Article Archives by Subject: Constitution
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Subject: Loyalty Day
According to Wikipedia, Loyalty Day was first observed on May 1st, 1921, as a counter to the growing influences of communism and anarchism on the American labor movement. In 1958 during the second Red Scare, Congress passed Public Law 85-529 declaring this to be a legal holiday — although one which is rarely observed. Wikipedia states:
In keeping with that tradition, on April 30, 2013, President Obama issued his own proclamation, once again declaring May 1st to be "Loyalty Day." Here is what he had to say:
But of course, as with all things Obama, there are interesting passages contained here that, in the name of this country's founding principles, turn those very principles upon their head. For example, Obama states:
Ignoring for the moment his appeal to faith rather than a conscious understanding and explicit agreement with our founding principles, what are some of those core ideas that he identifies? "liberty, equality, and justice for all." Contrast this with the Pledge of Allegiance which speaks of "liberty and justice for all. Where did "equality" come from and what does Obama mean by that? When the founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
it is perfectly clear that they are speaking of individuals who are separate from one another, but all of whom possess equal rights as an inherent aspect of their human nature—rights pertaining to their freedom and independence; rights which grant them the power to direct and control the course of their own lives. But this is not at all what Barack ("I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.") Obama means by equality. He is not promoting equality of opportunity to pursue one's desires in the manner of one's choosing. No, he is speaking of egalitarianism — of guaranteeing equality of outcomes. It is his intention to "level the playing field" by chopping off the legs of those that rise too high and using those severed limbs as a platform upon which others will be allowed to stand. And it the government, with him at the helm, that will be doing the chopping and deciding just how much to amputate. As is the case with all smart totalitarians throughout history, he doesn't plan to go to war with the population in order to extract his pound of flesh. Instead, he navigates the much easier course of simply issuing a call to sacrifice oneself on the altar of altruism, and then stands back as a majority of the sheep lead themselves to slaughter. When Obama speaks here of "our country's core: service and citizenship," or declares that Loyalty Day is "an occasion that asks something of us as a people," he is laying the groundwork to help confuse the latent positive feelings that people retain for the greatness of what remains of this country, and getting them to transpose those feelings towards the act of serving the needs of others at their own expense. And this is not some one-time occurrence, but a concerted effort and core goal of Obama's administration. Already he has declared both 9/11 and Martin Luther King Day to be National Days of Service. His never-ending call to serve can be found buried within most of his speeches, while more and more children of all ages are being forced to perform mandatory community service in our government-run schools as part of the federal Service-Learning initiative. And as I pointed out in my original article on National Service, the annual spending on the Corporation for National and Community Service has been drastically increased during The past five years, with an underlying goal of ultimately making National Service become a mandatory requirement imposed upon all citizens. When Obama declares:
he is counting on most people not being aware of the fundamental Enlightenment principles of individualism upon which our American history rests, and an uncritical acceptance of his replacement of our rights to autonomy and self-directedness with his collectivist notion of egalitarianism. Unfortunately, after many generations of a populace indoctrinated in government schools, he can now apparently get his wish. |
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Subject: Action Alert
If you are not already concerned, then you haven't been paying attention! We now have a government that has gone mad with power and has no hesitation in mowing down any pesky constitutional concerns that still get in its way. Rand Paul has drawn a line in the sand and is taking a firm stand for limiting the government to its ennumerated powers and for protecting all of our rights. This filibuster is a symbolic act, and a very important one. The question is will the administration be forced to concede that their are limits to its actions, or will this filibuster simply fizzle out and soon be forgotten, along with the last remnants of our rights. You can either sit back and wait to see what happens, or you can place yourself on the front lines and act to support this effort. I am asking everyone who reads this to act — and act immediately to provide support for what Rand Paul is doing. First, you can visit his Facebook page and adding your voice to the may others who are standing behind this effort. Follow this by going to his Senate Contact page, and leaving a personal message expressing your support for what he is doing. And then, most importantly of all, write a letter to the editors of your local papers, letting them know that there is considerable grassroots support for what Paul is doing—and why he is doing it. Contact like-minded friends and family and see if you can convince them to contribute their voice as well. In the big scheme of things, this may seem like only a small and inconsequential act, but I say that it is the first of many to come. Let's make this one count for all that it is worth! ![]() For those interested, the filibuster can viewed live on C-SPAN2 Thanks to all of you for your willingness to fight for the cause of liberty. It means a great deal to me. UPDATE: 9:30 PM PST: Here is a link to a new White House Petition asking that the president to respond to Rand Paul on the drone strike issue. Sign it! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Ready. Aim. Fire! |
Subject: Does The Left Have An Agenda? Oh Yeah, You
Throughout my life I have listened to the musings of people speculating
on the actual intentions of those who align themselves with the
philosophy of the progressive left. Many good-hearted people who
always search to find only the best in others would look at the
disastrous results being achieved by various wealth redistribution
schemes, corporate bailouts, regulatory boondoggles, failed educational
initiatives and programs based upon moral relativism, egalitarianism
and altruism, and offer one excuse after another in an attempt to
justify that, in spite of all the harmful consequences, the aim of
these people was nevertheless still noble and well-meant. But
was it?
![]() So just what is the left's agenda? As these examples demonstrate, it is nothing less than a concerted attack upon the principles articulated in the Constitution that provide a framework for autonomy and independence in thought and action. So long as individual rights are recognized and honored, even to a limited extent, it means that people remain somewhat free from the rule of other men. This sort of freedom cannot be tolerated by the tinpot dictator-wannabes like Seidman and Kaul, not to mention the staff at many of our news publications who promote these views while propping up the elected officials — the Reids, Pelosis, McConnells, Boehners, and their ilk — who share in this desire to control. The agenda is simple, and it explains every position taken by the progressives: That which promotes individual initiative and personal choice is the bad which must be destroyed, while that which constrains individuals in any manner is the good. As always, it's the age old battle between individualism and collectivism, and it does no good to make allowances and excuses for those out to chain and control us. They know exactly what they are doing. Let's not allow them to hide from the consequences of their own sorry truth one moment longer. External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Under Attack... Yet Again! |
Subject: A Call to Action
† I say contact the Republicans, because I have written off the Democrats as beyond hope. As the past two years demonstrated, they are operating from a social agenda that is to be imposed upon this country, that does not recognize self-preservation as a counter-force. They have demonstrated that they will not listening to our message. They must all be replaced, but attempting to sway their opinion is a waste of time. [Thanks to Siska Van Soolen DeYoung for bringing this news story to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Rights of Man |
Subject: The Rights of Man There is a new activist website titled The Rights of Man which, as the name implies, is intended to promote the spread of ideas in support of individual rights, as articulated in the U.S. Constitution. The main thrust of this site is directed at the creation of letters which can then be easily mailed to selected recipients such as politicians or media contacts. Additionally, letters made public on this site may be reviewed by others, and if desired, signed and mailed by them to the recipients, thereby increasing each letter's impact. I encourage you to visit this site and craft your own contributions in the battle to restore our freedom and rights. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Scott Brown |
Subject: My Direct Letter to Scott Brown
I just sent Senator-Elect Scott Brown the following letter.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() New York Post |
Subject: ObamaCare vs. the Constitution
As readers of this blog are aware, I have long argued that the agenda
of the current administration is nothing less than an all-out assault
on the most fundamental principles of the U.S. Constitution. As one
example in support of this position, consider the recent article by
Betsy McCaughey in the New York Post, titled,
ObamaCare vs. the Constitution, which highlights
five specific way that the congressional health care bill "rob you
of your constitutional rights." Here is a quick summary of the
issues identified:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Declaration of Independence |
Subject: The Second American Revolution: It's Time To Make Your
Today, Ben Nelson, the senator from Nebraska, declared that he is
going to support the Senate's health care bill as the 60th member
of a Democratic coalition that has no Republican support. As reported
The Huffington Post:
— C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: A Patriot's Open Letter
This open
letter, written by Bradley Harrington to our political
representatives, is an excellent articulation of the most fundamental
issue currently facing our country. We are in nothing less than a
battle for the enlightenment ideals of individualism, unalienable
human rights and liberty that is embodied in our Declaration of
Independence and Constitution.
![]() Permalink ![]() Joe Galloway |
Subject: Thanksgiving: Learning How to Appreciate Your Rights
Joe Galloway is a combat journalist and author of the book "We Were
Soldiers Once ... and Young". On a recent book tour through Lubbock,
TX, he offered his views on military conscription, as reported in this article from Texas Tech:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sylvia Bokor |
Subject: A Republic — If You Can Keep It
Sylvia Bokor wrote a great editorial piece on her blog entitled,
"A republic if you can keep it."
As words of encouragement for continuing the battle to restore our
lost liberty, I would like to quote the closing paragraph of that
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Classroom Brainwashing |
Subject: Exposing Obama's Classroom Brainwashers
In a PJTV video titled:
Joe Hicks covers much the same territory that I do on this blog,
pointing out that our public schools are becoming more indoctrination
centers than houses of learning.
I disagree with Joe on one point. We can stop this
if a loud, vocal movement begins to speak out against the concept
of state-run education and we work to completely privatize all of
our schools. Quoting from the article by law professor Rodney A.
Smolla that I reference in my previous blog entry below:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Involuntary Servitude |
Subject: Involuntary Servitude: The 13th Amendment Ain't What It Used
To Be
Excerpts from a 1997 paper by Jessica Parr titled,
Mandatory Community Service:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Bill Whittle |
Subject: American Exceptionalism
Time for some good news for a change.
Here is a very highly recommended 15 minute video by Bill Whittle on
PJTV where he discusses exactly what makes the United States a truly
exceptional country. Watch and enjoy.
[Thanks to Richard Gleaves for bringing this to my attention.] |
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Subject: The Oath Keepers
In response to the John
Galt Pledge at this site, a reader brought to my attention a
very interesting organization called
Oath Keepers. They describe themselves as follows:
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Subject: My Response to Frank Rich's Article in the New York Times
On Saturday, September 19th, Frank Rich posted an opinion piece in
the New York Times entitled
Even Glen Beck Is Right Twice a Day. In this article he attempts
to slay many dragons including Joe Wilson, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh,
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ayn Rand, and of course, Glen Beck. He
opens his discussion with the following:
-- C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: It's Constitution Day! September 17th is Constitution Day. Are you wearing your black armbands? The patient is sick, but not dead yet! I encourage everyone to do what they can today to promote the fundamental principles embodied in that great document. Speak out and let others know that it is time for a revival of personal sovereignty and a restoration of our rights. And don't forget to have fun doing it! :-) |
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Subject: The Purpose of The John Galt Pledge Initiative
The United States of America is at a tipping point, where individual
rights and personal freedom now hang precariously in the balance. As
we move forward, will we be the masters of our own lives, deciding for
ourselves what goals to pursue and how best to allocate our personal
resources in service of those goals? Or will we allow ourselves to
be treated as children, handing more and more of the decision-making
over to the government, demanding that it assume the obligation of
providing for all of our wants and needs? The price for abdicating
responsibility for one's life is the forfeiting of one's freedom.
Those of us committed to the path of personal autonomy must fight for
our freedom if we are to retain what remains, and regain what has been
lost since the founding of this country. My purpose for this site is
to create another effective tool in that battle for liberty.
There are many avenues available for engaging in this struggle.
Writing letters-to-the-editor, op-ed pieces, articles for magazines,
blog entries or forum posts is one. This is a one-to-one type of
activity where the individual writer communicates directly to the
individual reader. Another is the use of organized protests. The
Tea Parties are a good example of this technique, and on September
12th, many citizens will descend upon Washington D.C. to march in
protest against the current administration's policies. This is a
many-to-one activity, where the ultimate effectiveness of the action
is directly proportional to the number of participants. For example,
if 300 people show up in D.C. on the 12th, that might generate a page
six mention in most newspapers. However, if 80,000 people march,
then it becomes headline news which will have a profoundly greater
[OK, I guess I was proven wrong on that count. You can ignore
80,000 people. You can even ignore a million! All the more reason
to make sure that we do get our message out.]
The goal of this initiative is to create a permanent public record of
protest that can later be referenced as a kickoff point for many
different types of campaigns. But where the message of the Tea Party
protests have been diffuse, I want the ideological message of this
site to be strictly focused upon one critical point:
Suggestions I am very interested in receiving feedback and suggestions regarding this project, and I would enjoy hearing any ideas you may have for related activities. Interesting ideas, suitable for a wide audience, will be displayed on this page. Click on the button below to contact me by email. -- C. Jeffery Small |