Article Archives by Subject: Medicine
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Subject: The Ends Justify the Means
Most contemporary politicians have learned to engage in the technique of the Big Lie as a routine part of their day-to-day speech. But President Obama is a master practitioner, surpassed by no one. Whether he is promising the voters that his administration would:
or he is:
he does it with a straight face, often accompanied by a wagging finger and condescending glare. Amidst all of these falsehoods there is a new one that has been bothering me of late. Everyone is talking about Obama's oft repeated lie that if you wanted to keep your current heath insurance, you could. It is then reported that many people with individual policies are now receiving termination notices from their carriers, but that these cancellations amounts to only a small percentage of the insured — typically somewhere between 5-15% of the total. This itself is another Big Lie, intended to deceive the public into believing that this was only a small problem with the law. However, the truth is that the vast majority of all insured people are having their policies canceled! It is just that the rest of the people get their group insurance through some third-party such as their employer. Nevertheless, every one of those group-based policies is also being canceled and the group administrators have been forced to negotiate new policies in their place. Just because the end users don't observe what is going on behind the scene, doesn't make this any less real. How could it be otherwise? The new legislation imposes untold numbers of new requirements on the health care industry, and new policies would be required in order to meet the conditions of the law. All of this was perfectly foreseeable from the very first day that this new nationalization of health care started to be discussed. It was crystal clear that this would be the case when Obamacare was passed. And it was known to every human on the planet who had their eyes open, every time Obama guaranteed that it was not true. Therefore, it is extremely aggravating to see people act surprised that policies are being canceled, or hear them say that it affects only a small percentage of people, or watch them profess to be shocked that Obama lied to them! Of course he lied! He always lies. For Barack Obama, the ends always justify the means. What's more saddening is how few have come to understand what his end game actually is. Randy Newman wrote a wonderful song (slightly modified here in the pursuit of accuracy) that does a great job of expressing the essence of Obama and his manifest disregard for truth and integrity.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Nancy Pelosi |
Subject: How to Solve the Housing Crisis - Government Style
Well, take a look at this article in the Spokesman Review titled,
Health law's heavy impact"
for a review of some of the taxes you will soon be experiencing as a
result of that legislation. Of particular note is the new 3.8% tax
on real estate transactions. This means that if you buy/sell a
$300,000 home, you will pay a tax of $11,400, and if the home goes
for $750,000, the tax will be $28,500. And remember, this is on
top of all the current real estate taxes that are already being
imposed. If you are young and mobile in your career, this is a tax
that will hit you every time you relocate.
Or maybe you are older and were thinking of retiring to a new
location. Open up your wallet, because all real estate throughout
the country will immediately increase in cost by about 4%. Or
possibly you are in business and are thinking about expanding your
growing practice by moving into a new facility that will cost
$30 million. You new tax would then be a whopping $1,140,000.
Yes, that ought to make you think twice about that move.
Given our current housing crisis, with an oversupply of homes that
is killing the entire construction industry, can you think of a
worse idea for addressing these problems than to increase the cost
of all homes by a huge amount, pricing more people out of the housing
market and further reducing demand. As Cloud Downey also noted, the
immediate impact will be to further flood the market with home sales,
as owners attempt to sell before the tax kicks in. And reviewing the
overall state of the economy, with so many businesses struggling to
stay afloat, consider how damaging a new tax of this magnitude will
be, making capital investment that much more difficult and retarding
any latent recovery.
Is there still a person out there who can state with a straight face,
that when it comes to managing the economy and the lives of each
of us, that the government is qualified to make intelligent choices
that are in the best interest of the citizens? If there is such a
person, then my response is the same one Joe Wilson gave to Obama:
"You lie!"
[Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Shut Up! |
Subject: Obama's Full Frontal Attack on Free Speech
Today, in the Wall Street Journal, two articles discuss the immediate
effect of the new health care legislation. In
ObamaCare Day
One, we hear about companies like Caterpillar, which is
reporting a first year cost of $100 million or more in order to comply
with the new regulations. In another article titled
The ObamaCare Writedowns, it is reported
that government-mandated accounting rules require corporations to
immediately restate earning to reflect the present value of their
long-term health care liabilities and taxes. In response to that
requirement, today AT&T took a one billion dollar writedown. Other
companies reporting health care related losses include: Deere & Co,
($150 million); 3M Corporation ($90 million); AK Steel ($31 million);
Valero Energy ($20 million). The consulting firm Towers Watson
is estimating that the total for all businesses may reach as high as
$14 billion.
What does this mean? It means that the U.S. economy just lost another
14 billion dollars. That's $14 billion that will not be available for
capital investment or research. $14 billion that is now unavailable
for business expansion and new jobs creation. $14 billion that will
never make it into the wallets of workers. That's $14 billion
real dollars, created through productive work — not
paper money simply run off the government's printing presses.
However, if that were not bad enough, just like kangaroo*, the President
and his congressional cohorts are "hopping mad at this sort of
talk!" How dare anyone say a bad word about their amazing
technicolor gift to us all? Gary Locke, the Commerce Secretary,
said that companies having the gaul to report such gigantic costs were
being "irresponsible". And Representative Henry Waxman
announced that in response, the Democrats are going to haul the heads
of these businesses before a House panel and grill them on their
statements. This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to silence
the CEOs through intimidation. In other words, its an all out attack
on their free speech. And it's getting to be routine.
We saw Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, silenced after being made
the scapegoat for the Merrill Lynch fiasco. We've seen the automotive
executives hauled before Congress, making it clear that they were to
quietly comply with the government's nationalization of their
industry—or else. Medical and insurance companies where
threatened with punishment and placated with bribes to silence their
opposition to the health care legislation. And when the medical device
makers refused to go along, Congress slapped huge new taxes on them
to make sure that everybody else got the point. Just another
"teachable moment" for the Obama administration.
The main stream media has become nothing more than a propaganda tool
for the administration, self-censoring any troublesome story including
Climategate, ACORN, Anita Dunn's Mao comments, Van Jones, to name a
few. Then there is Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory
czar, who, in his book On Rumors, has proposed making internet
blogs and hosting sites responsible for the remarks of posters,
allowing the government and others to censor and demand deletion of
objectionable "false rumors", or else be sued. Congress has threatened
the reimposition of the "fairness doctrine" as a means of muting the
voice of conservative commentators. And Representative Linda T.
Sanchez introduced bill
in the House stating:
* "Kangaroo were hopping mad at this sort of talk. She thought herself far superior in intelligence to the others. She was their leader; their guru. She had the answer." [Remind you of anyone?] -- The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles, by Jethro Tull |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Comrade Castro |
Subject: You Know You're in Good Company When You Get Fidel Castro's
Well, I think we can all feel better now knowing that Fidel Castro
has given his approval
for the passage of ObamaCare. We have certainly moved a big step
closer to finally achieving the quality of health care that Cubans
receive, and is the envy of the world. To see what your future may
hold, take a look at this
site or this
site. Yes, we really have to thank Michael Moore for his objective
reporting, letting us know the truth.
And another measure of just how good the new health care system will
be can be seen by the following, as reported in
The Wall Street Journal:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() John Dingell |
Subject: What is the Health Care Legislation Really All About?
In a radio interview,
discussing the new health care legislation, Michigan Representative
John Dingell made the following statement:
administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together ![]() TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE" And that, Charlie Brown, is what health care legislation is all about. Of course, if you're keeping track at home, we've known this all along, as we discussed previously here, among many other posts. |
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Subject: 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms To get a quick overview of how pervasively the new health care legislation will reach into your pockets and exercise control over your life, read the article, 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms by David Hogberg. Then get out your wallets and onto your feet and do what you can to fight back against those, whether in Washington or living next door, who have demonstrated a total lack of respect for your constitutional rights and wish to enslave you in service of their desires. These people are not your friends, and they are only just getting started. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Medically Incorrect |
Subject: It's Not "Health Care Reform", It's "Government
In a Medically Incorrect
video clip at PJTV, Dr. Peter Weiss demonstrates why the average
conservative cannot be entrusted to man the battle stations in
defense of our individual rights when it comes to most issues,
including health care.
Dr. Weiss argues for an alternative to the Democrat's health care
legislation by proposing the following:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() US Congress |
Subject: An Open Letter to Congress on Health Care
I have just read an article in the New
York Times which indicates that this weekend, President Obama is
planning to send health care legislation to Congress, designed to be
attached to a budget bill, and rammed through the Senate using the now
widely publicized scam known as "budget reconciliation".
After everything that has been said and written about this issue, I
find this action truly unbelievable!
Did Washington not receive the clear message that we the people
sent to all of you with the recent election of Scott Brown in
Massachusetts? If not, let me repeat it for you once again:
We don't want the house version of the health care legislation. We
don't want the senate version of the health care legislation. We
don't want the President's version of health care legislation. We
don't want the Democrat's version of health care legislation. We
don't want the Republican's version of health care legislation.
We don't want the government controlling our lives and we don't want
you interfering with the personal medical decision that we choose to
make in consultation with our doctors. We don't want to be forced to
obtain health insurance under penalty of fines and/or jail. We don't
want our health providers and insurance companies to be regulated,
forced to act against their own best professional interests, any more
than we wish that upon ourselves. We don't want any new taxes. And
we certainly don't want another huge financial liability imposed upon
productive Americans, who already shoulder the unreasonable burden
that you and your fellow legislators have placed there with a $12.4
trillion debt and a shiny new $3.8 trillion budget.
Now, this draconian legislation that will cost trillions of additional
dollars, is supposed to be added to a budget bill as though it were
just another typical pork-barrel earmark! And this from the President
that pledged to reform earmarks and make "his administration the
most open and transparent in history." I hope that this is not a
process that you are seriously considering supporting. Instead, you
should be doing everything within your power to stop this abomination
dead in its tracks.
I'm watching, and so are millions of other concerned Americans all
across the nation. And each day, with each new insult that emanates
from Washington D.C., thousands more join our ranks. Most of us are
simple citizens who would much rather be tending to our daily lives,
but instead have been drawn onto the political stage by a steady
stream of audacious actions so abusive to our individual rights, and
so far outside the constitutional scope and powers granted to the
federal government, that we are compelled to act. Through the growing
Tea Party movement we are organizing, and as was just witnessed in MA,
we will produce results.
The choice you face is simple: you must decide what you intend to do
in response to our growing numbers and strength. You can commit
political suicide by charging ahead, supporting this legislation in
the belief that your election to Congress has somehow granted you the
right to force your wishes upon the American public against their will.
Or you can sit on the sidelines, trying to remain unnoticed as this
bill is pushed forward. Unfortunately, that's an old political tactic
that no longer works under the new Tea Party reality, and this cowardly
approach will have you targeted as well. Or you can stand up and
loudly proclaim your opposition to this legislation on constitutional
grounds. By taking a vocal, principled stand in service of the rights
of every citizen you were elected to represent, you can transform
yourself into a hero of the new political movement that is prepared
to sweep across the national landscape. Make your choice -- or the
choice will be made for you.
Sincerely, -- C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Christian Science Monitor |
Subject: Too Fat To Fail!
An article by Paul Hsieh in The Christian Science Monitor titled
Universal healthcare and the waistline police starts
[Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() New York Post |
Subject: ObamaCare vs. the Constitution
As readers of this blog are aware, I have long argued that the agenda
of the current administration is nothing less than an all-out assault
on the most fundamental principles of the U.S. Constitution. As one
example in support of this position, consider the recent article by
Betsy McCaughey in the New York Post, titled,
ObamaCare vs. the Constitution, which highlights
five specific way that the congressional health care bill "rob you
of your constitutional rights." Here is a quick summary of the
issues identified:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Doctors Vote |
Subject: What do doctors think about government control of health care? If you are a doctor, then I encourage you to visit the Doctors Vote website and complete the short survey. Let everyone know where you stand on the important issue of health care reform legislation, and what impact passage of that legislation will have upon you. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Declaration of Independence |
Subject: The Second American Revolution: It's Time To Make Your
Today, Ben Nelson, the senator from Nebraska, declared that he is
going to support the Senate's health care bill as the 60th member
of a Democratic coalition that has no Republican support. As reported
The Huffington Post:
— C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Health Care: It's a Gift |
Subject: Why The Republicans Are No Ally In The Fight Against
Health Care Legislation
[This is a slightly modified version of an article originally published
on November 10, 2009]
After the disastrous vote on the health care bill in the House, I
received an email from my Republican, Washington State Representative,
Dave Reichert, in which he indicated that he had voted against the bill.
He then included the following attachment to his message as his
antidote to what the Democrats were offering. This one page synopsis
is similar to other Republican proposals I have seen. Here it is:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Ramirez |
Subject: The Lighter Side of Pain
A couple of comics that make their point.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Opinion Piece |
Subject: We Own You. Get Used to It!
On today's OpEd page, a Wall Street Journal editorial
highlights the true goal of ObamaCare, as articulated by one of its
supporters, John Cassidy of the New Your Times.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Congressional Health Care |
Subject: Will Members of Congress Use the Health Care Plan That They
Vote For?
Members of Congress currently have a gold-plated health care plan
for which they pay very little. Louisiana Congressman and physician
John Fleming thinks that it is only right that Congress be subject
to the same plan that it believes is best for the rest of us. Or as
he puts it, he wants to give: "Congress an opportunity to put
their money where their mouth is."
In service of that goal, he had put forward
House Resolution 615 where:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brave New World |
So what does Nationalized Health Care really hold in store for us?
Here it is, straight from one of Barack Obama's advisors, former Labor
Secretary, Robert Reich. As he says, this is the truth, but you
don't hear it from your politicians, because, as Jack Nicholson says in
A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!".
[Thanks to Roger Kimball at Pajamas Media, for bringing this to our attention.] |
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Subject: A Rose by Any Other Name ....
With Barack Obama, we live in a kinder, gentler world. For example:
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Subject: Oh Where, Oh Where, Did All The Doctors Go?
Here is a very interesting article: South Africa: Doctor brain drain
The article states: