Article Archives by Subject: Politics
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Ready. Aim. Fire! |
Subject: Does The Left Have An Agenda? Oh Yeah, You
Throughout my life I have listened to the musings of people speculating
on the actual intentions of those who align themselves with the
philosophy of the progressive left. Many good-hearted people who
always search to find only the best in others would look at the
disastrous results being achieved by various wealth redistribution
schemes, corporate bailouts, regulatory boondoggles, failed educational
initiatives and programs based upon moral relativism, egalitarianism
and altruism, and offer one excuse after another in an attempt to
justify that, in spite of all the harmful consequences, the aim of
these people was nevertheless still noble and well-meant. But
was it?
![]() So just what is the left's agenda? As these examples demonstrate, it is nothing less than a concerted attack upon the principles articulated in the Constitution that provide a framework for autonomy and independence in thought and action. So long as individual rights are recognized and honored, even to a limited extent, it means that people remain somewhat free from the rule of other men. This sort of freedom cannot be tolerated by the tinpot dictator-wannabes like Seidman and Kaul, not to mention the staff at many of our news publications who promote these views while propping up the elected officials — the Reids, Pelosis, McConnells, Boehners, and their ilk — who share in this desire to control. The agenda is simple, and it explains every position taken by the progressives: That which promotes individual initiative and personal choice is the bad which must be destroyed, while that which constrains individuals in any manner is the good. As always, it's the age old battle between individualism and collectivism, and it does no good to make allowances and excuses for those out to chain and control us. They know exactly what they are doing. Let's not allow them to hide from the consequences of their own sorry truth one moment longer. External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: The Sign Of The Dollar
Brad and Barbie Harrington reside in Cheyenne, WY and together they
publish a monthly newspaper called Liberty's Torch,
dedicated to the promotion of "individual liberty, private property
and personal responsibility."
In the past I have included two excellent articles by Brad:
He has just penned an important new editorial analyzing where this
country has been trending for the past century and the impact that
those trends will have upon us all. I wanted to share this with you,
and he has given me permission to reproduce here.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Results? |
Subject: Some Final Reflections On The Election
On the eve of the U.S. Presidential election, like many other people,
I thought I would jot down a few final observations.
For liberty-loving people, the past decade in this country has been
exhausting. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks we find ourselves
saddled—apparently permanently—with the draconian
Act which drastically expands unchecked government powers at
the expense of our individual rights and personal privacy. Our
medical and insurance industries have been further socialized, first
through the addition of Bush's
Prescription Drug entitlement, followed by the imposition of
The automotive industry was nationalized, while the rules of law were
simply ignored, and those with government contacts and pull were
undeservedly rewarded. Declaring the financial sector "too
big to fail," it became the handmaiden of politicians through
expanded regulation (Dodd-Frank)
and bailouts
The overall financial health of the country has been crippled by
Obama's anti-business regulatory and tax policies coupled with his
reckless spending, record deficits ($16.2 trillion) and inflation of
the money supply. Obama has also demonstrated that it is his intention
to disarm America and replace national sovereignty with our submission
to a U.N. World Government. And those are just some of the low
Over one year ago, back during the primaries, as I saw one Republican
candidate after another being viciously attacked by the Democrats and
the left-leaning media, I wrote the following:
I do not care to work or live on any others. My terms are a man's right to exist for his own sake. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() MIA |
Subject: Voting in 2012
The following article is scheduled to be published in the September
(now October) issue of Liberty's Torch, Brad
and Barbie Harrington's Cheyenne, WY newspaper, where their motto is:
To this, let me add a few additional comments. I really do understand the argument being made by those who believe that Obama must go — at any price — even if it means voting for someone as sub-optimal as Mitt Romney. I too am troubled by the concerns that, given a second term, Obama may attempt to decimate our military strength, further destroy our economy, continue to expand the powers of the executive branch, and make additional disastrous appointments to the Supreme Court. The consequences of any of these actions would impose a heavy cost on each of our lives and further weaken the country as a whole. And yet, while acknowledging the potential burden to be born, I nevertheless think this remains an extremely short-sighted view of the future. For as far back as my political memory extends (which is to the early 1970s), every presidential election has been framed in terms of fear. Voters were warned that the "other" candidate was enormously dangerous, and if elected, would do immense harm. Therefore, even if "our" candidate was not perfect, it was still crucial to support him. In other words, every election has been sold to the alert and intelligent voter as one where it was necessary to set aside their principles and vote for the lesser of the two evils — but of course, just this one time! And the next thing you know, fifty years have passed while sitting on one's hands. How successful has this strategy been? A simply survey of the current state of our country and culture documents the results. On balance, the lesser-evil has ultimately led to precisely the same place that the greater-evil was promising to take us. What we inevitably get is an ever expanding government of increased programs, regulations, spending and power, which confiscates more and more of our personal wealth and property while curtailing our right to determine and direct the course of our own lives. Democrats who once promised to uphold our civil and social rights now violate them with abandon while Republicans who promised us fiscal restraint gleefully tax, spend and regulate us into oblivion. When you stand back and take in the big picture, what becomes obvious is that the idea of a lesser or greater evil is nothing more than a sham. There is only evil which must always be identified for what it is and opposed at every turn. I wrote the article above before the Republican National Convention (RNC) was held. During that convention, delegates were asked to vote on certain rule changes that were designed to make it much easier in the future for the party to exclude delegates of which it did not "approve". Watch the following video which highlights how this issue was handled by the RNC. External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() This Election Matters! |
Subject: The Choice is Yours!
As we move closer to the election, I will have more to say about the
choices that we face this year. However, for just a moment ..... ![]() ![]() ![]() Which of these worlds do I want to live in? ![]() Really, deciding how to vote in this election is just that easy! ![]() And for those who are wondering where Mitt Romney is, well he's still trying to figure out what position the majority of you want him to take here. He'll get back to you. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Mann Penn State Univ. |
Subject: Climategate — Version 2.0
After the original
scandal broke back in 2009, revealing how the scientific method had
been corrupted by the incestuous relationship between government
funding of research and institutions willing to manufacture politically
expedient conclusions in exchange for those funds, it was not as if
there was any need to further confirm the junk status of much
of what has passed for climate science research. Nevertheless, a
second round of emails exchanges from the UK's Climate Research Unit
at the University of East Anglia have now been released.
Apparently culled from the same set of files that were taken back in
2009, these exchanges focus more on the political agenda driving the
climate message along with the role that the UN's Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has played in that regard. As
James Delingpole,
reporter for the British newspaper The Telegraph, succinctly states
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Listen Up! |
Subject: An Open Letter to All Republican Members of Congress
Concerning the Debt Ceiling Cap
I have been watching the circus playing itself out in Washington D.C.
over the past month concerning the fight to raise the federal debt
ceiling and, as has been said many times before, just like observing
sausage-making, it is a truly disgusting sight. This is my no-nonsense
letter to all Republicans in the House and Senate letting them know
what I expect of them.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Under Attack... Yet Again! |
Subject: A Call to Action
† I say contact the Republicans, because I have written off the Democrats as beyond hope. As the past two years demonstrated, they are operating from a social agenda that is to be imposed upon this country, that does not recognize self-preservation as a counter-force. They have demonstrated that they will not listening to our message. They must all be replaced, but attempting to sway their opinion is a waste of time. [Thanks to Siska Van Soolen DeYoung for bringing this news story to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() You're Outta Here! |
Subject: Cancellation Day. Promote it!
Hey there folks!
If you're like me, then I suspect you are just plain sick of business
as usual in Washington, D.C.
It's Cancellation Day Yes the Big Adios Is just a few hours away
So put this date on your calendars and then help spread the word. Let's do everything we can to inject "Cancellation Day" into the political dialog, promoting November 6, 2012 as our new national holiday honoring all patriots who fight on for renewed liberty, the restoration of individual rights, and a proper, constitutionally limited government in the tradition of a true republic! ![]()
<A href="">
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() I'm Entitled To It! |
"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
— Robert Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
![]() When Heinlein wrote these words, he was simply referring to the obvious fact that you cannot get something for nothing. Everything consumed must first be produced and everything bought must be paid for. For previous generations, this was a common-sense observation with which all reasonable people agreed. However, these days, that is far from the case, and whether the adage is applicable or not depends upon just exactly what type of person you happen to be. Back in December, I wrote an article titled, Money for Nothin' and Your Chicks For Free, where I briefly examined the history of the ever expanding welfare state and the subsequent erosion of the American work ethic, all of which ultimately led to the creation of a population substantially trapped in the morass of a new found learned helplessness. And what are the practical consequences of this? For that, I refer you to the following story, released earlier today:
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Help Me! |
Subject: Being President Is Hard!
![]() And he could hype a miserman for all his gold Some say he's a hipster and some say nix But everyone's solid when he gets his kicks He's a shape in a drape —— Joe Jackson ![]() Here is a must-see video clip that I believe will be carefully studied in college political science classes for generations to come. After his public "shellacking" during the midterm elections, and now facing mounting opposition from Democrats across the country in response to his willingness to compromise on his long standing pledge to raise taxes on the "rich", Obama scheduled a conference with former President Bill Clinton to discuss a strategy for moving forward. After meeting for just under one and one half hours, the two men then attended a hastily organized press conference. After some brief introductory remarks, Obama turned the podium over to Clinton and then indicated that he was leaving to attend a Christmas party, stating:
![]() ![]() For another blogger's take on this subject, see Rational Nation USA |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Barry Goldwater |
Subject: A Tax Day Tea Party Reminder Of Our Mission
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Tea Party Debates |
Subject: New Tea Party Debate Reference Site
Robert Tracinski, the editor of
The Intellectual
Activist, has created a new website titled
The Tea Party
Debates, where he shares his personal experiences in
planning and executing a candidates' debate with his local Tea Party
organization. The information on this site may be used as a guide
for others who wish to do the same.
Currently, the website contains information in the following areas:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Scott Brown |
Subject: My Direct Letter to Scott Brown
I just sent Senator-Elect Scott Brown the following letter.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Scott Brown |
Subject: An Open Letter To Scott Brown And His Supporters Let me extend a huge thank you to all of the people in Massachusetts who turned out yesterday and voted for Scott Brown. You have each contributed to a political event that will have untold repercussions, both in the short and the long term. In casting your votes, you have spoken loudly, sending a clear message to President Obama and the Congress that the majority of the citizens in this country are opposed to the nationalization of the medical profession as well as the other socialist policies that these career politicians are doing their best to force upon us against our will. And I am also grateful to all of the other people across this country who spoke out in support of Brown's election and contributed their money, time, effort and commitment to seeing that this result could be achieved. It was an organized team effort, and we have achieved a rewarding result. There has already been much discussion in the press about various dirty tactics that the state of MA might attempt in order to block Brown from being certified and confirmed, until after the congressional vote on the health care bill. There are also reports of maneuvers that the House and Senate are cooking up to try to ram a bill through before Brown, a duly elected representative of the people, can cast his vote. It is difficult to predict what specific actions may actually be taken, but the MA state legislature and this Congress have each already demonstrated their contempt for the will of the people, for due process, and for allowing us to observe their underhanded, back room deal-making. President Obama was nothing other than a bold faced liar when he promised openness and transparency for his administration. Should the politicians resort to any of these underhanded measures, then we must act again and let our protest, in voice and action, become a wave that washes over them, drowning any hope for a political future. Let them know that Brown's election has only been a warning shot. And Mr. Brown, please do not let us down! You have been sent to Congress for one purpose: to do everything you can to stop the socialist juggernaut from crushing the spirit of America. Your job is to defend the rights of every individual and to cut the scope of government back wherever possible, doing what you can to return it to its singular function of protecting our rights, and nothing more. So once you have cast your vote against the health care legislation as you have promised, remain true to the principles of the people who elected you and continue the valiant fight to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Now everyone get out there and celebrate. You've earned it! |
![]() Permalink |
Subject: Peter Schiff: Running for Connecticut Senator in 2010 Peter Schiff is an economist and broker who predicted, with astounding accuracy, the economic and housing crisis, while most others, in the both the financial industry and the government, derided him as simply loony. Here is a link to a video of a Mortgage Bankers Speech that Peter gave back on November 13, 2006, in which he outlines, in detail, exactly what was—and still is—wrong with the American economy. He then states, without equivocation, what the natural, and therefore predictable, consequences of those policies must be. It is an extraordinary eye-opener! This is such an important piece that I believe it should be seen by anyone interested in our current state of affairs. Therefore, I have added the link here in order to give it additional exposure. The video is roughly seventy-three minutes long, but it is an education in important economic concepts and well worth the time invested. If you agree, pass along to others, a link either to the video, or back to this site. Peter Schiff is currently running in 2010 for the Connecticut Senate seat currently held by Christopher Dodd. If you find the Schiff video interesting, I would also recommend an eighty-six minute video of a talk by John Allison, the CEO of BB&T Bank, given back on January 29, 2009, titled The Financial Crisis: Causes and Possible Cures. [Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing the Schiff video to my attention.] |