Article Archives by Subject: Collectivism
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Subject: Loyalty Day
According to Wikipedia, Loyalty Day was first observed on May 1st, 1921, as a counter to the growing influences of communism and anarchism on the American labor movement. In 1958 during the second Red Scare, Congress passed Public Law 85-529 declaring this to be a legal holiday — although one which is rarely observed. Wikipedia states:
In keeping with that tradition, on April 30, 2013, President Obama issued his own proclamation, once again declaring May 1st to be "Loyalty Day." Here is what he had to say:
But of course, as with all things Obama, there are interesting passages contained here that, in the name of this country's founding principles, turn those very principles upon their head. For example, Obama states:
Ignoring for the moment his appeal to faith rather than a conscious understanding and explicit agreement with our founding principles, what are some of those core ideas that he identifies? "liberty, equality, and justice for all." Contrast this with the Pledge of Allegiance which speaks of "liberty and justice for all. Where did "equality" come from and what does Obama mean by that? When the founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
it is perfectly clear that they are speaking of individuals who are separate from one another, but all of whom possess equal rights as an inherent aspect of their human nature—rights pertaining to their freedom and independence; rights which grant them the power to direct and control the course of their own lives. But this is not at all what Barack ("I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.") Obama means by equality. He is not promoting equality of opportunity to pursue one's desires in the manner of one's choosing. No, he is speaking of egalitarianism — of guaranteeing equality of outcomes. It is his intention to "level the playing field" by chopping off the legs of those that rise too high and using those severed limbs as a platform upon which others will be allowed to stand. And it the government, with him at the helm, that will be doing the chopping and deciding just how much to amputate. As is the case with all smart totalitarians throughout history, he doesn't plan to go to war with the population in order to extract his pound of flesh. Instead, he navigates the much easier course of simply issuing a call to sacrifice oneself on the altar of altruism, and then stands back as a majority of the sheep lead themselves to slaughter. When Obama speaks here of "our country's core: service and citizenship," or declares that Loyalty Day is "an occasion that asks something of us as a people," he is laying the groundwork to help confuse the latent positive feelings that people retain for the greatness of what remains of this country, and getting them to transpose those feelings towards the act of serving the needs of others at their own expense. And this is not some one-time occurrence, but a concerted effort and core goal of Obama's administration. Already he has declared both 9/11 and Martin Luther King Day to be National Days of Service. His never-ending call to serve can be found buried within most of his speeches, while more and more children of all ages are being forced to perform mandatory community service in our government-run schools as part of the federal Service-Learning initiative. And as I pointed out in my original article on National Service, the annual spending on the Corporation for National and Community Service has been drastically increased during The past five years, with an underlying goal of ultimately making National Service become a mandatory requirement imposed upon all citizens. When Obama declares:
he is counting on most people not being aware of the fundamental Enlightenment principles of individualism upon which our American history rests, and an uncritical acceptance of his replacement of our rights to autonomy and self-directedness with his collectivist notion of egalitarianism. Unfortunately, after many generations of a populace indoctrinated in government schools, he can now apparently get his wish. |
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Subject: Whose Life Is It Anyway?
The provocative movie, Whose Life I It Anyway?, was released in 1981. It stars Richard Dreyfuss as Ken Harrison, a sculptor who is paralyzed from the neck down after a horrible automobile accident. When it becomes clear that he will never recover any additional use of his body and that his life is reduced to nothing more than the care that is offered by others, Harrison decides to end his life. However his wishes are blocked by those opposed to euthanasia and suicide. The story depicts the struggle between two views of life and confronts the question of whether Harrison—or any of us—are truly the ultimate masters of our fate, holding an absolute right to direct and dispose of our own life as we see fit? Many other films such as The Truman Show, The Matrix or Dead Poets Society explore the question of the level of control that we actually exercise over our own lives, but none is so explicit as Whose Life Is It Anyway? In each of these stories, the underlying conflict is that of individualism versus collectivism: Do we, as individuals, possess the exclusive sovereign right to determine the course of our life, or are we in some way subservient to a collective group which holds sway over us and may dictate requirements and actions that must be obeyed, even if they violate our desires and will? To state the issue plainly, the simple question is, "are we free or are we slaves?" This country was founded on the enlightenment principle of individualism. The Declaration of Independence states in no uncertain terms that each person possesses rights, and that "among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." And not only do we possess these (and other) rights, but they are "unalienable", meaning that they are an inherent, absolute and unassailable part of our nature as individual human beings. Nothing could be made clearer, and yet, as time has passed, fewer and fewer people in this country understand and adhere to these fundamental truths. Bit by bit, the age old principles of collectivism have reasserted themselves and are now poised to destroy the essence of what has made America unique in the history of the world. It was not so long ago that statists had to make an effort to disguise their underlying principles and endevour to sneak them in beneath the conscious awareness of a public that still retained an American sense of life — by which I mean a respect for the virtues of self-motivation and self-responsibility, a belief that hard work was the source of reward and advancement, and an expectation that everyone was entitled to keep and dispose of that which they earned. However, six terms of Clinton, Bush and Obama, coupled with another two generations having been indoctrinated in government schools, has transformed the values of our society such that the cockroaches may now skitter about in the bright daylight without fear, openly spouting their collectivist goals. For example, here is Melissa Harris-Perry in a promotional spot for MSNBC, waxing on about a few collectivist notions which are to her, apparently, self-evident.
Well, like all progressive leftists, she stands on the shoulders of FDR and his Second Bill of Rights, proudly declaring that everyone has a "right to healthcare, and to education, and to decent housing, and to quality food, at all time [sic]," while neither bothering to ask who is responsible for providing and paying for these goods and services (the answer is "the collective"), nor considering what the implementation of these so called "rights" do in undermining the original inherent rights possessed by all individuals. Oh well, no time for that as you "Lean Forward!" The other standout line was:
"People who work hard and sacrifice and save their money and
make major contributions— Be self-sufficient, be responsible, make a major contribution, and the unspecified collective "we" just might decided that it's OK for you to earn a little more. Just how much? "We" will get back to you, but you can certainly forget about that 1% nonsense! These sorts of views have become pro forma in the Obama age, but a new spot that recently aired, stretches into new collectivist (at least for the U.S.) territory.
Wait! What was that? Could you please run that by me again.....
Ten years ago, would anyone on a major network have dared speak these words and then expected to retain their job? What a difference a decade makes. When conservatives argue that the institution of family is under attack, you have to look no further than Melissa Harris-Perry to see that it's true. And there's no longer any need for subterfuge. It's collectivism brothers and sisters, and we're proud of it! The state reigns supreme and individuals—whether adult or child—belong to us, to do with as we please. Well, there was justifiable blowback from all quarters once word concerning this piece made the rounds, and Harris-Perry was forced to respond.
While there were a few patently disingenuous attempts to misrepresent some of the source of outrage being directed at her video, on balance I thought that Harris-Perry did a pretty reasonable job of identifying the actual core issue in this debate, while laying out her personal world view. Here is an excerpt:
Well, it is good to see someone on the left at least identify and acknowledge the existence of the individualist viewpoint, even while going on to dismiss it without presenting any substantive arguments, just as she offers no reasons in favor of the "collective responsibilities" position, apparently expecting us to simply observe that it is self-evidently correct. This is a window into the state of today's culture—where viewers of programs such as this wait to be instructed in how and what to think, without the need to burden themselves with facts, rational analysis or the mental integration of thought into fundamental principles. Such a process would demand answers to a variety of questions, starting with:
The previous vidio clip is an abbreviated version of a longer segment that can be viewed here. Starting at the seven minute mark there is a panel discussion which includes Matt Welch, the Editor in Chief of the libertarian Reason Magazine. Now, of course, Welch has been selected to present the "opposition" point of view, for exactly the same reason that NPR relies upon David Brooks to represent the "conservative" viewpoint—because both can be counted on to concede the progressive premise on most issues. Nevertheless, it is instructive to watch the first few minutes of this discussion in order to see precisely how not to defend liberty. Here is an excerpt of Welch's comments:
While Harris-Perry has just laid out the philosophical question of individualism versus collectivism and continues to try and steer the conversation back towards this topic, Welch falls over himself conceding the existence of a "social contract" that binds us all to one another with a communal duty, while granting that the state breached the sanctity of the family unit long ago and there is nothing left to discuss on that subject. Welch is not interested in defending the individual rights of the child against compulsory indoctrination, or the individual rights of the parent to determine the best course for their child's development, or the individual rights of the taxpaying adult that is forced to fund the education of other people's children. Instead, his concern lies with more pragmatic matters: the economic efficacy of education spending. In the cause of freedom versus slavery, Welch effectively argues for the latter and Harris-Perry wins, by default, in a TKO. So we return to the original question: Whose life is it anyway? If you're waiting for someone like Matt Welch to defend your right to exist on your own terms, then I'm afraid you have already lost the battle. It's up to you to get vocal in identifying and demanding your rights. Speak up at every available opportunity. Do not allow the collectivists like Melissa Harris-Perry to go unchallenged. Whose life is it? "It's MY life. Keep you mitts to yourself and get out of my way!" |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() National Service |
Subject: In Orwell's Newspeak: "Isolation" Means Mandatory
Military Service For All
The drumbeat to enslave us never let's up. A few years ago, in my
essay, "National Service:
A Vicious Concept — And Its Antidote," I wrote about the
Obama administration's drive to impose mandatory national service on
all Americans. One of the few good thing that you can say about the
economic crisis is that it created so many new problems during the past
four years that attention was temporarily diverted from this proposal
— although it is alive and continues to grow in our
government-run educational
However, the ideological cancer that it is, the call for service
is never completely eradicated, and this meme continues to course
through our culture, springing to the surface at unpredictable times
as a malignant social tumor. In a recent article by New Republic
writer Russ Hoyle entitled,
"Crisis Ahead
for the Volunteer Military", he adds his voice to the call,
proposing conscription as the medicine to cure what ails us.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Michael Wolfensohn |
Subject: We've Got a Social Disease
![]() "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men." — Ayn Rand ![]() We hear the message from every quarter: "Help thy neighbor", "You are your brother's keeper", "It takes a village". These are all expressions of the philosophy of altruism, which prohibits a self-interested and therefore a self-responsible concern for one's own wellbeing, substituting in its place an external focus on the welfare of others. In the personal arena, a constant exposure to this message results in a society where people are trained to pay very close attention to the actions of their friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers. Since they have been instructed to be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of others, it often becomes necessary to intervene in their lives in order to advise against mistakes or actions that are judged to be foolhardy or dangerous. And this leads to the establishment of the busybody as an accepted social norm. Do you choose not to wear a bike helmet, or recycle, or shop at the local organic grocery store? The busybody has no hesitation in informing you of your error — and feeling great about it — regardless of whether or not you desire and have invited their input. After all, it's only for your own good, and they have been told that this "selfless" intrusion into your life is the essence of the morally good. However, there can be a problem. Sometimes the other person — the object of these good intentions — simply will not listen to and adopt the recommendations that are being offered, so generously, in their own best interest. It can be frustrating when someone else doesn't see, understand and accept what is so clearly the proper way to think and act. Maybe their problem stems from a poor upbringing and exposure to the wrong influences. Or possibly they are distracted by other concerns, leaving them with a dangerous blind spot. Or, as is often judged to be the case, they may simply not be smart enough to work out out the optimal course of action on their own. Whatever the reason, the busybody, looking for other ways to help, turns to government — the repository of force — in order to make sure that these misguided people are made to do the right thing. Here are a couple of examples:
External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Pruitt-Igoe |
Subject: Your Property and Property Rights Are Being Dynamited!
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." — George Santayana Urban Planning
National Social Engineering
Global Social Engineering
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Charles Rangel |
Subject: Slavery — It's Back In Fashion!  
What Are You Prepared To Do About It?
With the intent of giving this site a major redesign, I have been
neglecting it for the past few months in favor of other activities.
However, my lack of attention hasn't slowed down our masters in
Washington D.C., who continue their relentless march to exert control
over every area of our lives.
The John Galt Pledge
website was originally created in response to Obama's campaign promise,
and the administration's subsequent calls, for the imposition of a
mandatory national service requirement upon every citizen of the
United States, in fulfillment of an obligation that it is claimed we
owed to our country as a condition of our simple existence. Over the
past year, this blog has chronicled the steady increase in funding of
agencies tasked with placing the livelyhood of an ever increasing
percentage of the population under direct federal control, as well as
the underground movement to impose mandatory "community service" work
upon students as a requirement for their obtaining an education.
As I predicted, once these politicians were no longer fully preoccupied
with the tasks of nationalizing entire industries, ramming socialized
health care down our throats, and increasing their regulatory control
over all aspects of our personal and business finances, they would soon
get back to the fundamental task of fully enslaving us. Well, that day
has come. On July 15, 2010, Charles Rangel introduced
the preamble of which reads:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Social Innovation Fund |
Subject: Building Obama's Army
Do you know what a "Social Innovation Fund" is? Do you need one?
Did you know you were already paying for it with your tax dollars?
Apparently, it's  "an entirely new way of doing business."
You don't say! Tell me more.
According to this
press release
the fund's new director, Paul Carttar:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() A Republic, If You Can Keep It |
Subject: The American Form of Government
This video discusses the differences between Dictatorship, Oligarchy,
Democracy, Republic and Anarchy, making the important point that
a Republic is denoted by an adherence to the "Rule of Law",
as opposed to a Democracy which is simply the unrestricted "Rule
of the Majority". Pass this link along to anyone you think needs
a little history lesson.
[Thanks to Joe Zoch for bringing this to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Comrade Castro |
Subject: You Know You're in Good Company When You Get Fidel Castro's
Well, I think we can all feel better now knowing that Fidel Castro
has given his approval
for the passage of ObamaCare. We have certainly moved a big step
closer to finally achieving the quality of health care that Cubans
receive, and is the envy of the world. To see what your future may
hold, take a look at this
site or this
site. Yes, we really have to thank Michael Moore for his objective
reporting, letting us know the truth.
And another measure of just how good the new health care system will
be can be seen by the following, as reported in
The Wall Street Journal:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() John Dingell |
Subject: What is the Health Care Legislation Really All About?
In a radio interview,
discussing the new health care legislation, Michigan Representative
John Dingell made the following statement:
administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together ![]() TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE" And that, Charlie Brown, is what health care legislation is all about. Of course, if you're keeping track at home, we've known this all along, as we discussed previously here, among many other posts. |
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Subject: 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms To get a quick overview of how pervasively the new health care legislation will reach into your pockets and exercise control over your life, read the article, 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms by David Hogberg. Then get out your wallets and onto your feet and do what you can to fight back against those, whether in Washington or living next door, who have demonstrated a total lack of respect for your constitutional rights and wish to enslave you in service of their desires. These people are not your friends, and they are only just getting started. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Al Sharpton |
Subject: Just In Case There Was Still Any Question ...
[Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Democracy Denied |
Subject: Barack Obama's Legislative Game Plan
Thanks to the Left Coast
Rebel for bringing this chart from
Americans for
Prosperity, to my attention. 'Nuff said.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Gangster Government |
Subject: We Now Have A Total Gangster Government
The real State of the Union. As
Michael Barone put it a year ago, we now have a "Gangster
Government" operating in place of what should be a free market.
![]() Permalink ![]() Craig Mundie |
Subject: Government Takeover of the Internet
On April 1, 2009, Senators John Rockefeller [D-WV] and Olympia Snowe
[R-ME] introduced the still pending
S.773: Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which empowered the President
to shutdown the internet for undefined "critical infrastructure
information system or network" in the event of a further undefined
"cybersecurity emergency". From the text of the bill:
![]() Permalink ![]() Atlas Shrugs |
Subject: Obama Continues to Organize his Youth Army!
Pamela Geller is reporting on her website, Atlas Shrugs, that the group, Organizing for America (OFA), which you find at the tellingly named website, has been sending out internship application packets, to be distributed to school children across the country, enlisting their support:
[Thanks to Jackie Smith for bringing this article to my attention and to Pamela Geller for breaking the story.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Christian Science Monitor |
Subject: Too Fat To Fail!
An article by Paul Hsieh in The Christian Science Monitor titled
Universal healthcare and the waistline police starts
[Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Classroom Brainwashing |
Subject: Exposing Obama's Classroom Brainwashers
In a PJTV video titled:
Joe Hicks covers much the same territory that I do on this blog,
pointing out that our public schools are becoming more indoctrination
centers than houses of learning.
I disagree with Joe on one point. We can stop this
if a loud, vocal movement begins to speak out against the concept
of state-run education and we work to completely privatize all of
our schools. Quoting from the article by law professor Rodney A.
Smolla that I reference in my previous blog entry below:
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Subject: To All Innocent Fifth Columnists
In 1941, Ayn Rand wrote an open letter to intellectuals, encouraging
them to organize in support of individualism as the only means of
successfully fighting the collectivist forces of Communism and
Nazism. This piece is fully applicable today, identifying the exact
nature of our current battle for freedom.
From Wikipedia, a
Fifth Column "is a group of people who clandestinely undermine
a larger group, such as a nation, from within, to the aid of an
external enemy." As Rand makes clear at the beginning of the
article, she identified America's Fifth Column as the group of
conservatives who failed to think, judge and then act to preserve the
rights of the individual and the freedom to which they paid lip
service. She was asking the honest among that group to rise to the
challenge facing them, openly oppose totalitarianism, and fight for
their independence and liberty. From the article:
Read the entire article: To All Innocent Fifth Columnists [Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Indoctrination |
Subject: It's Never Too Early To Indoctrinate
Today we look at how the idea of national service has infiltrated our
schools. Soon it will be impossible to get an education anywhere
without being forced to submit to a mandatory service requirement.
And since education is also mandatory, the requirement for national
service will have been imposed through this back door, instead of
by a direct legislative act which would have faced scrutiny and
vocal opposition by the public.
Let's start with a look at our friends at
ACORN. Were you aware that some of your
tax dollars were being given to this organization so that it could,
in partnership with the New York City Department of Education, create
two (and possibly three) high schools with a "community service"
The first of these is the
ACORN Community High
School which has the goal of "Developing Tomorrow's
Leaders". This is done, in part, with Social Studies programs
that "teach them the critical thinking skills necessary to
challenge inequity and injustice." Nothing very specific there,
but it does get you thinking about just how "inequity and
injustice" might be defined by ACORN? While I was unable to
locate any detailed descriptions of the various academic courses
being offered, there was a very complete overview of the
service program and its requirements.
'Give Your Best, Be the Best' The ACORN Community Service Program (ACSP) offers ACORN students experiences that cultivate leadership skills while they contribute services to their communities. Through placement in various agencies and service providers, ACSP encourages students to apply what they learned in and out of the classroom to solve real-life problems. In the process students learn efficient work habits, teamwork and self-confidence. They also learn about democracy, budgets and the benefits of active citizenship. Further, students in ACSP acquire technical and communication skills that are essential in critical thinking for designing and implementing solutions that build proud and prosperous communities. Participation in ACSP instills an ethic of lifelong community service where students are inspired to build proud and prosperous communities."
[...] Connected to this event, the students will be doing a community service project to help children at Kids in Crisis." |
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Subject: The Ideas of the Next Generation
In an opinion piece titled
"More From Our Citizens...",
and published in The Citizen, the student newspaper of the
Harvard Kennedy School, Zachary Kushel writes:
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Subject: Article Recommendation Here is an article by Don Feder that you might find interesting: "Obama: Fighting Terrorism With Community Service, Kumbaya And Commie Appointments" |