Article Archives by Subject:  Conservatism



Subject: Voting in 2012

The following article is scheduled to be published in the September (now October) issue of Liberty's Torch, Brad and Barbie Harrington's Cheyenne, WY newspaper, where their motto is:

    "Defending your individual rights, whether you like it or not!"

Well, you can't beat that!

    It's Romney's Job to Win Over the Johnson Voters

    In most presidential elections within memory, there seems to always be a sizable portion of the public voting against one candidate rather than voting for the other one. Or to put it in different terms, many people continue to find themselves in the unenviable position of having to choose between the "lesser of two evils." Occasionally, a viable third-party candidate gains traction as an alternative to what is seen as the status quo being offered by the Republicans and Democrats. This happened in 1992 with the independent candidacy of Ross Perot, and this year we are seeing signs of growing support for the Libertarian party candidate, Gary Johnson.

    Without a doubt, this is a critical presidential election. After suffering four years under Obama's administration, many people have come to the conclusion that he must be replaced at any cost, even if it means voting for the lesser of two evils and supporting a suboptimal candidate such as Mitt Romney. Other people, taking a longer range view, are choosing to support Johnson who most closely represents their values and principles, understanding that his chances of winning this fall are slim, but hoping that a significant showing in this election will produce a more favorable crop of candidates next time around and ultimately lead to a better future. Those who believe that Romney's election is of paramount importance are fearful that a majority of Johnson voters will come from people who would otherwise vote Republican, possibly swinging the election in Obama's favor. One such person commented that should Obama win, it would be Johnson's loony supporters who will be to blame.

    I don't have a strong quarrel with how people choose to vote in this election. As is the case every four years, this country is in an unholy mess and the state of political leadership is disgraceful, so making a serious choice as to how to vote requires a strategy and calculation that can be complicated for intelligent, thinking people. However, one thing should be made clear. If Romney fails to convince enough people to vote for him and defeat Obama, then the responsibility will rest squarely on his shoulders. It will be Romney's inconsistencies, waffling, record of past actions and his inability to adequately sell his current soft and unfocused message that will be at fault.

    If Romney and the Republican Party cannot convince a large segment of smart, informed voters that it is in their best interest to cast their ballot for him rather than for Obama or for a third party candidate who has almost no chance of winning, then it is really disingenuous for anyone to try and shift that blame from him onto those alternate voters who are pursuing what they believe is their best available option.

    In truth, it would be a fairly easy matter for the Republican Party to convert a great many of the Ron Paul, Johnson and independent Obama supporters into Romney voters. All they would need to do would be to adopt some of the policies and positions that this voting block heavily favors. But instead of considering that, the GOP continues to kick this constituency in the teeth as it has recently done by forcing the exclusion of Ron Paul from a convention vote through procedural tricks, and by adopting an extreme abortion position that is impossible for liberty-respecting people to swallow.

    If the GOP wants the independent and libertarian-leaning voters to come into its tent, then they have to actually demonstrate that they support individual rights, free markets and personal liberty, through action as well as words. However, not only do they fail that, they demonstrate repeatedly that they support the exact opposite! Look no further to see why there is a growing shift towards a third party. Johnson is an ineffective campaigner. It is not so much his performance that is drawing voters his way, but the GOP itself that is pushing them, with great force, in his direction. I suspect that this recent convention tactic will further swell Johnson's ranks with disaffected Paul backers.

    Everyone in the Republican, Libertarian and Independent camps agree that Obama must go. There is no need to push that message. Obama's every action automatically does it for us, and people not long ago convinced of this are a lost cause. But for those of you who have decided that the only serious path forward is to elect Romney, I would respectfully suggest that you should stop attacking individuals who are leaning towards supporting Johnson. These people have good reasons for their choice. Rather, you should be directing all of your focused energy and anger towards Romney and the Republican Party, demanding that they abandon their quest to impose their own personal vision of morality on everyone else, and instead adopt a program that truly embraces individual autonomy, personal responsibility, stands for the equal rights of all citizens, and supports a strict application of the principles that form the bedrock of our Constitution. This is the pathway towards naturally expanding the Republican base and defusing any harm that a third party might represent.

    It is not looney for people to follow their conscience and stand up for their principles. What's looney is an organization like the GOP that expects to receive support from those that it overtly despises and attacks, and then whines when it fails to achieve the results it wishes.

    C. Jeffery Small
    August 25, 2012

To this, let me add a few additional comments.

I really do understand the argument being made by those who believe that Obama must go — at any price — even if it means voting for someone as sub-optimal as Mitt Romney. I too am troubled by the concerns that, given a second term, Obama may attempt to decimate our military strength, further destroy our economy, continue to expand the powers of the executive branch, and make additional disastrous appointments to the Supreme Court. The consequences of any of these actions would impose a heavy cost on each of our lives and further weaken the country as a whole. And yet, while acknowledging the potential burden to be born, I nevertheless think this remains an extremely short-sighted view of the future.

For as far back as my political memory extends (which is to the early 1970s), every presidential election has been framed in terms of fear. Voters were warned that the "other" candidate was enormously dangerous, and if elected, would do immense harm. Therefore, even if "our" candidate was not perfect, it was still crucial to support him. In other words, every election has been sold to the alert and intelligent voter as one where it was necessary to set aside their principles and vote for the lesser of the two evils — but of course, just this one time! And the next thing you know, fifty years have passed while sitting on one's hands.

How successful has this strategy been? A simply survey of the current state of our country and culture documents the results. On balance, the lesser-evil has ultimately led to precisely the same place that the greater-evil was promising to take us. What we inevitably get is an ever expanding government of increased programs, regulations, spending and power, which confiscates more and more of our personal wealth and property while curtailing our right to determine and direct the course of our own lives. Democrats who once promised to uphold our civil and social rights now violate them with abandon while Republicans who promised us fiscal restraint gleefully tax, spend and regulate us into oblivion.

When you stand back and take in the big picture, what becomes obvious is that the idea of a lesser or greater evil is nothing more than a sham. There is only evil which must always be identified for what it is and opposed at every turn.

I wrote the article above before the Republican National Convention (RNC) was held. During that convention, delegates were asked to vote on certain rule changes that were designed to make it much easier in the future for the party to exclude delegates of which it did not "approve". Watch the following video which highlights how this issue was handled by the RNC.

The fix was in! The RNC preordained the outcome of the vote and incorporated the desired result into the teleprompter script which was then dutifully parroted by John Boehner. The Republicans accuse Obama of totalitarian aspirations and yet here is a clear example of stealing the vote worthy of any tin-pot dictator. This is a clear and naked example of evil in practice. You wouldn't give these folks access to the keys to your liquor cabinet, so how could you possibly entrust the country and your future to any of them?

This is only one example of many that repeatedly demonstrate that the current makeup of Republican Party is thoroughly corrupt, and it should be clear that nothing good can come from offering them your support. It hasn't in the recent past, and there is certainly no magic with Romney to suggest anything different today.

Principles are statements of fundamental truths, used to guide one in making proper choices. When evaluating a politician, it is important to not only gauge the specific positions that they take, but to also judge the character of the person making the promises. Are they honest, and do they possess the integrity to act consistently with respect to the principles they articulate? It is my hope that everyone will give this serious consideration before deciding how to cast their vote in this election. Politicians are not going to begin to value and demonstrate these qualities until voters once again make them the coin of the realm.

The choice in that regard rests with each of us, and the message we send resides in how we use our vote. Do we continue to double down on the losing proposition of lesser evils, or do we instead begin today to change the rules of the game and withhold our support from any and all candidates who do not earn it by pledging respect for our sovereign individual rights and also demonstrating the character necessary to stand up and defend them unwaveringly?

The future awaits the actions that we take today.

External links to reprints of this article:


Listen Up!
Subject: An Open Letter to All Republican Members of Congress Concerning the Debt Ceiling Cap

I have been watching the circus playing itself out in Washington D.C. over the past month concerning the fight to raise the federal debt ceiling and, as has been said many times before, just like observing sausage-making, it is a truly disgusting sight. This is my no-nonsense letter to all Republicans in the House and Senate letting them know what I expect of them.

    Dear Republican Members of Congress:

    As time draws ever closer to the August 2nd deadline for the debt ceiling debate, pressure is increasing from many quarters in and attempt to force you to back down from your principled position and accept some form of compromise.

    Statist-oriented pundits, including the very foolish E.J. Dionne, suggest yet again that all members of the Tea Party movement are unhinged, and that listening to their demands is politically unwise. Well, of course this is what you would expect them to say, since the Tea Party stands in opposition to everything that they advocate:
    • A further undermining of the U.S. Constitution
    • Ever increasing government power and control
    • Nationalization of business and industry
    • Centralized economic planning
    • Further entrenchment of the welfare state
    • Fiscal irresponsibility
    • Wealth redistribution
    • The abrogation of every citizens' individual rights

    If you were to consider a compromise with these statists, in just which of the above areas are you willing to make concessions on behalf of the American people? As Ayn Rand so eloquently put it:
      "In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win.
      In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit.

    Identify that which you know to be the good, and defend it with every fiber of your being.

    Then there are the various proposals by Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Barack Obama, The Gang of Six, and on and on, which attempt to trade off an immediate $2.5 trillion increase in the debt ceiling in exchange for some amount — between $2 and $8 trillion — of spending cuts that extend out anywhere from ten to forty years into the future. Let's be serious! No one is fooled by these absurd and totally unrealistic scenarios. Each of these proposals is a classic case of the Big Lie!
    • We all know that any future Congress could overturn these spending cuts at any time — and history has shown that they more than likely would eventually do so.

    • These are not real cuts in relation to today's spending, but cuts against proposed future budgets that already include huge spending increases. While these proposals might slow those increases, they make no actual cuts, allowing future budgets to continue to grow.

    • What practical good is a $6 trillion spending reduction spread over ten years? That amounts, on average, to $600 billion in cuts per year which, when offset against deficits well in excess of $1.6 trillion, still leave us with an annual deficit around $1 trillion.

    • These proposals do nothing to balance the budget, let alone effect real reductions in federal spending.

    Given these facts, supporting any of these budget proposals is just another exercise in punting on the responsibility that Congress has for dealing honestly and realistically with our fiscal situation. Passing the buck forward only means that in two more years we will find ourselves in a hole that has grown from $14.5 trillion to $17 trillion, and will still be racking up huge deficits that require yet another increase in the debt ceiling. Exactly what level of debt do you believe is enough?

    There is another form of pressure that the President is attempting to apply in an effort to force your hand. By sending a message to the markets that disaster looms on the horizon, he is trying to create a stock market panic that will influence people, including those of you in Congress, to respond irrationally to fear and make foolish choices, similar to what occurred in 2008.

    The President is also working to rattle the American people by telling them that if Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling, he may not be able to cover the national debt or send the elderly their social security checks. But notice the nature of his threat. If he is forced to make a hard choice as to where to allocate limited dollars, his proposal is to continue funding organizations such as NPR, the Corporation for National and Community Service, and so on, instead of issuing Social Security checks? He proposes to continue paying for all of the welfare programs, doling out money to people who have never contributed a dime to the system, while denying payments to those who have financially back our country, or to people who have spent a lifetime paying their hard earned cash into this so-called retirement program! It's a no-brainer. To counter this empty threat, all you need to do is loudly and publicly call him on this and the American public will see that this wannabe Emperor has no clothes — or more precisely, no principles at all.

    These tactics make Obama one of, if not the most craven Presidents in our history, and you must not allow them to stand. Identify his actions for what they are, report them to the American people, and refuse to be coerced by these tactics.

    And then we have the shameful and unconstitutional proposal by Mitch McConnell. In a ploy that is all political theater with absolutely no benefits for the country, he suggests that Congress should relinquish its constitutional responsibility to determine and control federal spending and appropriations, and simply turn that power over to the executive branch, allowing the President to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling at his discretion. And this is being done so that Mitch and his fellow traitors who support this idea can be relieved of the necessity of committing to a position of either raising or not raising the debt ceiling. Cowards! Do not abase yourself by even considering supporting this.

    So, what should you do regarding the debt ceiling and the budget? It's simple. Start representing the wishes of the American people who sent you back to Washington in 2010 with a very clear message. Let me spell it out.
    • We do not want the debt ceiling raised at all. Period. No compromises. No trade-offs. Raising the ceiling simply provides more funds for more spending, which is exactly the problem needing to be fixed. Refusing to raise the debt ceiling is a positive step in that direction.

    • Do not raise taxes. Just as with the debt, taxes are another source of revenue for the government and those dollars will support additional spending. The money spigot must be shut off.

    • Federal revenue for 2011 is $2.57 trillion, which, in equivalent adjusted dollars, is greater than the entire outlay for 2002. By simply scaling the size and scope of government back to 2002 levels, the budget would be immediately balanced with no need for additional taxes or debt financing.

    • Based upon the preceding facts, what the American public expects and demands is for you to cut spending immediately and deeply. The simplest approach would be to immediately impose a spending cap for 2012 equal to current revenues of $2.57 trillion and then do one of the following:

      1. Make an across the board cut to every federal program. (The easy way out.)

      2. Simply unwind government back to the 2002 configuration, eliminating all programs that have been added since then, and scaling the others back to their previous level.

      3. Examine the budget carefully and negotiate which departments and programs should be eliminated, which ones should be reduced, and which should remain at current funding levels.

    • What is clear from the past forty years is that so long as there is an open source of funding, Congress will continue to devise new ways to spend. And until a fixed dollar limit is rigidly imposed, Congress will refuse to examine and prioritize its spending.

    Time is up, and you and your fellow Republicans must finally stop playing at the childish game of politics, man-up, and do the adult thing. It is time to stop this ship of state and make an about face. The budget must be balance not in ten, twenty or forty years, but right NOW, in the upcoming 2012 fiscal year. You must cut over $1.5 trillion from next year's budget. Will it be hard? Of course. But it's not going to get any easier tomorrow, next year or after the 2012 election. It has to be done immediately.

    So what is your answer? Are you stepping up to the plate and swinging for a home run, or are you going to take the coward's way out and add one more bunt to a lifetime of bunting? Are you finally going to be the hero, or end your career as the goat? This is the moment of truth. No one can guarantee what the political fallout will ultimately be from this, but there is a huge and growing contingent all across America that will stand firmly behind you if you choose to do the proper thing and actually lead the Republicans in a serious charge into the battle to save this country from ruin.

    We are all watching, so forget the words and simply give us your answer through your actions.


    C. Jeffery Small



Sen. John Cornyn
Subject: What Are a Few Earmarks Between Friends!

In a news article by Dan Weil titled, Earmark Ban Likely to Become Earmark Reform, he reports that some Republicans are already backing off from their November 16th pledge, and are working to reintroduce earmarks! That's right. Only one day into the congressional session and this is one of the "hot" topics that most concerns these Republicans. Well, it certainly tells you where their interests lie.

In this article, Senator John Cornyn of TX is quoted as saying, "Most people think we need earmark reform — not a ban", while Senator Lamar Alexander waffles with, "Earmarks are still a subject that we have to work out." Oh really? I thought it was made quite clear that an outright ban was supported by the voters, and that there was nothing left to "work out".

While earmarks may not be the highest priority issue for those of us wanting to see much of last year's legislation repealed, along with other massive reductions in the size and scope of government, this is an extremely important symbolic issue. The Republicans made a pledge to the American people in response to a clear message being sent during the last election. And now, they simply think that they can ignore that promise and continue to do whatever they wish! The level of contempt that this demonstrates for the American public — and especially for those who worked so diligently over the past two years to see them elected — is staggering. Let's not let them get away with this.

A Call To Activism:

The progressive Democrats in Congress are a lost cause. There is no point in contacting them as they have clearly demonstrated that they are not responsive to anyone, as they pursue their preordained agenda. It is the Republicans upon whom we must focus our attention, and in this instance we cannot afford to let them get away with this breach. We must act swiftly and in unison to send the message that we are watching their every move and will no longer tolerate abuses of this kind. So I am asking every reader to take a few minutes to write to their Republican Senators and Representatives, as well as to those who have not staked out a clear anti-earmark position, like Cornyn and Alexander. Through our numbers, let's make our voices heard. Let them know that the American public is on fire, and if they continue to play with us, they will surely get burned!

    To send an email message to John Cornyn, click here.

    To send an email message to Lamar Alexander, click here.

    To find the address of you Senator or Representative, click here.

Here is a copy of the letter that I sent to Senator Cornyn, with a modified version of this going to Senator Alexander.
    Senator Cornyn:

    Only two days into the job and the press is already reporting that some of you Republicans are ready to renege on your pledge to ban earmarks!

    You say "Most people think we need earmark reform — not a ban." Well, listen up. You are dead wrong! "We the people" have made it perfectly clear that we will no longer accept business as usual from those of you in D.C. You have one job to do, and that is to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. Period! You don't have need for a single earmark in order to accomplish this task. You toss around words like "self-discipline" and "transparency" to give the appearance of thoughtful sincerity. Exactly whom do you think you are fooling? You sound just like Barack Obama — a lot of hot air and no substance. It makes me wonder what your real agenda actually is? It is all quite discouraging.

    I see reports that you Republicans are already backing away from the pledge to cut $100 billion from the current budget this year. What is wrong with you people? Quit screwing around and start doing what is expected of you. We're not going to sit idly by while you fritter away the opportunity that the majority of voters have worked so hard over the past two years to afford you at this precise moment in time.

    Get on with the real task at hand and quit jerking around with the American public as if we are a bunch of idiots. Remember, you work for us — not the other way around, and we are watching your every action.


    C. Jeffery Small



Subject: Will the Conservatives Defend your Rights?   Don't Count On It.

Leading the way for the rest of the unfree world, today, the UK's Telegraph reports that Conservatives plan civilian 'national service' scheme. That's right, not wanting to allow Gordon Brown and the democratic socialist Labor party to get the glory by getting there first, David Cameron and the British Conservatives are "Sowing The Seeds of the Big Society" by proposing plans for a National Citizen Service, where 16 year old children will be offered:
    "two-month summer social action activities such as looking after the elderly as a cure for the 'national scandal of all this wasted promise'.

    He originally proposed a compulsory scheme until voluntary sector bosses persuaded him that would not work - but will pledge to get all teenagers involved 'over time'.

    Money for the first two years of the programme ... will come from the Government's "community cohesion programme".

So, it was clear that the desire to make this proposal mandatory on all youth would not immediately fly, but once the program is in place, then the Conservatives will "get all teenagers involved over time" which is Orwellian doublespeak for "they will be forced to participate".

Sound familiar? It should. This is similar to what is happening in this country, where, through the Corporation for National and Community Service, the United We Serve website, and programs like "Service-Learning", Barack Obama is slowly transforming what is initially called "voluntarism" into a mandatory requirement, creating a youth army indoctrinated in the fundamental idea that we all owe a duty to the state, which the state has the right to collect upon as, and when it deems appropriate.

And don't think that the conservative Republicans are really any different from their British counterparts. The Republicans have been playing a game of me-tooism, dancing to the Democrats ideological themes for decades, simply arguing about which nuts and sugar coating to sprinkle on the statist policies of an ever expanding government intrusion into the economy, the personal lives, and decisions of every citizen. Both Bush Jr. and Sr., along with many other entrenched Republicans, were strong advocates for promoting a citizen's duty to the state through government funded "volunteerism" programs, and it was by way of that support that we have arrived at this point. This species of Republican would have no problem with mandatory labor requirements being imposed upon every citizen, so do not look to them to rescue you from this fate.

In the coming elections it is critical that every candidate be vetted on the issue of their actual commitment to personal liberty and individual rights for every citizen. And not just on what they say is their position, but on the specific action that they intend to take in order to uphold these principles. If we fail to toss out the old guard Democrats and Republicans and replace them with an entirely new breed of politician, dedicated to strictly upholding the original intent of the U.S. Constitution, then there will no longer be any hope for freedom left in America.


Health Care:
It's a Gift
Subject: Why The Republicans Are No Ally In The Fight Against Health Care Legislation

[This is a slightly modified version of an article originally published on November 10, 2009]

After the disastrous vote on the health care bill in the House, I received an email from my Republican, Washington State Representative, Dave Reichert, in which he indicated that he had voted against the bill. He then included the following attachment to his message as his antidote to what the Democrats were offering. This one page synopsis is similar to other Republican proposals I have seen. Here it is:
    Commonsense Reform to Protect and Strengthen Health Care
    by Republican, WA State Representative, Dave Reichert

    I believe we must reform our healthcare system now. Today, millions of Americans realize that health care costs are becoming too expensive. They worry that they will lose their health care coverage or already lack the coverage they need. We must lower costs, reduce the number of uninsured, and increase access and quality at a price our country can afford.

    • Implement comprehensive medical liability reform that will reduce costly, unnecessary defensive medicine practiced by doctors trying to protect themselves from overzealous trial lawyers.

    • Provide Medicare and Medicaid with additional authority and resources to stop waste, fraud, and abuse that costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year.

    • Provide immediate substantial financial assistance, through new refundable and advanceable tax credits, to low-and modest-income Americans.

    • Increase support for pre-and early-retirees, those aged 55 to 64, with low-and modest-incomes.

    • Bring greater fairness to the tax code by extending tax benefits and savings to those who currently do not have employer-provided insurance but purchase health insurance on their own.

    • Focus on individuals and families so Americans can keep health insurance regardless of a change in or loss of a job.

    • Encourages states to use new and existing programs to guarantee all Americans, regardless of pre-existing conditions or past illnesses, have access to affordable coverage.

    • Help employers offer insurance to their workers by reducing their administrative costs through a new small business tax credit.

    • Recognize that not all high school and college graduates are able to find a job that offers health insurance after graduation. By allowing dependents to remain on their parents' health policies up to the age of 25, we stand to reduce the number of uninsured Americans by up to 7 million.

    • Take significant steps to enroll the 13 to 16 million American children and adults who are currently eligible for Medicaid and CHIP but who are not enrolled to ensure these programs serve the populations they were created to help.

    • Promote prevention and wellness by giving employers and insurers greater flexibility to financially reward employees who seek to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, quit smoking, and manage chronic illnesses like diabetes.

    • Develop interoperability standards for health information technology to better coordinate care, reduce medical errors, and reduce health care costs.

    • Reward high-quality care, instead of encouraging health care providers to order more and unnecessary services.

    • Use new and innovative treatment programs to better coordinate care between health care providers, ensuring that those with chronic disease receive the care they need and do not continue to fall through the cracks.

    • Make health care more convenient by eliminating bureaucratic red tape to expand access to Community Health Centers that are so critical to underserved areas, both in large cities and in rural America.

This demonstrates why many, if not most Republicans are not friends of liberty. The ideas being promoted in this document are not a clear alternative to the Democratic proposals, but merely a watered down "me-tooism", which cede every important principle to the Democrats while, for the most part, asserting exactly the same interventionist role for government in the lives of US citizens.

In the loose language presented here — which is typical politician-speak so that the author cannot actually be pinned down to any specific action or outcome — it might be possible to charitably interpret the first point as a plan to rationalize medical malpractice, making the rules more objective, which could have favorable consequences to medical costs. Also, the idea of eliminating the tax laws that preclude individuals from receiving the same benefits for investing in their own health care is a worthy goal. Both ideas are obvious and matters of simple justice. However, beyond that, these proposals are all draconian.

Instead of recognizing that government shouldn't be in the health care business at all, Reichert supports Medicare and CHIP programs and actually wants to expand them. Thus, he fails to comprehend that it is these very programs that are substantially responsible for distorting or destroying the proper functioning of the health care market and creating the very mess that we now find ourselves facing. His solution to the problem is to make the problem worse. He proposes to add 20-23 million additional children to the health care rolls, with no discussion of who is to bear these massive costs. He will increase medical coverage for an unspecified number of "pre- and early-retirees", again with no apparent regard for who will shoulder this burden.

As I mentioned above, while one point seems to imply a loosening of restrictive tax laws in order to make health care fairer for all, there are other sections here where Reichert proposes to wield the tax code as the tool of choice to effect the types of results he wishes to see. How is this any different from what the progressive Democrats are doing? Like a parent attempting to "influence" their child to make a proper choice, he wields the tax code like a carrot and stick, in order to force citizens to take actions that they apparently would otherwise not choose to do of their own free will. Many of the proposals are simple forms of wealth redistribution, with one group of taxpayers being required to pay for the health care of another group. The numbers do not matter, theft is theft, and Reichert is prepared to engage in it just as readily as his counterparts. He demonstrates that he has no awareness or regard for the constitutionally guaranteed right to our own property. As with the Democrats, he sees us citizens as a "natural resource" to be mined or milked to whatever degree he deems necessary in order to support the goals he has decided are best.

As a Republican, is Reichert sympathetic to business interests and does he support a free-market capitalistic economy? Absolutely not! He has no hesitation in proposing to tell insurance companies how they must conduct their business. He will write the terms of the contracts, specifying the age dependents must be covered under their parent's policy; forcing companies to accept all pre-existing medical conditions; detailing how coverage must be allowed to travel with the individual regardless of whether it was being provided contractually through an employer; and so on. He will intervene in some unspecified manner, to impose "interoperability standards" on the industry and "coordinate care between health care providers". He will "reward high-quality care". I'll leave it to your imagination what it means when the government — the repository of force — uses a word like "reward". This is Fascism, with the government making the business decisions while the owners are left to implement the policies and bear the risks associated with running those businesses.

Reichert wants the government to "promote prevention and wellness". But where does he find the constitutional mandate for congress to engage in any such activity? The question is irrelevant because, just like the Democrats, he does not recognize the plain language of the US Constitution, and does not see his actions as a government representative being bound in any significant way by that document. He sees himself free to engage in any activity that he judges to be of interest. He has elevated himself from a defender of the constitutional rights of American citizens, to the role of dictator, making whatever decisions he desires, and then willingly imposing them upon his subjects.

Reichert is not an exception. He is a very typical Republican congressman, and like most others, he is clearly not an ally in the fight to restore our vanishing liberty and individual rights. Just the opposite - he is numbered among the enemy.

It is time to change the nature of the political conversation. In addition to all the other work being done to battle issues such as mandatory national service, government run health care, or cap-and-trade legislation, we must attack the government at its constitutional roots, making it clear to the wider public that congress has 1) no constitutional authority to engage in most of these areas, and 2) our representatives, who are pledged to uphold the constitution and defend the rights of the citizens, are doing just the opposite, and in so doing, deserve to be immediately removed from office.

Challenge your Senators and Representatives on these constitutional matters and determine where they stand. If they are unwilling to act in service of the oath they have taken, then mount a campaign against them on constitutional grounds. I think you will be surprised to discover just how vulnerable they are in this area. It is a flank that they have not had to defend during their careers, and they are unprepared for an assault from this direction.

Subject: Republicans/Democrats: Who Can Tell the Difference?

Just as during the last presidential campaign, there was no fundamental difference between John McCain and Barack Obama in their calls for national service, we now have former president George H.W. Bush joining with President Obama on October 16, 2009 for A Presidential Forum on Service.

From their joint announcement:
    "The event will honor the enormous advances of the service movement that began 20 years ago under the leadership of President George H.W. Bush and that has been sustained and grown through the leadership of Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. The movement is now being extended under the Obama administration ..."

Both political parties are morally bankrupt. Neither offers an alternative which respects and defends your most basic individual right — the right to your own life.

This is very possibly the most important issue that we currently face, because the implications are more fundamental to the preservations of our liberty. The Obama administration is committed to instituting mandatory national service for all citizens. The United We Serve operation at is just a prelude to the next step, which if enacted, will mean that the government will have established a claim of ownership over the lives of every US citizen. If you grant them the right to impose control over three months of your life, then you have no grounds for opposing a later increase to six months, two years, or a lifetime of service to the state. You life is either yours to do with as you choose, or it isn't. There is no middle ground.

It is important that this push be halted in its tracks. Please do everything you can to oppose this insidious drive for conscription.