Article Archives by Subject: Tea Party
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Taxpayers Against Earmarks |
Subject: Activism in Action: The Tea Party Movement Racks Up Its
First Win of The Season!
NOTE: This is a follow-up to my earlier article: So You Want to Hang On to Those Earmarks? We'll See About That! Earlier today, many news outlets, including The Christian Science Monitor, The Hill, and Investors Business Daily, reported that GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had bent to the will of the American public and changed his position regarding the Republican party's upcoming proposal for a two-year ban on attaching pork-barrel earmarks to legislation. Only one week earlier, Politico was reporting that McConnell was:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Examiner |
Subject: What Is The Tea Party Movement Really All About?
In a recent OpEd piece in the Washington Examiner titled,
Media still clueless about Tea
Parties, author Noemie Emery ponders the media's
disingenuous "confusion" over the nature of the Tea Party
participants, wondering why they classify us as irrationally angry,
uncaring, fear mongering, racist, misogynist, ignorant rabble,
aggrieved elite, populists, and above all, unappreciative for all of
the great things that are being done for us by our government. She
then correctly identifies that there is no mystery here and that Tea
Partiers are upset at the massive increase in the national debt,
fearing that it has become unsustainable.
While I agree with her point, and appreciate he having correctly
identified this issue, I do not believe that she has squarely hit the
the target with her analysis. Here is my response to her piece.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Barry Goldwater |
Subject: A Tax Day Tea Party Reminder Of Our Mission
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Tea Party Debates |
Subject: New Tea Party Debate Reference Site
Robert Tracinski, the editor of
The Intellectual
Activist, has created a new website titled
The Tea Party
Debates, where he shares his personal experiences in
planning and executing a candidates' debate with his local Tea Party
organization. The information on this site may be used as a guide
for others who wish to do the same.
Currently, the website contains information in the following areas:
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() Brad Harrington |
Subject: The Hugest Heist in History
Bradley Harrington writes another excellent open letter regarding the
problems that we face in light of the Obama administration's spending
over just one short year.
![]() Permalink ![]() ![]() The Declaration of Independence |
Subject: The Second American Revolution: It's Time To Make Your
Today, Ben Nelson, the senator from Nebraska, declared that he is
going to support the Senate's health care bill as the 60th member
of a Democratic coalition that has no Republican support. As reported
The Huffington Post:
— C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: The 9/12 March on Washington D.C.: Crowd Estimates There has been a lot of controversy over the crowd size estimates for the march, ranging from a few thousand to over 2 million! Here is a link to an article that has the best discussion and estimates that I have so far seen. |
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Subject: The 09-12 Tea Party March on Washington D.C.
Best wishes to everyone who made it to Washington D.C. to attend the
rally. I wish I could be there with you. I look forward to seeing
the media coverage and the resulting impact on the political machine.
Regards, -- C. Jeffery Small |
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Subject: The Spirit of Independence Liberty-minded people tend to be extremely independent, in both thought and action. They think for themselves, and act on their own judgments. Therefore, they are often opposed to becoming involved in any group, organization or movement, preferring to walk their own path. I'm familiar with this because it applies to me as well. As a thinker, it is natural for me to believe that all that is relevant to an argument is its truth or validity, and that everyone else should be similarly swayed by the facts alone. Thus, when facing an issue, my first inclination is to put pen to paper and bang out a detailed analysis. But, as a realist, I am aware that there is a great segment of the populace that does not think about ideas at sufficient depth to operate in that manner. Many of these people, while basically good intentioned at the core, will not be swayed by simple rhetoric and analysis, and instead will often end up following the direction of a group rather than blazing their own intellectual trail. Our opponents have long recognized that there is a strong power of persuasion to be found by assembling large groups which speak in a single voice. They have often accomplished this through unions, but over the years they have honed the tactic to such a degree and have become such masters of the technique that we find that we now have a "community organizer" in the White House! The conservatives have begun to wake up to this and we are seeing them fight back fairly effectively with the Tea Party organizations. But what is missing from the Tea Parties is a well coordinated core of ideas. Many individuals have used those organizations as a platform to express extremely well articulated and important messages, but what they lack is that common philosophical core — a single great idea — upon which everything rests and which gains its strength as the number of participants grow. What I am attempting with this site is to provide a means where we can organize as a group, around one important core principle, and become persuasive to another segment of the population that we currently are not effectively reaching. If you are reluctant to sign up because of that strong independent streak that we all share, then please reconsider. It is extremely important that we pool our resources in an effort to stop being dragged over the cliff of socialism which is within our sights now more than any time in the past sixty years. In a world of greater independence there would not be such an urgency to act. But the the erosion of our autonomy and individual rights over the past one hundred years has resulted in us all being bound together with a single noose so that we are all subject to the same outcome. So, please add your voice here and help the message of freedom and individual right be heard clearly by all. |
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Subject: The Purpose of The John Galt Pledge Initiative
The United States of America is at a tipping point, where individual
rights and personal freedom now hang precariously in the balance. As
we move forward, will we be the masters of our own lives, deciding for
ourselves what goals to pursue and how best to allocate our personal
resources in service of those goals? Or will we allow ourselves to
be treated as children, handing more and more of the decision-making
over to the government, demanding that it assume the obligation of
providing for all of our wants and needs? The price for abdicating
responsibility for one's life is the forfeiting of one's freedom.
Those of us committed to the path of personal autonomy must fight for
our freedom if we are to retain what remains, and regain what has been
lost since the founding of this country. My purpose for this site is
to create another effective tool in that battle for liberty.
There are many avenues available for engaging in this struggle.
Writing letters-to-the-editor, op-ed pieces, articles for magazines,
blog entries or forum posts is one. This is a one-to-one type of
activity where the individual writer communicates directly to the
individual reader. Another is the use of organized protests. The
Tea Parties are a good example of this technique, and on September
12th, many citizens will descend upon Washington D.C. to march in
protest against the current administration's policies. This is a
many-to-one activity, where the ultimate effectiveness of the action
is directly proportional to the number of participants. For example,
if 300 people show up in D.C. on the 12th, that might generate a page
six mention in most newspapers. However, if 80,000 people march,
then it becomes headline news which will have a profoundly greater
[OK, I guess I was proven wrong on that count. You can ignore
80,000 people. You can even ignore a million! All the more reason
to make sure that we do get our message out.]
The goal of this initiative is to create a permanent public record of
protest that can later be referenced as a kickoff point for many
different types of campaigns. But where the message of the Tea Party
protests have been diffuse, I want the ideological message of this
site to be strictly focused upon one critical point:
Suggestions I am very interested in receiving feedback and suggestions regarding this project, and I would enjoy hearing any ideas you may have for related activities. Interesting ideas, suitable for a wide audience, will be displayed on this page. Click on the button below to contact me by email. -- C. Jeffery Small |