Article Archives by Subject: Obama
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Subject: The Ends Justify the Means
Most contemporary politicians have learned to engage in the technique of the Big Lie as a routine part of their day-to-day speech. But President Obama is a master practitioner, surpassed by no one. Whether he is promising the voters that his administration would:
or he is:
he does it with a straight face, often accompanied by a wagging finger and condescending glare. Amidst all of these falsehoods there is a new one that has been bothering me of late. Everyone is talking about Obama's oft repeated lie that if you wanted to keep your current heath insurance, you could. It is then reported that many people with individual policies are now receiving termination notices from their carriers, but that these cancellations amounts to only a small percentage of the insured — typically somewhere between 5-15% of the total. This itself is another Big Lie, intended to deceive the public into believing that this was only a small problem with the law. However, the truth is that the vast majority of all insured people are having their policies canceled! It is just that the rest of the people get their group insurance through some third-party such as their employer. Nevertheless, every one of those group-based policies is also being canceled and the group administrators have been forced to negotiate new policies in their place. Just because the end users don't observe what is going on behind the scene, doesn't make this any less real. How could it be otherwise? The new legislation imposes untold numbers of new requirements on the health care industry, and new policies would be required in order to meet the conditions of the law. All of this was perfectly foreseeable from the very first day that this new nationalization of health care started to be discussed. It was crystal clear that this would be the case when Obamacare was passed. And it was known to every human on the planet who had their eyes open, every time Obama guaranteed that it was not true. Therefore, it is extremely aggravating to see people act surprised that policies are being canceled, or hear them say that it affects only a small percentage of people, or watch them profess to be shocked that Obama lied to them! Of course he lied! He always lies. For Barack Obama, the ends always justify the means. What's more saddening is how few have come to understand what his end game actually is. Randy Newman wrote a wonderful song (slightly modified here in the pursuit of accuracy) that does a great job of expressing the essence of Obama and his manifest disregard for truth and integrity.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Help Me! |
Subject: Being President Is Hard!
![]() And he could hype a miserman for all his gold Some say he's a hipster and some say nix But everyone's solid when he gets his kicks He's a shape in a drape —— Joe Jackson ![]() Here is a must-see video clip that I believe will be carefully studied in college political science classes for generations to come. After his public "shellacking" during the midterm elections, and now facing mounting opposition from Democrats across the country in response to his willingness to compromise on his long standing pledge to raise taxes on the "rich", Obama scheduled a conference with former President Bill Clinton to discuss a strategy for moving forward. After meeting for just under one and one half hours, the two men then attended a hastily organized press conference. After some brief introductory remarks, Obama turned the podium over to Clinton and then indicated that he was leaving to attend a Christmas party, stating:
![]() ![]() For another blogger's take on this subject, see Rational Nation USA |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Social Innovation Fund |
Subject: Building Obama's Army
Do you know what a "Social Innovation Fund" is? Do you need one?
Did you know you were already paying for it with your tax dollars?
Apparently, it's  "an entirely new way of doing business."
You don't say! Tell me more.
According to this
press release
the fund's new director, Paul Carttar:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Student "Loans |
Subject: This Is How We Get Things Done—Chicago Style.
In what seems like a lifetime ago, back in September 2009
(see here), I was talking about the Obama
administration's plans to nationalize the entire student loan industry,
with the intent of then being able to tie the government's single
source of educational loans to a requirement for mandatory national or
"community" service.
Well folks, you are not going to see that legislation be debated in
in the chambers of Congress, nor will you see it come up for a vote
by your elected representatives. This isn't going to happen because
this heavily contested piece of legislation known as the Student
Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, is, as reported in
and by The Hill,
simply going to be attached to the health care modification package
being considered by the Senate, and enacted by a simple majority of
senators using the budget reconciliation process.
And that's how we do it in Washington D.C. these days. If you can't
get you legislation passed through normal constitutional channels,
there is always a procedural trick or a bribe or a threat that can
be used in its place.
I guess I'm still dumbstruck from the realization that our culture has
sunk to such a low, that it is now possible for so many Americans to
look at these underhanded politiebureau tactics and simply sit back
and smile at the results.
"The State is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live
at the expense of everyone else." -- Frederic Bastiat |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Democracy Denied |
Subject: Barack Obama's Legislative Game Plan
Thanks to the Left Coast
Rebel for bringing this chart from
Americans for
Prosperity, to my attention. 'Nuff said.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Bloomberg |
Subject: So, Was Joe Wilson Wrong When He Called Obama a Liar?
In an article by Jonathan Weil titled,
Obama's $6.3 Trillion Scam Is America's Shame,
he reports that the President's latest $3.8+ trillion federal budget
leaves out a few minor items that might have a little bit of impact
upon the country. For example, this budget does not include:
[Thanks to Mark Kalinowski for bringing this article to my attention and to Pamela Geller for breaking the story.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Federal Jobs |
Subject: Solving the Unemployment Problem — One Federal Job at a Time In his State of the Union address, Barack Obama stated that he was going to focus on solving America's unemployment problem. A few days later he released details for his $3.8 trillion 2011 budget, indicating his intention to continue with his, so far, spectacularly failing plan to spend his way out of our economic woes. Today in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), there is a report entitled Uncle Sam Wants You, which highlights just exactly how and where all of this "economic stimulus" is actually paying off. And the answer is: in the ranks of federal employees. As the WSJ reports, "civilian full-time equivalent employees" within the government's ranks has increased 14.5% in just the past two years, bringing 20 2.148 million, the number of federal employees in 2010. Unlike workers in private industry, federal employees neither produce nor contribute to the production of tangible goods and services that form the basis of our economy. Where as a worker in the private sector acts to generate wealth which pays for their own employment, government is simply a net consumers of wealth, and every new federal employee place an additional burden on the remainder of the economy to carry them. So, as usual, Obama is merely shuffling papers, moving names from the list of the "unemployed" to a new list of "federal workers". But the net effect is zero, because the funds for the salary of a government worker must be extracted from the surplus economic efforts of productive private-sector employees, just as the funds for an individual who receives an unemployment check must first be produced by others. It is all a game of smoke and mirrors, with no actual economic gain. But there is a terrible economic cost to all of this. For the billions and trillions of dollars that the government removes from the economy, directly through taxes, or indirectly through inflation, are funds no longer available for capital investment by businesses actually engaging in processes of true wealth creation. This retards the recovery and expansion of the economy, which means new productive jobs are not created, which means that real unemployment remains high. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Hill |
Subject: Obama Accused of Doing Favors for Ally
From the website The Hill, we have the story, "Obama accused of doing favors for ally"
which tells us something about the operations of the Obama
administration, which pledged us "openness" and "transparency", but
instead is conducting politics as usual by shielding its agencies
from any form of serious scrutiny.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Prez. BO Speaks |
Subject: Get Off Your Butts and Volunteer
Maybe he listened to Mr. Twentyman from
Australia, of maybe all geniuses simply think alike, but Obama is going
to solve America's child obesity problem one "volunteer" at a time. As
reported in USA Today in an article titled,
President tackling kids' obesity, public service on White House
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Obama |
Subject: Make Your Entire Life a Tour of Duty
The following excerpts are from an article by Christine Simmons of the
Associated Press, titled, "Mrs.
Obama says veterans' skills can help at home".
Earlier today, in a Veterans' Day speech, Michelle Obama focused on
how veterans could continue to serve their community and nation
in ways that:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Big Brother |
Subject: Obama Controls Your Television Set
I would like a break from reporting on stuff like this, but the bad
news on the ever expanding subject of national service just keeps
pouring in.
Back on September 10th, the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF)
issued a press release which indicated that:
[Thanks to Betsy Speicher for bringing the Nolte article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Bill Whittle |
Subject: American Exceptionalism
Time for some good news for a change.
Here is a very highly recommended 15 minute video by Bill Whittle on
PJTV where he discusses exactly what makes the United States a truly
exceptional country. Watch and enjoy.
[Thanks to Richard Gleaves for bringing this to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michelle Obama |
Subject: How Much is Michelle Obama Worth?
As reported by Andrew Clark in
Politics Daily,
![]() Permalink ![]() I'm Confused?? |
Subject: Just For the Record Just as a parenthetical comment, I would like to go on record as saying that the Nobel committee's awarding the Peace Prize to Barack Obama is just about the stupidist thing I have heard since — well, since they awarded it to Al Gore in 2007 and Yasser Arafat in 1994. Obama was nominated for the prize on or before February 1, 2009. So at best, he had been in office a maximum of 12 days. If Barack Obama was the state-of-the-art for promoting world peace, we would all be dead by now. Well, the entire world has apparently gone insane. I think M. Night Shyamalan may have gotten it right. The Happening appears to be coming true! :-) |
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Subject: A Rose by Any Other Name ....
With Barack Obama, we live in a kinder, gentler world. For example:
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Subject: Republicans/Democrats: Who Can Tell the Difference?
Just as during the last presidential campaign, there was no
fundamental difference between John McCain and Barack Obama in their
calls for national service, we now have former president George H.W.
Bush joining with President Obama on October 16, 2009 for
Presidential Forum on Service.
From their joint announcement:
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Subject: My Response to Frank Rich's Article in the New York Times
On Saturday, September 19th, Frank Rich posted an opinion piece in
the New York Times entitled
Even Glen Beck Is Right Twice a Day. In this article he attempts
to slay many dragons including Joe Wilson, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh,
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ayn Rand, and of course, Glen Beck. He
opens his discussion with the following:
-- C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: Article Recommendation Here is an article by Don Feder that you might find interesting: "Obama: Fighting Terrorism With Community Service, Kumbaya And Commie Appointments" |