Article Archives by Subject: Activism
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Subject: Fighting the Wrong Battles
A friend brought a recent blog post to my attention titled, Ideology is Making America Stupid. Written by John R. Schindler, a professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, it argues that those on both the political left and right engage in pressing their personal ideologies — a process that he characterizes as: "the substitution of preset cliches over actual thought." Well, that statement gave me pause, as this is certainly not what ideology means to me. So off to the dictionaries I went. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary states:
For a rational individual, aspects of all three definitions describe what a personal ideology consists of and how it properly functions, being a systematic (i.e., integrated) body of knowledge used to guide one's thinking in relation to society, culture and sociopolitical ends. In other words, a rational ideology is merely a subset of a broader rational philosophy of life. However, this does not correspond to Schindler's usage. Further investigation at the online yields this:
This less flattering definition seems closer to the author's meaning, where systematized knowledge is replaced by adherence to doctrine, myth and belief — what I would call a pseudo-ideology. And yes, it is easy to look around and find people who come to the majority of their positions through a process of osmosis devoid of any meaningful critical analysis. The ideology of a rational person is fact-based and always open to revision in light of new evidence. But for the person holding a pseudo-ideology, adherence to their world view is a precarious necessity since their unexamined identity has become equivalent to the ideology they have adopted. To change the latter would be to lose oneself — and people will fight tooth and nail to maintain their self-image. So when the author comments:
Given the second set of definitions, there is no reason to disagree. Schindler goes on to discuss U.S. foreign policy, but concludes:
But what about the more rational meaning of ideology? Even if the average American implicitly operates more on whim than reason, this is not an excuse to abandon the pursuit of a reality-based philosophy as a guide for one's actions. Dealing with issues in isolation (i.e., in an unintegrated manner) is extremely dangerous and is probably the single greatest cause for the world's troubles. To properly address most national or global issues, a well integrated and rational perspective is a necessity. Let's be careful not to abandon the very real need for a properly based ideological framework as we go about exposing pseudo-ideologies for what they are. As I was reading this article, another thought struck me regarding the author's identification of the differences in ideologies. I realized that a great majority of the debate occurring in this country takes place over polarizing issues between left and right. Whether we are discussing abortion, the death penalty, gay rights, property rights, guns, social equality, taxes, the environment, health care, entitlements, wealth redistribution, foreign aid, privacy, etc., the focus is usually centered around pragmatic, concrete concerns. Yet, something important is usually missing, just as it is missing from the discussion in Schindler's piece. Regardless of one's position on any of these specific issues, there is another underlying struggle running orthogonal to them all — the fight for individual freedom versus collective totalitarianism. In other words, the battle for liberty. I was immediately reminded of the chart that David Nolan constructed back in 1969 (left below), which integrates a perspective on both economic and personal freedom. This chart clearly demonstrates how the classical left-right tug-of-war has little to do with advancing towards greater freedom and, in fact, shows how focusing too much on standard political left-right issues can blind us to movement in the opposing direction. In 1969, it was commonly understood that the conservative Republicans were, in general, strong supporters of economic freedom while the liberal Democrats advocated for personal self-expression and choice. However, over the past four decades, the left-wing and right-wing designations have each shifted significantly towards the lower-left, moving ever closer towards the totalitarian position, as depicted in the revised chart to the right. Recent history shows that while people argue over their pet political left-right issues until each of them is ultimately decided, regardless of whether the specific outcomes are judged favorably or not, the bitter reality is that personal liberty is almost always further curtailed in the process. What becomes clear is that, in many cases, we are wasting precious resources and valuable time fighting the wrong battles. Of course, this is not to say that there are not important aspects affecting our liberty contained in every one of the left-right issues. The point is that while we focus on whether or not birth control should be mandated, or whether tax dollars should be used to bail out car companies, or whether common core is a good educational approach, or whether certain people should be allowed to marry, we are not directly focusing on our personal freedom. Why? Because personal freedom means autonomy and the ability to exercise control over one's own life. It means that the above questions, and many like them, are ones asked and answered in the privacy of one's own mind and are not subject to external debate, let alone government control. By engaging in these debates, we implicitly grant that the answers are up to others to decide for us. What we must do is stop looking to our left or right and instead look forward towards our goal located in the upper-right corner of the chart. We need to stop playing the politicians' game where they are the ones allowed to define the issues. Instead, we must adopt the other axis and reframe the debate in clear liberty-versus-slavery terms, making the choice clear through our own examples. It is time to set rather than follow the agenda. In other words, it is time to directly assert our liberty ideology in uncompromising terms. |
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Subject: Coup d'Etat?
In a July 13th article titled Coup d-etat, Paul Craig Roberts, the chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, wrote:
Well, if this is a coup, then paraphrasing Ayn Rand's comments about the supposed "rape" scene in The Fountainhead, it is a coup by engraved invitation, seeing as there is so little real opposition being mounted to many of the issues that Roberts raises in his piece. For generations, the American people have been indoctrinated by government-run education, to forget that, as the Declaration of Independence so clearly states:
It is only a coup so long as the citizens of this country — meaning you, me and others — stand by and allow our sovereignty and our rights to be trampled by this group of smooth talking, totalitarian-bent, street thugs. It is time for every person that understands what is at stake to withdraw their consent from this illegitimate government that is no longer bound by Constitutional restraints and neither represents our interests nor protects our sovereignty. It is time to assert our right to alter or abolish this creeping tyranny and replace it with government that explicitly acknowledges the meaning of the term individual rights, and serves to respect and protect them. Roberts concludes his piece with the observation:
He is correct. There is no magic savior coming to rescue us from this pending fate. It is up to us to act—and to act now—if we wish to retain the vestiges of freedom we still possess and to restore the full meaning of personal liberty represented by America's founding principles. We must each make pushing back agains tyranny a part of our daily lives. We cannot remain quiet in response to our disgust and opposition to what is happening, but should instead become very loud, forceful, and public in expressing our awareness of how our rights are being violated, letting others know, in no uncertain terms, that we refuse to sit back quietly and submit. We must become activists for freedom by, for example, writing frequent letters to the editors of local papers, or by organizing protest marches and rallies against specific government officials who commit abuses, or by establishing groups within your community where you and others lecture to educate more people as to what is happening all around us. To achieve values in our life requires energy and commitment. Ask yourself what your personal freedom is worth to you and then make sure that you have a plan and are investing an appropriate amount of time, effort and resources to give yourself a reasonable chance of achieving your goal. If enough people are willing to fight for their freedom, then it can be realized. Place yourself on the right side in this battle. |
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Subject: Action Alert
If you are not already concerned, then you haven't been paying attention! We now have a government that has gone mad with power and has no hesitation in mowing down any pesky constitutional concerns that still get in its way. Rand Paul has drawn a line in the sand and is taking a firm stand for limiting the government to its ennumerated powers and for protecting all of our rights. This filibuster is a symbolic act, and a very important one. The question is will the administration be forced to concede that their are limits to its actions, or will this filibuster simply fizzle out and soon be forgotten, along with the last remnants of our rights. You can either sit back and wait to see what happens, or you can place yourself on the front lines and act to support this effort. I am asking everyone who reads this to act — and act immediately to provide support for what Rand Paul is doing. First, you can visit his Facebook page and adding your voice to the may others who are standing behind this effort. Follow this by going to his Senate Contact page, and leaving a personal message expressing your support for what he is doing. And then, most importantly of all, write a letter to the editors of your local papers, letting them know that there is considerable grassroots support for what Paul is doing—and why he is doing it. Contact like-minded friends and family and see if you can convince them to contribute their voice as well. In the big scheme of things, this may seem like only a small and inconsequential act, but I say that it is the first of many to come. Let's make this one count for all that it is worth! ![]() For those interested, the filibuster can viewed live on C-SPAN2 Thanks to all of you for your willingness to fight for the cause of liberty. It means a great deal to me. UPDATE: 9:30 PM PST: Here is a link to a new White House Petition asking that the president to respond to Rand Paul on the drone strike issue. Sign it! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sunset or Sunrise? |
Subject: Have You Shrugged Your Country Today?
but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes. — Mark Amend ![]() The Loss of the American SpiritAmerica was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object. — Patrick Henry ![]() At a monthly meeting of a group of liberty-oriented people, when the subject of the recent election came up, the speaker asked the audience, "How many of you are still on suicide watch?" I believe he was only half joking. I have taken some time since the November 6th election to reflect on the outcome, while trying to formulate a new perspective on the state of this country and where I stand in relation to it. These are some of my thoughts. Ayn Rand wrote about a person's "sense of life" as being the integrated sum of their basic values. She also said:
![]() Lessons from the 2012 Election![]() But when it came down to the wire I called my family to my side Stood up straight, threw my head back, And I lied, lied, lied ![]() In a post-election analysis, Thomas Sowell wrote:
![]() It's Time for a Change of Plansover again and expecting different results — Albert Einstein ![]() The world of even a little more than a decade ago has significantly changed and we are now fighting a different type of battle—one that is going to demand the adoption of a completely different strategy from those of the past. Understanding this requires a recognition of three points I addressed in the previous two sections:
a majority has no right to vote away the rights of the minority."
![]() Don't Take it Lying Downdegree a reflection of the relative determination of the subjects to be free and their willingness and ability to resist efforts to enslave them. — Gene Sharp ![]() I was recently introduced by a friend to the political scientist, Gene Sharp, who has devoted his career to the study of nonviolent resistance directed against tyranny. Drawing upon his studies of the thoughts and actions of political activists and thinkers such as Gandhi, Thoreau and others, Sharp distilled out his theories for effective nonviolent resistance and presented them in his writings, as an organized strategy. The 2005, 600 page Waging Nonviolent Struggle (WNS) is a comprehensive volume detailing his latest thinking on the subject, while the slender From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation, (DTD) first published in 1993, is more a handbook for those interested in the practical aspects of mounting an effective opposition to despotism.
![]() An Example of How Small Actions Can Produce Large Results— Orson Scott Card ![]()
![]() The Right to Your RightsStand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. — Bob Marley ![]() Over the past 100 years, We, the People of the United States, became complacent and allowed our freedoms to be taken from us, bit by bit. It probably started in 1788, soon after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, but the clearance sale didn't really take off until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson nationalized the banking system, launched the income tax, and reintroduced the military draft, among other serious transgressions. This was the point when the citizens should have rightfully risen up in revolt, just as the colonists had done at the original Tea Party rebellion. But instead, by accepting these gross violations of our rights with quiet resignation, a signal was sent that this, and more, would be tolerated. And "more" was soon to follow, and then "more" after that, leading us to the sorry place we find ourselves today. We must throw out all of the rationalizations and accept the plain fact that the true fault lies neither in the actions of politicians, nor in the structure of government, but in the failure of enough free citizens to act in the manner necessary to demand an uncompromising respect for their rights. Our rights have become devalued because we stopped valuing them ourselves! Ayn Rand wrote:
![]() Pushing Backrebels — men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. — Dwight D. Eisenhower ![]() Once again, quoting psychologist Michael Hurd from another excellent article:
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." ![]() Tactics: From the Bottom Up— Benjamin Franklin ![]() No more quiet resignation. It's time to get active and noisy — and I mean really active and really noisy! Over the past four years there have been polite Tea Party protests and letter writing campaigns which have certainly conveyed a message and had some impact. But it is time to raise the bar and start leaving some indelible slap mark on the faces of those that demonstrate such contempt for our lives, our rights and our autonomy. We must harness the frustration, disgust and anger of people across the country and refocus it as a passionate demand for liberty, in ways that cannot be ignored. We have to create a protest movement that grows louder by the day, coupled with individual actions that work to cripple those who abuse their positions of power. Here are some suggestions: Secession:
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apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."
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![]() Tactics: From the Top DownWe cannot fight against altruism, unless we fight against its epistemological base: irrationalism. We cannot fight against anything, unless we fight for something — and what we must fight for is the supremacy of reason, and a view of man as a rational being. — Ayn Rand ![]() Up to this point, this article has focused on what is wrong with the world at large, with our government, with our country, with our culture, and what steps we can still take to fight to preserve and restore our freedom. That is the "Bottom Up" perspective which begins by identifying low level problems and then seeks ways to address them. This approach relies on negative emotions such as anger to fuel passion, which in turn motivates a willingness to act. But the Bottom Up approach is insufficient for getting the job done. It's insufficient because, while it identifies what is disliked and needs to be escaped, it provides no vision—no goal—to guide a forward direction of travel. It provides no hope! For that, we require a "Top Down" approach; a perspective which starts by identifying where we wish to go, and then formulates a plan to get there. The beauty of the American political experiment was that it recognized that there was no single, ultimate goal that applied to everyone. It recognized that people were individuals, differing in untold ways, and therefore left it up to each to pursue their own unique vision of happiness, providing only the framework necessary to make that possible. Throughout this article I have often spoken of restoring liberty or freedom. But freedom is not an end-goal. We do not cherish freedom for freedom's sake. We cherish our freedom because it affords us the opportunity to pursue self-chosen goals which bring us happiness. It is easy to lose sight of this when one is mired solely in a bottom up mindset. And this is why we must be careful to always maintain that top down view which keeps us anchored to reality. With that thought in mind, I would like to conclude by sharing a few observations made by Bill Whittle that may inspire optimism in a better and brighter future, so long as we continue to fight for it. I was introduced to the following hour long video titled, "Where do we go now?", by a friend. Filmed on November 13, 2012, this is basically Whittle's postmortem on the election. There are two segments here that I find particularly relevant to setting a positive vision for our future. The first, from 0:38:20—0:45:40 (7:20 minutes) is a very interesting discussion of the transformation of 18th century agricultural America which, by necessity, established a decentralized (horizontal) form of government, into a 20th century industrialized America with a highly centralized (vertical) government. The encouraging thing is the observation that we have now moved on to a 21st century information economy, which is once again decentralized and incapable of being centrally managed, meaning that our current form of government is as inevitably doomed as the makers of buggy whips and film cameras. ![]() ![]() But to really get become inspired, I do not think anything can beat the following 2013 virtual presidential inaugural address (20 minutes). Just knowing that there are others out there capable of articulating these thoughts cannot help but fill any of us with renewed hope for our future. Enjoy. ![]() ConclusionThink of your life, your goals and your values more as a personal state of mind rather than as an element of the society in which we find ourselves. We are not the product of our society; society is the product of that which we individuals pursue and achieve. So I would say that regardless of what external events are occurring at this moment, our rights and the meaning behind the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence remain intact and in force for any of us who chose to honor them with our words and our deeds. Let's go forward, reclaiming that which is ours by right, and work to build that better world in which we wish to live.External links to reprints of this article: |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Free Books |
Subject: Free Objectivist Books for Students
Jason Crawford is an Objectivist who blogs at The Rational Egoist. He has
created a website which acts as an exchange between students who would
like to read one of the books in the Objectivist canon and individuals
who are willing to provide the book or books to be read. His site
is simply called:
Here is a bit of what Jason has to say about this project:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Peter Schiff |
Subject: Sign the Petition
Peter Schiff
is an investment broker and one of the small number people who very
vocally spoke out against the American government's unsound economic
policies, accurately predicting the 2007 financial crash.
On June 7th, Schiff was invited, for a second time, to attend
congressional subcommittee hearings in which a proposal was being
discussed to extend loan guarantees to the multi-family housing
market. This would be similar to what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have
been doing for single family mortgages — actions which were
responsible for creating the housing bubble in the first place!
Watch the 34 minute video below to see excerpts from these hearings
where Schiff warns the committee members of the foolishness of these
actions, informs them that it is precisely this type of government
intervention that is interfering with the housing industry's ability
to find appropriate solutions to the problems being discussed, and
that what is needed is for the government to get out of the way and
allow the free market to successfully operate.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Under Attack... Yet Again! |
Subject: A Call to Action
† I say contact the Republicans, because I have written off the Democrats as beyond hope. As the past two years demonstrated, they are operating from a social agenda that is to be imposed upon this country, that does not recognize self-preservation as a counter-force. They have demonstrated that they will not listening to our message. They must all be replaced, but attempting to sway their opinion is a waste of time. [Thanks to Siska Van Soolen DeYoung for bringing this news story to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Silencio! |
Subject: The Rhetoric of Anger
![]() How sharp would fly the bullets from my mind. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Sen. John Cornyn |
Subject: What Are a Few Earmarks Between Friends!
In a news article by Dan Weil titled,
Earmark Ban Likely to Become Earmark Reform, he reports
that some Republicans are already backing off from their November 16th
pledge, and are working to reintroduce earmarks! That's right. Only
one day into the congressional session and this is one of the
"hot" topics that most concerns these Republicans. Well, it
certainly tells you where their interests lie.
In this article, Senator John Cornyn of TX is quoted as saying,
"Most people think we need earmark reform — not a ban",
while Senator Lamar Alexander waffles with, "Earmarks are still a
subject that we have to work out." Oh really? I thought
it was made quite clear that an outright ban was supported by the
voters, and that there was nothing left to "work out".
While earmarks may not be the highest priority issue for those of us
wanting to see much of last year's legislation repealed, along with
other massive reductions in the size and scope of government, this is
an extremely important symbolic issue. The Republicans made a pledge
to the American people in response to a clear message being sent during
the last election. And now, they simply think that they can ignore
that promise and continue to do whatever they wish! The level of
contempt that this demonstrates for the American public — and
especially for those who worked so diligently over the past two years
to see them elected — is staggering. Let's not let them get
away with this.
A Call To Activism:The progressive Democrats in Congress are a lost cause. There is no point in contacting them as they have clearly demonstrated that they are not responsive to anyone, as they pursue their preordained agenda. It is the Republicans upon whom we must focus our attention, and in this instance we cannot afford to let them get away with this breach. We must act swiftly and in unison to send the message that we are watching their every move and will no longer tolerate abuses of this kind. So I am asking every reader to take a few minutes to write to their Republican Senators and Representatives, as well as to those who have not staked out a clear anti-earmark position, like Cornyn and Alexander. Through our numbers, let's make our voices heard. Let them know that the American public is on fire, and if they continue to play with us, they will surely get burned!
![]() To send an email message to Lamar Alexander, click here. ![]() To find the address of you Senator or Representative, click here.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Taxpayers Against Earmarks |
Subject: Activism in Action: The Tea Party Movement Racks Up Its
First Win of The Season!
NOTE: This is a follow-up to my earlier article: So You Want to Hang On to Those Earmarks? We'll See About That! Earlier today, many news outlets, including The Christian Science Monitor, The Hill, and Investors Business Daily, reported that GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had bent to the will of the American public and changed his position regarding the Republican party's upcoming proposal for a two-year ban on attaching pork-barrel earmarks to legislation. Only one week earlier, Politico was reporting that McConnell was:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Mitch McConnell |
Subject: So You Want to Hang On to Those Earmarks? We'll See
About That!
Earlier today the online news site, Politico,
reported that Jim DeMint was marshaling Republicans to get behind a
plan to restrict earmarks from future congressional legislation.
You know what we're talking about here; things like the $300 million
Purchase, or the $100 million
Kickback, or Chris Dodd's $100 million
for construction of an unspecified Connecticut university hospital, or
the grandaddy of them all, the $60 billion
Cadillac Tax
for the benefit of the Unions, all of which were, at one point,
included as part of the recently passed health care (i.e.,
Obamacare) legislation.
Of course, these follow in the proud tradition of Alaskian Ted Steven's
$230 million
Bridge To Nowhere,
or Virginia Foxx and Richard Burr's $500,000 to build a
Teapot Museum
in Sparta, NC, or then Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill's $14.6 billion
for a 3.5 mile long Massachusetts
Big Dig
highway project, or $3.4 million to build a
Turtle Tunnel
in Florida, or $19 million to study the environmental effects of
Cow Flatulence.
And the list goes on, and on, and on... According to
in 2005, federal legislation contained an estimated 16,000 earmarks
totaling roughly $48 billion, and
CBS News,
reports that the 2010 Federal budget alone contained 5,000 earmarks
which totaled roughly $14 billion, which is on top of the 2009 stimulus
allocation of $787 billion.
So, considering the mood of the country as was recently exhibited
in the mid-term elections, with the voters rejecting sixty-six
congressional tax-and-spend progressives and replacing them with
fiscal conservative, it would seem like a no-brainer to support
DeMint's proposal to reign in the abuse of earmarks. Right? Well,
that's apparently not how many of the long-standing congressional
Republicans see it.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Charles Rangel |
Subject: Slavery — It's Back In Fashion!  
What Are You Prepared To Do About It?
With the intent of giving this site a major redesign, I have been
neglecting it for the past few months in favor of other activities.
However, my lack of attention hasn't slowed down our masters in
Washington D.C., who continue their relentless march to exert control
over every area of our lives.
The John Galt Pledge
website was originally created in response to Obama's campaign promise,
and the administration's subsequent calls, for the imposition of a
mandatory national service requirement upon every citizen of the
United States, in fulfillment of an obligation that it is claimed we
owed to our country as a condition of our simple existence. Over the
past year, this blog has chronicled the steady increase in funding of
agencies tasked with placing the livelyhood of an ever increasing
percentage of the population under direct federal control, as well as
the underground movement to impose mandatory "community service" work
upon students as a requirement for their obtaining an education.
As I predicted, once these politicians were no longer fully preoccupied
with the tasks of nationalizing entire industries, ramming socialized
health care down our throats, and increasing their regulatory control
over all aspects of our personal and business finances, they would soon
get back to the fundamental task of fully enslaving us. Well, that day
has come. On July 15, 2010, Charles Rangel introduced
the preamble of which reads:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() No We Can't! |
Subject: I REFUSE to Serve in Obama and Rahm's "Civilian Service" Program If you oppose the Obama administration's plans to create a Civilian Service program where every American will be conscripted into mandatory labor, then one easy form of protest to which you can contribute is to add your name to the Facebook group I REFUSE to Serve in Obama and Rahm's "Civilian Service" Program. Let Obama know where you stand! |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Medically Incorrect |
Subject: It's Not "Health Care Reform", It's "Government
In a Medically Incorrect
video clip at PJTV, Dr. Peter Weiss demonstrates why the average
conservative cannot be entrusted to man the battle stations in
defense of our individual rights when it comes to most issues,
including health care.
Dr. Weiss argues for an alternative to the Democrat's health care
legislation by proposing the following:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() US Congress |
Subject: An Open Letter to Congress on Health Care
I have just read an article in the New
York Times which indicates that this weekend, President Obama is
planning to send health care legislation to Congress, designed to be
attached to a budget bill, and rammed through the Senate using the now
widely publicized scam known as "budget reconciliation".
After everything that has been said and written about this issue, I
find this action truly unbelievable!
Did Washington not receive the clear message that we the people
sent to all of you with the recent election of Scott Brown in
Massachusetts? If not, let me repeat it for you once again:
We don't want the house version of the health care legislation. We
don't want the senate version of the health care legislation. We
don't want the President's version of health care legislation. We
don't want the Democrat's version of health care legislation. We
don't want the Republican's version of health care legislation.
We don't want the government controlling our lives and we don't want
you interfering with the personal medical decision that we choose to
make in consultation with our doctors. We don't want to be forced to
obtain health insurance under penalty of fines and/or jail. We don't
want our health providers and insurance companies to be regulated,
forced to act against their own best professional interests, any more
than we wish that upon ourselves. We don't want any new taxes. And
we certainly don't want another huge financial liability imposed upon
productive Americans, who already shoulder the unreasonable burden
that you and your fellow legislators have placed there with a $12.4
trillion debt and a shiny new $3.8 trillion budget.
Now, this draconian legislation that will cost trillions of additional
dollars, is supposed to be added to a budget bill as though it were
just another typical pork-barrel earmark! And this from the President
that pledged to reform earmarks and make "his administration the
most open and transparent in history." I hope that this is not a
process that you are seriously considering supporting. Instead, you
should be doing everything within your power to stop this abomination
dead in its tracks.
I'm watching, and so are millions of other concerned Americans all
across the nation. And each day, with each new insult that emanates
from Washington D.C., thousands more join our ranks. Most of us are
simple citizens who would much rather be tending to our daily lives,
but instead have been drawn onto the political stage by a steady
stream of audacious actions so abusive to our individual rights, and
so far outside the constitutional scope and powers granted to the
federal government, that we are compelled to act. Through the growing
Tea Party movement we are organizing, and as was just witnessed in MA,
we will produce results.
The choice you face is simple: you must decide what you intend to do
in response to our growing numbers and strength. You can commit
political suicide by charging ahead, supporting this legislation in
the belief that your election to Congress has somehow granted you the
right to force your wishes upon the American public against their will.
Or you can sit on the sidelines, trying to remain unnoticed as this
bill is pushed forward. Unfortunately, that's an old political tactic
that no longer works under the new Tea Party reality, and this cowardly
approach will have you targeted as well. Or you can stand up and
loudly proclaim your opposition to this legislation on constitutional
grounds. By taking a vocal, principled stand in service of the rights
of every citizen you were elected to represent, you can transform
yourself into a hero of the new political movement that is prepared
to sweep across the national landscape. Make your choice -- or the
choice will be made for you.
Sincerely, -- C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Tea Party Debates |
Subject: New Tea Party Debate Reference Site
Robert Tracinski, the editor of
The Intellectual
Activist, has created a new website titled
The Tea Party
Debates, where he shares his personal experiences in
planning and executing a candidates' debate with his local Tea Party
organization. The information on this site may be used as a guide
for others who wish to do the same.
Currently, the website contains information in the following areas:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Rights of Man |
Subject: The Rights of Man There is a new activist website titled The Rights of Man which, as the name implies, is intended to promote the spread of ideas in support of individual rights, as articulated in the U.S. Constitution. The main thrust of this site is directed at the creation of letters which can then be easily mailed to selected recipients such as politicians or media contacts. Additionally, letters made public on this site may be reviewed by others, and if desired, signed and mailed by them to the recipients, thereby increasing each letter's impact. I encourage you to visit this site and craft your own contributions in the battle to restore our freedom and rights. |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Christian Science Monitor |
Subject: Too Fat To Fail!
An article by Paul Hsieh in The Christian Science Monitor titled
Universal healthcare and the waistline police starts
[Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Jerusalem Post |
Subject: Civic Responsibility Should Not Be Optional - Got That?
The call — no demand — for compulsory
is a plague sweaping across entire world. Daily there are reports from
countries in
Middle East,
Western Europe.
where politicians propose ever increasing draconian legislation that
places the lives of average citizens under the control of their
governments, to be directed to perform tasks which were not voluntarily
Take, for example, the article written by Danny Ayalon, the deputy
minister of foreign affairs in Israel. In a piece titled,
Civic responsibility should not be optional, the author,
while acknowledging that:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: The Hugest Heist in History
Bradley Harrington writes another excellent open letter regarding the
problems that we face in light of the Obama administration's spending
over just one short year.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() 01-20-10 |
Subject: Let's Strike!
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![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Declaration of Independence |
Subject: The Second American Revolution: It's Time To Make Your
Today, Ben Nelson, the senator from Nebraska, declared that he is
going to support the Senate's health care bill as the 60th member
of a Democratic coalition that has no Republican support. As reported
The Huffington Post:
— C. Jeffery Small |
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Health Care: It's a Gift |
Subject: Why The Republicans Are No Ally In The Fight Against
Health Care Legislation
[This is a slightly modified version of an article originally published
on November 10, 2009]
After the disastrous vote on the health care bill in the House, I
received an email from my Republican, Washington State Representative,
Dave Reichert, in which he indicated that he had voted against the bill.
He then included the following attachment to his message as his
antidote to what the Democrats were offering. This one page synopsis
is similar to other Republican proposals I have seen. Here it is:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Civic Service Act |
In my left hand I hold health care reform and cap-and-trade
legislation. Pay no attention to my right hand!
The gambit for instituting a nationwide national service requirement
for all citizens is still swirling around Congress in typical stealth
House Resolution 1444 was introduced by Jim McDermott (D-WA),
Jim Moran (D-VA), Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and
Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), back in March, with the intention of
creating a:
[Thanks to Cloud Downey for bringing this resolution to my attention.] |
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Subject: Send in You Sightings If any reader of this blog runs across a story relating to mandatory community or national service which they believe would be of general interest to others, please send me a note pointing to the article. Thanks for your interest and participation. |
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Subject: To All Innocent Fifth Columnists
In 1941, Ayn Rand wrote an open letter to intellectuals, encouraging
them to organize in support of individualism as the only means of
successfully fighting the collectivist forces of Communism and
Nazism. This piece is fully applicable today, identifying the exact
nature of our current battle for freedom.
From Wikipedia, a
Fifth Column "is a group of people who clandestinely undermine
a larger group, such as a nation, from within, to the aid of an
external enemy." As Rand makes clear at the beginning of the
article, she identified America's Fifth Column as the group of
conservatives who failed to think, judge and then act to preserve the
rights of the individual and the freedom to which they paid lip
service. She was asking the honest among that group to rise to the
challenge facing them, openly oppose totalitarianism, and fight for
their independence and liberty. From the article:
Read the entire article: To All Innocent Fifth Columnists [Thanks to Cloud Downy for bringing this article to my attention.] |
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Subject: A Request for Help While I have always been concerned about the advancement of mandatory national service as being a direct form of enslavement and a serious breach of the individual's right to their own life, I have to be honest in saying that until I began to study this subject in depth, I had no idea just how pervasive a movement it had become in our country. Using Google Alerts, I started tracking "community service", "national service", "" and "United We Serve", and I typically get between 30-50 new hits per day—sometimes many more. Reading through these links on an ongoing basis starts to give a true picture of just how large and organized a force there is, pushing us ever closer to a commitment of a full blown service requirement to the State for all citizens. And with this being a priority of the Obama administration, efforts have been accelerating at a rapid pace, funded by a huge influx of new tax dollars directed towards the cause. It is important to fight this trend in every way we can, identifying the underlying breach of our rights as the principal reason for our opposition. I would encourage you to write letters to your papers, articles for your blogs, and speak out against mandatory service at every opportunity. You can also promote this site and encourage others to sign up, helping to create a growing list of support to back up all of our efforts. Thanks for your concern and your efforts to behead this monster. |
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Subject: Republicans/Democrats: Who Can Tell the Difference?
Just as during the last presidential campaign, there was no
fundamental difference between John McCain and Barack Obama in their
calls for national service, we now have former president George H.W.
Bush joining with President Obama on October 16, 2009 for
Presidential Forum on Service.
From their joint announcement:
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Subject: Taxpayers Fund Activists for Obamacare at United We
I just ran across a very interesting article by Dana Loesch entitled:
Taxpayer Funded Filtering
Activists to ACORN. What Dana found is that the
government's web site is sponsoring listings for "national service"
opportunities by ACORN. OK, that doesn't seem so strange, since
ACORN is supposed to be a "community service" organization, and that
fits right in with the mandate for that site. However, a closer
look at the list of ACORN opportunities finds one titled
"Healthcare Activist" with the following description:
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Subject: It's Constitution Day! September 17th is Constitution Day. Are you wearing your black armbands? The patient is sick, but not dead yet! I encourage everyone to do what they can today to promote the fundamental principles embodied in that great document. Speak out and let others know that it is time for a revival of personal sovereignty and a restoration of our rights. And don't forget to have fun doing it! :-) |
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Subject: The Battle for National Service is Underway! Building upon the administration's call for National Service, Mozilla Service Week (09-14-09 through 09-21-09) was recently announced, calling upon software developers to volunteer their services to the community. This project is cosponsored by the Mozilla Foundation, the people behind the Firefox browser, and, one of the largest repositories of open source software projects in the world. Supporting this effort are three partners organizations: and, both clearinghouses for volunteer projects, similar to the government's site; and OneWebDay, a very loosely defined organization said to be modeled upon Earth Day, and created by Susan Crawford, a "current technology policy advisor to President Obama." As I have said before, there would be nothing wrong with private groups organizing activities and soliciting volunteers to aid in a cause which they supported. But this is nothing of the sort. Just as with, Mozilla Service Week has no specific goal that it wishes to achieve. Its only purpose is to prod others to freely donate their time, energy and/or money to social causes. And any cause at all is just fine, because the end results don't really matters. It's was getting you to agree to volunteer that was the goal all the time! And with the involvement of Susan Crawford, we see the Obama administration's fingerprints all over this effort. The strategy is clear. Start by using peer-pressure to cajole individuals into investing their time in these sorts of voluntary efforts, conditioning them to this sort of activity. This makes it much easier to later transition the country to mandatory national service. As we have seen over and over throughout history, the majority of those who have been convinced to volunteer their efforts will be the first to support legislation that compels everyone to contribute. After all, it is only fair that we all share the burden equally! And that's how we do an end-run around such niggling issues as the constitutional rights of the individual. Because, under an egalitarian philosophy, someone's definition of fair always trumps rights. So the battle is engaged and our opponents are out of the gate. And while the country's attention is focused on other crucial affairs, this administration is receiving very little resistance on this issue. That is why it is so critically important to oppose this insidious maneuver now, before it snowballs and later becomes much more difficult to stop. You can help by adding your name to the others who are supporting the Personal Declaration of Independence, and then promoting this site by writing your own blog entries or articles concerning the issue of national service, and asking others to visit this site and add their names as well. Let's attack this issue with force and preserve the true meaning of the the term: "volunteer". |
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Subject: The Spirit of Independence Liberty-minded people tend to be extremely independent, in both thought and action. They think for themselves, and act on their own judgments. Therefore, they are often opposed to becoming involved in any group, organization or movement, preferring to walk their own path. I'm familiar with this because it applies to me as well. As a thinker, it is natural for me to believe that all that is relevant to an argument is its truth or validity, and that everyone else should be similarly swayed by the facts alone. Thus, when facing an issue, my first inclination is to put pen to paper and bang out a detailed analysis. But, as a realist, I am aware that there is a great segment of the populace that does not think about ideas at sufficient depth to operate in that manner. Many of these people, while basically good intentioned at the core, will not be swayed by simple rhetoric and analysis, and instead will often end up following the direction of a group rather than blazing their own intellectual trail. Our opponents have long recognized that there is a strong power of persuasion to be found by assembling large groups which speak in a single voice. They have often accomplished this through unions, but over the years they have honed the tactic to such a degree and have become such masters of the technique that we find that we now have a "community organizer" in the White House! The conservatives have begun to wake up to this and we are seeing them fight back fairly effectively with the Tea Party organizations. But what is missing from the Tea Parties is a well coordinated core of ideas. Many individuals have used those organizations as a platform to express extremely well articulated and important messages, but what they lack is that common philosophical core — a single great idea — upon which everything rests and which gains its strength as the number of participants grow. What I am attempting with this site is to provide a means where we can organize as a group, around one important core principle, and become persuasive to another segment of the population that we currently are not effectively reaching. If you are reluctant to sign up because of that strong independent streak that we all share, then please reconsider. It is extremely important that we pool our resources in an effort to stop being dragged over the cliff of socialism which is within our sights now more than any time in the past sixty years. In a world of greater independence there would not be such an urgency to act. But the the erosion of our autonomy and individual rights over the past one hundred years has resulted in us all being bound together with a single noose so that we are all subject to the same outcome. So, please add your voice here and help the message of freedom and individual right be heard clearly by all. |
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Subject: The Purpose of The John Galt Pledge Initiative
The United States of America is at a tipping point, where individual
rights and personal freedom now hang precariously in the balance. As
we move forward, will we be the masters of our own lives, deciding for
ourselves what goals to pursue and how best to allocate our personal
resources in service of those goals? Or will we allow ourselves to
be treated as children, handing more and more of the decision-making
over to the government, demanding that it assume the obligation of
providing for all of our wants and needs? The price for abdicating
responsibility for one's life is the forfeiting of one's freedom.
Those of us committed to the path of personal autonomy must fight for
our freedom if we are to retain what remains, and regain what has been
lost since the founding of this country. My purpose for this site is
to create another effective tool in that battle for liberty.
There are many avenues available for engaging in this struggle.
Writing letters-to-the-editor, op-ed pieces, articles for magazines,
blog entries or forum posts is one. This is a one-to-one type of
activity where the individual writer communicates directly to the
individual reader. Another is the use of organized protests. The
Tea Parties are a good example of this technique, and on September
12th, many citizens will descend upon Washington D.C. to march in
protest against the current administration's policies. This is a
many-to-one activity, where the ultimate effectiveness of the action
is directly proportional to the number of participants. For example,
if 300 people show up in D.C. on the 12th, that might generate a page
six mention in most newspapers. However, if 80,000 people march,
then it becomes headline news which will have a profoundly greater
[OK, I guess I was proven wrong on that count. You can ignore
80,000 people. You can even ignore a million! All the more reason
to make sure that we do get our message out.]
The goal of this initiative is to create a permanent public record of
protest that can later be referenced as a kickoff point for many
different types of campaigns. But where the message of the Tea Party
protests have been diffuse, I want the ideological message of this
site to be strictly focused upon one critical point:
Suggestions I am very interested in receiving feedback and suggestions regarding this project, and I would enjoy hearing any ideas you may have for related activities. Interesting ideas, suitable for a wide audience, will be displayed on this page. Click on the button below to contact me by email. -- C. Jeffery Small |