very specific there,
but it does get you thinking about just how "inequity and
injustice" might be defined by ACORN? While I was unable to
locate any detailed descriptions of the various academic courses
being offered, there was a very complete overview of the
service program and its requirements.
'Give Your Best, Be the Best' The ACORN Community Service Program (ACSP) offers ACORN students experiences that cultivate leadership skills while they contribute services to their communities. Through placement in various agencies and service providers, ACSP encourages students to apply what they learned in and out of the classroom to solve real-life problems. In the process students learn efficient work habits, teamwork and self-confidence. They also learn about democracy, budgets and the benefits of active citizenship. Further, students in ACSP acquire technical and communication skills that are essential in critical thinking for designing and implementing solutions that build proud and prosperous communities. Participation in ACSP instills an ethic of lifelong community service where students are inspired to build proud and prosperous communities."
[...] Connected to this event, the students will be doing a community service project to help children at Kids in Crisis." |
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Subject: Don't Say You Didn't See it Coming!
One of the most pernicious laws on the books is the mandatory
automotive seat belt law. What is so wrong about this law is that
it steps over the boundary line of establishing laws that protect
each of us from the harmful actions of others, and instead acts to
protect us from ourselves! When these laws were first being proposed,
I argued that they were extremely dangerous to our personal freedom,
because they granted to the government the right to decide for
us what was in our own best interest. As I argued in my previous
post, there is no middle ground when it comes to the principle of
deciding who make the decisions about how best to pursue one's own
life. Either you have absolute authority over those decisions, or
you don't. And if you give over even a small piece of that right
to the government, then you have no principle remaining to which you
may appeal as the control over your life which you retain is steadily
The seat belt laws were a small breach into our personal autonomy that
opened the door the today's call for mandatory national service. I
would hope that everyone reading this could see the progression taking
place as we march further along the path towards slavery. Still
don't believe me? Well, let's take a look at an article published
today from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, entitled: "Community service
needed for seat belt offenders"
Quoting sections from that article:
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Subject: Republicans/Democrats: Who Can Tell the Difference?
Just as during the last presidential campaign, there was no
fundamental difference between John McCain and Barack Obama in their
calls for national service, we now have former president George H.W.
Bush joining with President Obama on October 16, 2009 for
Presidential Forum on Service.
From their joint announcement:
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Subject: The Ideas of the Next Generation
In an opinion piece titled
"More From Our Citizens...",
and published in The Citizen, the student newspaper of the
Harvard Kennedy School, Zachary Kushel writes:
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Subject: Article Recommendation Here is an article by Don Feder that you might find interesting: "Obama: Fighting Terrorism With Community Service, Kumbaya And Commie Appointments" |
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Subject: Mandating Community Service: The Indirect Method
In reading an article entitled
10 Ways to Get Your
Child Involved in Your Community, the author, going only by
the first name of Kimberly, writes:
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Subject: The Battle for National Service is Underway! Building upon the administration's call for National Service, Mozilla Service Week (09-14-09 through 09-21-09) was recently announced, calling upon software developers to volunteer their services to the community. This project is cosponsored by the Mozilla Foundation, the people behind the Firefox browser, and, one of the largest repositories of open source software projects in the world. Supporting this effort are three partners organizations: and, both clearinghouses for volunteer projects, similar to the government's site; and OneWebDay, a very loosely defined organization said to be modeled upon Earth Day, and created by Susan Crawford, a "current technology policy advisor to President Obama." As I have said before, there would be nothing wrong with private groups organizing activities and soliciting volunteers to aid in a cause which they supported. But this is nothing of the sort. Just as with, Mozilla Service Week has no specific goal that it wishes to achieve. Its only purpose is to prod others to freely donate their time, energy and/or money to social causes. And any cause at all is just fine, because the end results don't really matters. It's was getting you to agree to volunteer that was the goal all the time! And with the involvement of Susan Crawford, we see the Obama administration's fingerprints all over this effort. The strategy is clear. Start by using peer-pressure to cajole individuals into investing their time in these sorts of voluntary efforts, conditioning them to this sort of activity. This makes it much easier to later transition the country to mandatory national service. As we have seen over and over throughout history, the majority of those who have been convinced to volunteer their efforts will be the first to support legislation that compels everyone to contribute. After all, it is only fair that we all share the burden equally! And that's how we do an end-run around such niggling issues as the constitutional rights of the individual. Because, under an egalitarian philosophy, someone's definition of fair always trumps rights. So the battle is engaged and our opponents are out of the gate. And while the country's attention is focused on other crucial affairs, this administration is receiving very little resistance on this issue. That is why it is so critically important to oppose this insidious maneuver now, before it snowballs and later becomes much more difficult to stop. You can help by adding your name to the others who are supporting the Personal Declaration of Independence, and then promoting this site by writing your own blog entries or articles concerning the issue of national service, and asking others to visit this site and add their names as well. Let's attack this issue with force and preserve the true meaning of the the term: "volunteer". |
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Subject: United We Serve: Service with a Smile :-)
On 09-09-09, a community service project entitled
Take the John Galt Pledge
was created at the
United We Serve (i.e.
website with the express purpose of: